Semi-automatic, single threaded application to support data mining operations on the "Driving Dataset" from hcilab
The passion for human machine interfaces, for the mechatronic sector and for the data analysis, together with the desire of learning about python, bring me to discover hcilab and their public datasets ( In particular, the "Driving Dataset" was very appealing to me. It is part of the results achieved by a research meant to assess the drivers workload. The research focuses on recording drivers physiological data, while at the wheel and by the mean of non-obtrusive approaches.
Because of its nature, the data set needs of intermediate data mining operations in order to prepare the ground for a statistical data analysis. The hcilabDrivingDtb_DataMiningTool aims to support the dataset users during events and event-related features extraction by the means of a lightweight interactive tool. The result of its usage is an auxiliary database to be considered as ground level for event-related statistical analyses. As side objective, the tool wants to provide the user with a lightweight SW module that lends itself well to small adjustments, to add-on expansions and to integration into larger engineering tools frameworks.
The workflow can be described as follows:
Data file selection and reading --> Event extraction via path selection (Interactive GUI) --> Raw signals plotting --> Raw signals basic statistical feature extraction --> Event classification via tags assignment --> New database populating with extracted features and operations metadata
The tool has been developed with Python 3.7.6
Used packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- os
- sys
- matplotlib
- easygui
- datetime
- csv
- Ad hoc built packages
The tool can be considered as a demo for the following cases:
- From csv to pandas dataframe
- User selection through easygui modules
- Interactive figures event handling (hover and picking)
- Scatter, area, line plots
- Datetime series reading and formatting
- Basic statistic analysis
- Feature extractions
- Class and attributes initialization
- Database populating
Before to run:
- Download the repository content and unzip it
- Download the data set from and unzip it
- Copy ..\hcilab_driving_dataset\dataset_web folder into ..\Data folder of hcilabDrivingDtb_DataMiningTool
How to successfully run the tool:
- Make sure that ..\Code folder is your working directory
- Run script
- Select the data campaign participant via choicebox
- Select the subzone of which you want to visualize the map
- Select the path/events on an interactive plot with a points picking approach
- Visualize raw data plots
- Classify with tags the selected path/event via mltchoicebox
- Check the results into ../Results/EventDtb.csv