- numpy
- pandas
- beautifulSoup4 (bs4)
- yahoo finance (yahoofinance)
- selenium
- python-dotenv
- flask
- flask-wtf
- flask-sqlalchemy
- flask-migrate
- flask-login
- flask-email
- email_validator
- pyjwt
- pandas-datareader
- yfinance
- bokeh
also install chromedriver.exe from here
Every user has a dictionary called preferences. When a user generates a dashboard, the dashboard references back to the preferences associated with it's parent user in order to appropriately generate the dashboard
class Company
companyName: str - The name of the company.
companyName: str - what was inputted by the user
displayName: str - full name of company scraped off YF
YFURL: str - full URL to the YF page
ticker: str - the ticker symbol
Return ticker symbol from company name.
string - the company ticker symbol
def getHistoricalPricesDf(self, startDate, endDate[, locale=''])
Return historical stock data of the company between two given dates.
DataFrame - Historical stock data between two dates (inclusive).
Columns: ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Adj Close', 'Volume']
ticker: str
The stock ticker of the company.
Usually obtained from getTickerSymbol(companyName)
startDate: str
The start date (inclusive) of the historical prices.
endDate: str
The end date (inclusive) of the historical prices.
*locale=: str
Set the locale (related to date formatting, etc.
'us' - United States domain (default)
'au' - Australian domain
'ca' - Canadian domain
def getStockPrice(self[, afterHours=False]) *******************AFTER HOURS CURRENTLY NOT WORKING***************************
Return stock price of the company at close
float - the stock price
*afterHours: boolean
Signify if you want closing (Default) or after hours (True)
def getStockPriceChange(self, afterHours=False) *******************AFTER HOURS CURRENTLY NOT WORKING***************************
Return stock price of the company
str - the stock price change
*afterHours: boolean
Signify if you want closing (Default) or after hours (True)
def getSector(self)
Return sector of the company
str - the sector of the company
class User
firstName: str - First name of the user.
lastName: str - Last name of the user.
-----Instance Attributes-----
creationDate: str - date the user was created (YYYY-MM-DD)
dashboards: list - list of all the dashboard objects generated by the user
Other methods outside of classes
def companyDialog(varName)
opens a tkinter window that prompts the user for a company name
varName: str - the string representation of the name of the variable you want the function to store the user input in. (Example: 'companyName')