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595 lines (298 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

595 lines (298 loc) · 10.5 KB


Control word

The control word is made of 33 bits. It is provided by the control unit during the fetch stage in order to target the behavior of the following 4 stages.

Decode stage

rf_rd1, cw(32): activates the read operation on port 1 of the register file.

rf_rd2, cw(31): activates the read operation on port 2 of the register file.

se_signed_unsigned_bar, cw(30): when it is zero, the immediate on 16 bits is extended as unsigned, otherwise as signed.

se_size_16_26_bar, cw(29): when it is zero, the immediate is IR(25 downto 0), otherwise IR(15 downto 0).

Execution Stage

ex_sel_a, cw(28): when it is 0, the first operand of the execution stage is NPC, otherwise it is the output of the first port of the register file.

ex_sel_b, cw(27): when it is 0, the first operand of the execution stage is the immediate, otherwise it is the output of the second port of the register file.

alu_sub_add_bar, cw(26): when it is 0 the adder performs an addition, otherwise a subtraction.

alu_logic_sel, cw(25 downto 22): define which logic operation to perform.

alu_shift_sel, cw(21 downto 20): define which shift operation to perform.

mul_start, cw(19): activates a mul operation when 1.

div_start, cw(18): activates a div operation when 1.

div_signed_unsigned_bar, cw(17): when it is zero, the division is unsigned, otherwise signed.

div_sel, cw(16): specifies whether we are interested in the quotient or the reminder of the division operation.

mul_sel, cw(15): specifies whether we are interested in the high or low part of the result of the multiplication.

cmp_config, cw(14 downto 12): define which compare operation to perform.

ex_sel_out, cw(11 downto 9): defines which is the output of the execution stage.

branch_eq_neq_bar, cw(8): a branch condition can be either equal zero or not equal zero; the zero detector computes one of the two conditions thanks to this bit.

Memory Stage

mem_rw_wr_bar, cw(7): enables the write operation on the DRAM.

mem_branch_enable, cw(6): performs a branch operation: PC is overwritten in case a certain condition is verified.

mem_perform_jump, cw(5): performs a jump operation: PC is always overwritten.

Writeback Stage

wb_sel, cw(4 downto 3): decide the output of the write-back stage.

rf_sel_dest, cw(2): destination register for the register file.

rf_write31, cw(1): when it is 1, the destination in the register file is automatically r31.

rf_wr, cw(0): enables a write operation on the register file.



Opcode: 0x00

Control Word: 110110000000000000000001010001101

Example: add rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] + RF[z]


Opcode: 0x01

Control Word: 101111000000000000000001010001001

Example: addi rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] + imm_16

The immediate value is sign-extended


Opcode: 0x02

Control Word: 110110010000000000000010010001101

Example: and rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] & RF[z]


Opcode: 0x03

Control Word: 100111010000000000000010010001001

Example: andi rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] & imm_16

The immediate value is not sign-extended


Opcode: 0x04

Control Word: 110110000010000000000010010001101

Example: nor rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = !(RF[y] | RF[z])


Opcode: 0x05

Control Word: 100111000010000000000010010001001

Example: nori rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = not(RF[y] | imm_16)

The immediate value is not sign-extended


Opcode: 0x06

Control Word: 110110001110000000000010010001101

Example: nand rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = !(RF[y] & RF[z])


Opcode: 0x07

Control Word: 100111001110000000000010010001001

Example: nandi rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = not(RF[y] & imm_16)

The immediate value is not sign-extended


Opcode: 0x08

Control Word: 110110010010000000000010010001101

Example: xnor rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = !(RF[y] ^ RF[z])


Opcode: 0x09

Control Word: 100111010010000000000010010001001

Example: xnori rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = not(RF[y] ^ imm_16)

The immediate value is not sign-extended


Opcode: 0x0a

Control Word: 100101000000000000000001111000000

Example: beqz rx, imm_16

Action: PC = (RF[x] == 0) ? (PC + 4 + imm_16) : PC + 4

The immediate value is sign-extended


Opcode: 0x0b

Control Word: 100101000000000000000001011000000

Example: bnez rx, imm_16

Action: PC = (RF[x] != 0) ? (PC + 4 + imm_16) : PC + 4

The immediate value is sign-extended


Opcode: 0x0c

Control Word: 000001000000000000000001010100000

Example: j imm_26

Action: PC = PC + 4 + imm_26

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x0d

Control Word: 000001000000000000000001010100011

Example: jal imm_26

Action: PC = PC + 4 + imm_26; RF[31] = PC + 4

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x0e

Control Word: 100111000000000000000001010010001

Example: lw ry, imm_16(rx)

Action: ry = MEM[rx + imm_16]

The immediate value is not signed extended


Opcode: 0x0f

Control Word: 000100000000000000000000010001000

Example: nop

Action: Nothing


Opcode: 0x10

Control Word: 110110011100000000000010010001101

Example: or rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] | RF[z]


Opcode: 0x11

Control Word: 100111011100000000000010010001001

Example: ori rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] | imm_16

The immediate value is not signed extended


Opcode: 0x12

Control Word: 110110100000000000011000010001101

Example: sge rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry >= rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x13

Control Word: 101111100000000000011000010001001

Example: sgei rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry >= imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x14

Control Word: 110110100000000000000000010001101

Example: sle rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry <= rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x15

Control Word: 101111100000000000000000010001001

Example: slei rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry <= imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x16

Control Word: 110110100000000000101000010001101

Example: sne rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry != rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x17

Control Word: 101111100000000000101000010001001

Example: snei rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry != imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x18

Control Word: 110110100000000000100000010001101

Example: seq rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry == rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x19

Control Word: 101111100000000000100000010001001

Example: seqi rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry == imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x1a

Control Word: 110110100000000000001000010001101

Example: slt rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry < rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x1b

Control Word: 101111100000000000001000010001001

Example: slti rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry < imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x1c

Control Word: 110110100000000000010000010001101

Example: sgt rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry > rz) ? 1 : 0


Opcode: 0x1d

Control Word: 101111100000000000010000010001001

Example: sgti rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry > imm_16) ? 1 : 0

The immediate value is signed extended


Opcode: 0x1e

Control Word: 110110000000000000000011010001101

Example: sll rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry << rz[4:0])


Opcode: 0x1f

Control Word: 100111000000000000000011010001001

Example: slli rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry << imm_16[4:0])

The immediate value is not sign extended


Opcode: 0x20

Control Word: 110110000000100000000011010001101

Example: srl rx, ry, rz

Action: rx = (ry >> rz[4:0])


Opcode: 0x21

Control Word: 100111000000100000000011010001001

Example: srli rx, ry, imm_16

Action: rx = (ry >> imm_16[4:0])

The immediate value is not sign extended


Opcode: 0x22

Control Word: 110110100000000000000001010001101

Example: sub rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] - RF[z]


Opcode: 0x23

Control Word: 101111100000000000000001010001001

Example: subi rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] - imm_16

The immediate value is sign-extended


Opcode: 0x24

Control Word: 110111000000000000000001000000000

Example: sw imm_16(rx), ry

Action: MEM[rx + imm_16] = ry

The immediate value is not signed extended


Opcode: 0x25

Control Word: 110110001100000000000010010001101

Example: xor rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] ^ RF[z]


Opcode: 0x26

Control Word: 100111001100000000000010010001001

Example: xori rx, ry, imm_16

Action: RF[x] = RF[y] ^ imm_16

The immediate value is not sign-extended


Opcode: 0x27

Control Word: 110110000000010001000100010001101

Example: smulh rx, ry, rz

Action: R_64 = RF[y] * RF[z]; RF[x] = R_64[63:32]

The multiplication is signed


Opcode: 0x28

Control Word: 110110000000010000000100010001101

Example: smull rx, ry, rz

Action: R_64 = RF[y] * RF[z]; RF[x] = R_64[31:0]

The multiplication is signed


Opcode: 0x29

Control Word: 110110000000001010000101010001101

Example: uquot rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[z] = RF[y] // RF[z]

The division is unsigned


Opcode: 0x2a

Control Word: 110110000000001000000101010001101

Example: urem rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[z] = RF[y] % RF[z]

The division is unsigned


Opcode: 0x2b

Control Word: 110110000000001110000101010001101

Example: squot rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[z] = RF[y] // RF[z]

The division is signed


Opcode: 0x2c

Control Word: 110110000000001100000101010001101

Example: srem rx, ry, rz

Action: RF[z] = RF[y] % RF[z]

The division is signed


Opcode: 0x2d

Control Word: 100111000000000000000001010100000

Example: ret rx

Action: PC = RF[x]


Data Dependencies

As a RAW hazard happens, there must be two instructions between the one which writes and the one which reads. In case this does not already happen in the code, some nop instructions are necessary.


For instructions which modify the program counter, the number of required nop is three, since the evaluation of the new program counter happens during the memory stage.

Structural Dependencies

Two multi-cycle instructions must be separated by other two instructions. nop are required if this is not the case in the program.