- SilkeySDK
- ~messageToSign(data) ⇒
- ~generateSSORequestParams(privateKey, params) ⇒
- ~fetchSilkeyEthAddress(providerUri, registryAddress) ⇒
- ~tokenPayloadVerifier(token, callbackParams, websiteOwnerAddress, silkeyEthAddress, tokenExpirationTime) ⇒
- ~messageToSign(data) ⇒
Generates message to sign based on plain object data (keys and values)
Kind: inner method of SilkeySDK
Param | Type |
data | Object |
messageToSign({ssoRedirectUrl: 'http://silkey.io', ssoRefId: 1});
// returns 'ssoRedirectUrl=http://silkey.io::ssoRefId=1'
Generates all needed parameters (including signature) for requesting Silkey SSO
Kind: inner method of SilkeySDK
- on missing required data
Param | Type | Description |
privateKey | string |
this should be private key of domain owner |
params | SSOParamsI | KeyValueI |
Object with data: {ssoRedirectUrl*, .ssoRedirectMethod, ssoCancelUrl*, ssoRefId, ssoScope, ssoTimestamp} marked with * are required by Silkey SSO |
// returns {ssoSignature, ssoTimestamp, ssoRedirectUrl, ssoRefId, ssoScope, ssoRedirectMethod}
await generateSSORequestParams(domainOwnerPrivateKey, {ssoRedirectUrl: 'http://silkey.io', ssoRefId: 1});
Fetches public ethereum Silkey address directly from blockchain
Kind: inner method of SilkeySDK
Returns: Promise.<string>
- public ethereum address of Silkey signer
Param | Type | Description |
providerUri | string |
ie: 'https://infura.io/v3/:infuraId' register to infura.io to get id |
registryAddress | string |
address of silkey smart contract registry, see list of addresses in README#registryAddress |
SilkeySDK~tokenPayloadVerifier(token, callbackParams, websiteOwnerAddress, silkeyEthAddress, tokenExpirationTime) ⇒ JwtPayload
| null
Verifies JWT token payload
Kind: inner method of SilkeySDK
Returns: JwtPayload
| null
- null when signatures are invalid, otherwise token payload
- when token is invalid or data are corrupted
See: https://jwt.io/ for details about token payload data
Param | Type | Default | Description |
token | string |
secret JWT token returned by Silkey, this token CAN NOT BE SHARED as it is like user password they are all returned back to you when user being authenticated | |
callbackParams | |||
websiteOwnerAddress | |||
silkeyEthAddress | string |
public ethereum address of Silkey | |
tokenExpirationTime | number |
30 |
max age of token in seconds, same token can be used to sign in many times, however from security perspective we should not allow for that case, because when somebody else steal token, he can access user account. That's why we should set expiration time. By deefault it iss set to 30 sec. When you pass 0 token will be always accepted. |
// returns {JwtPayload}
- JwtPayload
- ~JwtPayload :
- .messageToSignByUser() ⇒
- .messageToSignBySilkey() ⇒
- .messageToSignByUser() ⇒
- ~JwtPayload :
Kind: inner typedef of JwtPayload
Name | Type | Description |
string |
verified email of the user, IMPORTANT: if email in user profile is different, you should always update it with this one. | |
address | string |
ID of the user, this is also valid ethereum address, use this to identify user |
userSignature | string |
proof that request came from the user |
userSignatureTimestamp | number |
time when signature was crated |
silkeySignature | string |
proof that Silkey verified the email |
silkeySignatureTimestamp | number |
time when signature was crated |
scope | string |
migration | boolean |
if user started migration to Silkey, this will be true |
- ~JwtPayload :
- .messageToSignByUser() ⇒
- .messageToSignBySilkey() ⇒
- .messageToSignByUser() ⇒
Creates message that's need to be sign by user
Kind: instance method of JwtPayload
Creates message that's need to be sign by Silkey
Kind: instance method of JwtPayload