The floating_tabbar package for Flutter allows you to use the responsive design for all platforms made from the Material Design System, floating_tabbar solves and eases the problem of complex navigation user interfaces by providing a responsive solution.
Getting started In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
floating_tabbar: <latest_version>
Import the package in your library and use floating_tabbar it in your Flutter App.
import 'package:floating_tabbar/floating_tabbar.dart';
- This is Floating TabBar widget.
- To use this there must be minimum two items.
- You get TabBar floating and a PageView with it.
- And with [isFloating = false] you'll get normal TabBar PageView
- Support for all device sizes.
floating_tabbar solves and eases the problem of complex navigation user interfaces by providing a responsive solution.
TopTabBar allows you to create the TabBar with built in space for nesting contingency, just provide the data to children parameter as list of TabItem and you're done.
Floater, a widget when wrapped with other gives a floating visual effect to your widget.
Nautics is the SideBar navigation widget that allows you to create sidebar with items of your choice which you provide using help of TabItem model class, use Nautics as drawer in its collapsed and expanded form, make settings UI using it, or navigation for your app, just list of TabItems and you are done.
OpsShell, a widget that helps design responsive screens, for Small screens, child of OpsShell will look normal, like nothing has wrapped it, but this widget will show responsive similar look as small screen of your app while being creative on large screens.
Airoll is a customised PopupMenuButton that accepts its children as the list on TabItem.
NotificationBadge is the custom badge which wraps around your widget to create numeric as well as DOT notifier.
Vitrify, a widget when wrapped around other, it converts the look of the widget to glass card look.
Niftile is a multipurpose tile that accepts the data in the form of TabItem to create a tile.
and much more.
Also check landing_page, a package built on top of floating_tabbar for creating landing screens and welcome interface for your flutter project.