This is the rolling changelog for TShock for Terraria. Use past tense when adding new entries; sign your name off when you add or change something. This should primarily be things like user changes, not necessarily codebase changes unless it's really relevant or large.
This version features a drop-in tile replacement system by @Wolfje that reduces RAM requirements by up to 70% on all worlds and CPU requirements up to 10% in the running process.
- Large worlds: from 700MB-1GB -> ~325MB
- Medium worlds: from 500MB -> ~200MB
- Small worlds: from 400MB -> ~125MB
Other notable changes include:
- API: Drop-in tile storage replacement system (@Wolfje)
- API: Fixed some possible packet leaks in sendq (@Wolfje)
- API: APIVersion 1.22
- API: Added crash protection around malicious and/or invalid packets (@Wolfje)
- API: Fixed worlds not loading sometimes (@tysonstrange)
- API: Fixed living leaf walls not working as housing
- Fixed an issue preventing some players from joining when the world is saving (@Wolfje)
- Fixed an issue adding a ban on a player who has previously been banned (@Wolfje)
- Fixed /invade martian (@Wolfje)
- Fixed target dummies not working properly (@WhiteXZ)
- Added a config option (DisableSecondUpdateLogs) to prevent log spam from OnSecondUpdate() (@WhiteXZ)
- Added RESTful API login rate limiting (@George)
- Added config options (MaximumRequestsPerInterval, RequestBucketDecreaseIntervalMinutes, LimitOnlyFailedLoginRequests) for rate limiting (@George)
- DEPRECATION: Deprecated Disable(string, bool) and added Disable(string, DisableFlags). Please update your plugins accordingly (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed Halloween and Christmas events not working properly (@TomyLobo)
- Fixed the demon heart's extra accessory slot not working correctly in SSC (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed gender-changing potions not working correctly in SSC (@hastinbe)
- Fixed IP bans not working correctly (@hastinbe)
- Fixed /reload not using the correct permission (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed TSPlayer.ActiveChest not being tracked correctly resulting in item dupes while disabled (@WhiteXZ)
- /reload now reloads tile and projectile bans
- API: Update to Terraria (@Patrikkk)
- API: Added a crash reporter which collects memory dumps on Windows (@Wolfje)
- API: New commandline param:
- Writes crash reports to the specified directory (@Wolfje) - API: Sendq now doesn't disconnect people when it cant send a packet (@Wolfje)
- API: Fixed more crashes on disconnect in sendq (@Wolfje)
- API: Now ignores unknown server packets (@Wolfje)
- API: Potentially removed arithmetic overflows in server (@Wolfje)
TShock now has a crash reporter built in which writes crash logs to the crashes
in the event of a catastrophic failure. To change where TShock writes its crash logs,
specify the -crashdir
parameter on the command line.
- In the event of a crash, look for a file called
in thecrashes
directory - Upload the file somewhere, beware the crash file may be quite large (>100MB), anywhere like google drive, dropbox or mega will be fine
- Post a link to the crash with reproduction steps in the TShock support forum
Alternatively, if you do not want to report the crash, just delete the file.
- Auth system kicks players if system is disabled. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed /login permitting multiple logins without a logout in between. (@nicatronTg)
- Allow[Hallow/Corruption/Crimson]Creep in config now work. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Treasure bags are now named properly. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Clients no longer close on disconnect. (@Wolfje)
- API: Add server broadcast hook. (@Patrikk)
- API: Fixed pressure plate hook triggering multiple times. (@Patrikk)
- API: Fixed issues with SendQ writes failing. (@Wolfje)
- API: Version tick to 1.21
- API: NPCs shoot the right way (@WhiteXZ)
- API: The server config file works correctly with priority and port (@Patrikkk)
- API: Removed support for favorites and removed JSON dependencies. (@Enerdy)
- API: Removed support for clouds. (@Enerdy)
- API: Fixed a whole lot of bugs with wiring, and in general re-wrote some core bits that were bugged. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Fixed projectile AI bugs. (@AndrioCelos)
- API: Fixed world saving problems. (WhiteXZ)
- API: Fixed server not accepting more connections once max slots was filled. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Removed startup parameters and moved them to TShock. (@Cleant)
- API: Item.SetDefaults() no longer kills some tools. (@Enerdy)
- API: Restored chat bubbles. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Updated to (@Enerdy & @Patrikkk)
- API: Lots and I mean lots of network improvements in the SendQ department. (@tylerjwatson)
- API: Added NpcLootDrop and DropBossBag hooks. (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcTriggerPressurePlate (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: ProjectileTriggerPressurePlate (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: ItemSetDefaultsString (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: ItemSetDefaultsInt (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: ItemNetDefaults (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: GameStatueSpawn (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcNetDefaults (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcNetSetDefaultsString (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcNetSetDefaultsInt (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcSpawn (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcTransformation (@Patrikkk)
- API: Fixed hook: NpcStrike (@Patrikkk)
- API: Updated AssemblyInfo to (@nicatronTg)
- API: Moved to .NET Framework 4.5. (@tylerjwatson)
- API: Dedicated server input thread doesn't run if input is redirected/piped. (@tylerjwatson)
- API: Wiring.cs methods are now public. (@Stealownz)
- API: Added PlayerTriggerPressurePlate hook. (@Patrikkk)
- API: API Version Tick to 1.20.
- The config option disabling the DCU has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed bubble tile triggering noclip checks. (@Enerdy)
- Updated projectile handling in GetDataHandlers. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed issue #992. (@WhiteXZ)
- Teleport handler now handles wormholes. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed tall gates and trap doors (issue #998). (@WhiteXZ)
- Added monoliths to orientable tiles (issue #999). (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed vortex stealth armor (issue #964). (@WhiteXZ)
- Added moon lord to spawn boss. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed serverpassword syntax error error message. (@JordyMoos)
- Fixed issue #1019. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fix: Region protection prevents placement of objects. (@Patrikkk)
- Moved all startup parameters to TShock. (@Cleant)
- Fix: Target dummies are no longer butchered. (@Denway)
- Added projectile 465 to the ignore list, which fixes some other issues. (@Enerdy)
- Fix: Logging out is now safe with SSC (/logout) (issue #1037). (@WhiteXZ)
- API/TShock: Removed -world parameter from TShock, put it back in the API. (@tylerjwatson)
- Fix HandleSpawnBoss, and as a result the spawnboss command and boss spawning items. (@Ijwu)
- Rewrite SendQ for more network stack improvements (@tylerjwatson)
- Update to Terraria (@Patrikkk)
- Fix invasion progress messages (@WhiteXZ)
- Completely rewrite SendQ to have less deadlocks (@tylerjwatson)
- Fix dihydrogen monoxide (@tylerjwatson)
- Whitelist another boss projectile (@Patrikkk, @WhiteXZ)
- Fixed the issue where using the Super Absorbent Sponge would disable users (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed an issue in NetGetData where e.Length - 1 would be -1 (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed /who -i and /userinfo (@Enerdy)
- API: OnRegionEntered hook now returns the region entered (@Patrikkk)
- Support for Terraria (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed dressers being unbreakable. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed wall placement mechanics (@nicatronTg, @Ijwu, @WhiteXZ)
- Fixed Moon Lord projectiles disabling players (@k0rd, @nicatronTg)
- Fixed several potential crashes in server (@Patrikkk)
- Fixed -autocreate command line argument (@WhiteXZ, @nicatronTg)
- Added more world data to world load menu (@WhiteXZ)
- Moved server password to TShock config (@Enerdy)
- Fixed world delete in server (@benjiro)
- Fixed disappearing NPCs (@WhiteXZ)
- Added much more performant code, SendQ, to server module. Reduces downstream network overhead by at least 40% (@tylerjwatson)
- API: Updated TSPlayer.Disable to use new buffs (@Enerdy)
- Updated default max damage & projectile damage to 1,175 (based on 625 people)
- Fixed support for SSC (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed a bug where /user group failing would output no error. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed a bug where /user group would fail. @(Enerdy)
- Added the ability to disable backup autosave messages. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed /buff malfunctioning when entering an invalid buff name. (@Enerdy)
- Fixed projectiles 435-438 (martian invasion) freezing everyone under certain conditions. (@Enerdy)
- DisableTombstones now works properly with the new golden gravestones. (@Enerdy)
- REST module now properly catches exceptions during Start(). (@Patrikkk)
- Added /expert command to toggle expert mode. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed pirate invasions. (@patrik)
- Fixed worldinfo packet. (@WhiteXZ)
- Fixed server passwords. (@Enerdy)
- API: Modifed NetItem so that it's actually useful. (@MarioE)
- Updated prebuilts (SQLite, JSON, MySQL) to latest versions. (@nicatronTg)
- Added a minimum password length to prevent blank passwords. (@nicatronTg)
- Modified item ban checks to provide which item is disabling a player in the logs. (@Enerdy)
- API: Modified TSPlayer to store a user, and deprecated calls to TSPlayer.User.ID. (@WhiteXZ)
- Modified chat color specs in config file to be int arrays rather than floats. (@nicatronTg)
- Modified verbiage for
to make it clearer how they operate. (@nicatronTg) - API: Added fuzzy name searching for users. (@WhiteXZ)
- API: Fixed
not being fired when a player disconnects. (@nicatronTg) - API: Deprecated
methods in Utils. (@nicatronTg) - Added BCrypt password hashing and related systems for it. BCrypt replaces the old system using non-password hashing algorithms for storing passwords. It breaks implementations of the login code that were manually recreated, but is otherwise seamless in transition. (@nicatronTg)
- API: Added
User.VerifyPassword(string password)
which verifies if the user's password matches their stored hash. It automatically upgrades a users' password to BCrypt if called and the password stored is not a BCrypt hash. (@nicatronTg) - API: Deprecated
and related password hashing functions as those are no longer needed for plugin access. (@nicatronTg) - Fixed
config option so that it correctly sends the config server name any time that Main.WorldName is used. (@Olink) - Fixed a bug where people could ban themselves. (@nicatronTg)
- Fixed a bug where banning a player who never logged in caused problems. (@nicatronTg)
- Terraria support.