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+ Day 6
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+//Day 6 Tasks
+//Task 1
+//a. Write a constructor for the class Movie, which takes a String representing the title of the movie, a String representing the studio, and a String representing the rating as its arguments, and sets the respective class properties to these values.
+class Movie1{
+ constructor (title,studio,rate){
+ this.tname=title;
+ this.sname=studio;
+ this.rating=rate;
+ }
+const obj1=new Movie1("Don","Lyca","8");
+//b) The constructor for the class Movie will set the class property rating to "PG" as default when no rating is provided.
+class Movie{
+ constructor (title,studio,rate="PG"){
+ this.tname=title;
+ this.sname=studio
+ this.rating=rate;
+ }
+const obj=new Movie("Don","Lyca");
+//c. Write a method getPG, which takes an array of base type Movie as its argument,
+//and returns a new array of only those movies in the input array with a rating of "PG".
+// You may assume the input array is full of Movie instances. The returned array need not be full.
+class Movie4 {
+ constructor(title,studio, rating='PG') {
+ this.title = title;
+ this.studio=studio;
+ this.rating = rating;
+ }
+ static getPG(movies) {
+ // Filter movies with rating "PG"
+ return movies.filter(movie => movie.rating === "PG");
+ }
+ const movies = [
+ new Movie4("Leo","7 screen", "8"),
+ new Movie4("don","lyca"),
+ new Movie4("maaveeran", "shanthi talkies"),
+ new Movie4("Hi nanna","vyra entertainments", "5.6")
+ ];
+ const mov = Movie4.getPG(movies);
+ console.log(mov);
+ console.log("\n\n")
+//d) Write a piece of code that creates an instance of the class Movie with the title “Casino Royale”, the studio “Eon Productions”, and the rating “PG13”
+class Movie3{
+ constructor (title,studio,rate="PG"){
+ this.tname=title;
+ this.sname=studio
+ this.rating=rate;
+ }
+const obj2=new Movie3("Casino Royale","Eon Productions","PG13");
+//Task 2
+//Convert the UML diagram to Typescript class. - use number for double
+console.log("\n\nconvert the UML diagram to Typescript class\n\n ")
+class Circle{
+ constructor(radius,color){
+ this.radius=radius;
+ this.color = color;
+ }
+ get Radius(){
+ return this.radius
+ }
+ set Radius(n){
+ this.radius = n;
+ }
+ get Color(){
+ return this.color;
+ }
+ set Color(c){
+ this.color = c
+ }
+ get toString(){
+ return ("Circle[radius= "+this.radius+ ", color = "+this.color+"]");
+ }
+ get area(){
+ return Math.PI*Math.pow(this.radius,2)
+ }
+ get circumference(){
+ return 2*Math.PI*this.radius
+ }
+let obj3= new Circle(1.0,"red")
+//Task 3
+//Write a “person” class to hold all the details.
+console.log("\n\nHold all details of 'person' class\n\n ")
+class Person{
+ constructor (name,age,gender,maritalsts,contact,email){
+ this.pname=name;
+ this.page=age;
+ this.pgen=gender
+ this.msts=maritalsts;
+ this.cont=contact
+ this.mail=email
+ }
+const obj4=new Person("shobana","21","female","single","9302949302","shobanam@gmail.com");
+//Task 4
+//write a class to calculate the Uber price.
+console.log("\n\ncalculation of uber price\n\n ")
+class Uber{
+ constructor (km,pr=50)
+ {
+ this.km=km;
+ this.pr=pr;
+ }
+ set ub(n)
+ {
+ this.km=n;
+ // return this.km*this.pr;
+ }
+ get ub()
+ {
+ return this.km*this.pr;
+ }
+const uber=new Uber(20);
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