- fix environment handling with relatedData functions
- show blank div if no related display
- add timeout to widgetThumbnail
- make namespace explicit for dplyr calls
- fix typo in qtrellis
- for htmlwidget panels, allow option to scale with "zoom" css instead of trying to resize
- add ability to make thumbnails for htmlwidgets
- remove rCharts and ggvis functionality in favor of clean support for htmlwidgets
- small tweaks to serialization, etc. for shiny 0.12 compatibility
- viewer: remove qunit testing in anticipation of moving to something like rdom
- viewer: fill in blank panels with empty image
- viewer: add "display info" panel
- viewer: add
to "about" modal - viewer: add intro to "about" modal
- viewer: remove unused / not yet complete UI elements
- viewer: add UI visual cues for modals
- fix so specific quantiles are used instead of all data for univariate quantile plots when number of points is too large
- viewer: reduce panel label font size as number of rows increases
- viewer: add subtle hotkey underline hints to sidebar nav
- viewer: use dplyr for faster cognostics table sort operations (becomes useful when number of panels is in hundreds of thousands)
- add
argument tomakeDisplay()
to provide a more in-depth description of the display - add some webshot / phantomjs scripts for screenshots
- add
attribute to cogInfo which will cause the log of the variable to be taken when used in univariate and bivariate filters - update to be compatible with datadr
changes - remove notebook functions (to be replaced by rmarkdown embedding functions)
- add RHIPE tests
- update formatting
- update handling of global variables
- add experimental
function for quick generation of trelliscope displays - fix problem with loading RHIPE on viewer server
- fix problem with filter due to js error
- fix bug in adding default state in
- add initial support for htmlwidgets as panel functions!
- improve documentation of the
argument ofmakeDisplay()
- improve error handling in
does not return an object coerceable to a 1-row data frame - improve various aspects of the documentation of
- add validation for name and group arguments in
- add ability to include spaces in name and group arguments in
- add overall package documentation. See
- remove strict dependency on scagnostics package
- add better error handling / messaging dealing with viewing, adding, and removing displays
- add CDN override for rCharts js libraries to allow rCharts to show up properly on shinyapps.io
- add manual specification of key signature so similar divisions can be treated as related displays in the viewer
- fix bug when a cognostic isn't wrapped with
- fix bug with functions environments when running on Hadoop
- fix trelliscope viewer to use
in its own environment - fix
to correctly launch trelliscope views on Windows - fix
to properly retrieve VDB name from previous connection - fix
to deal with "Date" class axis limits for lattice - fix
to output the proper type of displayObject - fix bugs in viewer dealing with panel labels and panel dimensions
- fix
so that temporary vdb folder is removed when no longer needed - fix 'checkDisplayPath()` so that backup vdb files are copied properly on Windows
- fix bug that caused viewer functions to show up in global environment
- add state specification - specify default state through
, viewing state when callingview()
, or through specifying a URL hash in viewer - add
function for creating cognostic links to other displays
- fix cog sort/filter table column visibility dependence on active cogs
- fix hiding related display layout when other control panels are clicked
- fix column highlighting in cog table sort/filter when loading from state
- fix footer histograms when bin start/end values are not integers
- fix view() not working with name specified only (no state)
- fix issue with zero values in filter being ignore when restoring state
- fix issue with cognostics having too many levels for select drop-downs
- fix a few bugs in
- fix bug in label, sort, filter state not resetting on display change
- fix bug in marginal distribution checking for viewer cog table
- add experimental support for rCharts panels
- add experimental support for deploying to shinyapps.io
- load packages and related data objects for related displays
- fix opening new display when current state is showing related displays
- fix path in webSync for changing app permissions on server
- add experimental support for rendering vega specs as panels (currently through ggvis, in the future through more general means)
- don't allow selectpickers in cog table when there are too many levels (slows things way down)
- when in related display mode, update dimensions when adding panel labels
- when in related display mode, disable panel layout with a note
- when there is no selectpicker, only send regex back to R
- use datadr's new
method for panel and cognostic functions - remove custom
function to deal with passing parameters to trelliscope viewer - will handle this through R options in the future - enable
to sync to the same machine without need for ssh by settingip
to NULL (default) when callingwebConn()
- remove MongoDB cognostics connection code for now - it was not up to date and it is uncertain whether it will be able to do everything required of it
- remove elnino data to reduce package size - will put that in separate package
- if using in-memory ddo, but it is very large, convert it to local disk connection in makeDisplay to help memory management when viewing
- add conditional / marginal (renamed to "filtered" / "all") in visual filters so that current filter state can be reflected in the visual filter plot (previously was just "all")
- add "group" argument to cognostics to help organization in the case of many cognostics
- add "href" cognostic type (wraps string in href tag, useful for panel labels)
- add custom viewer support for dev mode, settable through TRELLISCOPE_DEV_APP_PREFIX environment variable
- add logging to R console, settable with TRELLISCOPE_LOGGING environment variable
- add accessible web browser javascript log to viewer, available in info modal
- add active cogs panel - if there are many cognostics, you can downselect to the ones you want to be active
- add keyboard shortcuts for opening control panels
- for performance reasons, now categorical cognostics with too many unique values will not have a selectpicker in the cognostics table
- experimental support for "related displays" - view multiple displays made against the same division simultaneously and control the layout
- added travis.ci support
- added infrastructure to do javascript unit tests
- addition of some simple R and javascript unit tests
- fix bug with quantile computation with NAs
- fix width of open display modal
- fix arrow key shortcuts to only operate when appropriate
- fix thumbnail generation to yield small files to speed up viewer startup
- fix robustness issues with page input in viewer