There is an automated fabric based script to install and configure a search cluster using RSCoordinator and RediSearch, under the fab
folder in this repo. To install and configure a cluster, follow the following steps:
The steps for that are not detailed in this scope. We assume you have a cluster ready with a version that supports modules.
(Assuming you have pip installed, if not install it first):
$ sudo pip install fabric
You must provide an s3 configuration file that has access to the s3://redismodules
bucket, where the module builds are stored.
Copy that file as s3cfg
to fab/res
inside the RSCoordinator project:
$ cp /path/to/.s3cfg /path/to/RSCoordinator/fab/res/s3cfg
$ cd RSCoordinator/fab
# Change the ip of the RLEC cluster master accordingly
$ export RL_MASTER=
$ fab download_modules
You need to provide:
- The desired database name
- The number of shards
$ cd RSCoordinator/fab
# Change the ip of the RLEC cluster master accordingly
$ export RL_MASTER=
# Change the database name and number of shards accordingly
$ fab create_database:my_db,10