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Characterizing Scaling and Transfer Learning of Neural Networks in SciML

This repository contains PyTorch code for training the Fourier Neural Operator on different PDE systems to characterize its scaling and transfer learning behavior on different downstream tasks. overview


The necessary packages for this code can be installed via

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Generation

We consider three PDE systems: Poisson's, Advection-Diffusion, Helmholtz. For the data generation, we sample source functions and PDE coefficients to create train-val-test data splits. The layout for data generation is:

  • utils/gen_data_[pde].py generates the data for the PDE system [pde] for the three PDEs.
  • is an example run script to generate data. See the comments in the script for different hyperparameters that control the data generation process. The --help option can also be used on the python scripts for more information. The paths to data and PDE coefficient ranges need to be set here.
  • The data is stored in hdf5 format with fields value storing the source function (0 index) and the target (PDE) solution (1 index) and tensor storing the PDE coefficient values. For example, in the Poisson's PDE:
with h5py.File(os.path.join(path_to_data, "<poissons_train_dataset_name>.h5"), "r") as f:
    x_train = f['fields'][:]
    x_tensor = f['tensor'][:]

stores x_train of shape (n_train, 2, 128, 128) for source and solution functions on grid size 128x128 and x_tensor of shape (n_train, 3) for storing three diffusion coefficient values corresponding to the diffusion tensor diagonal and off-diagonal values.

  • Once the data is generated, the scales for input normalization can be generated using utils/get_scale.ipynb. The data paths and scales paths are passed to the configuration files for training.

Training and Inference

  • Configuration files (in YAML format) are in configs/ for different PDE systems. For example, config for Poisson's is in configs/operator_poisson.yaml. The main configs for the three systems are poisson-scale-k1_5, ad-scale_adr0p2_1 and helm-scale-o1_10. The data paths and scales paths need to be set here. For example, the config at configs/operator_poisson.yaml has the data setup and minimal hyperparameters as follows:
poisson-scale-k1_5: &poisson_scale_k1_5  # sampled eigenvalues are in (1,5) for diffusion
     <<: *poisson
     ... # can change other default configs from poisson if needed #
     train_path:  # path to train data
     val_path:    # path to validation data
     test_path:   # path to test data
     scales_path: # path to train data scales for input normalization 
     batch_size:       # batch size for training 
     valid_batch_size: # batch size for validation
     log_to_wandb:     # switch on for logging to weights&biases
     mode_cut:         # number of fourier modes to use
     embed_cut:        # embedding dimension of FNO
     fc_cut:           # multiplier for last fc layer
  • Data, trainer, and other miscellaneous utilities are in utils/. We use standard PyTorch dataloaders and models wrapped with DDP for distributed data-parallel training with checkpointing.
  • The FNO model is the standard model and is in models/. The hyperparameters used are in the config files for the respective PDE systems.
  • Environment variables for DDP (local rank, master port etc) are set in to be sourced before running any distributed training. See the PyTorch DDP tutorial for more details on using DDP. There are other ways to implement this, but our run script is specifically for slurm systems.
  • Example running scripts are in (4 GPU DDP train script). is the training script (utils/ is the trainer class and can be used for inference (utils/ is the inference class). See the run scripts for details.

HPO tuning and scaling with W&B

We use Weights & Biases (see their docs for details) for logging and tuning of all experiments. The log_to_wandb flag in the configuration files can be set to True for this once you have a W&B login and project setup. For model scaling and data scaling, we use their HPO sweep feature. An example sweep config that sweeps over different downstream dataset sizes and learning rates is in config/sweep_config.yaml. We use the subsample hyperparameter to sub-sample our downstream dataset for the dataset scaling. For example, subsample=2 implies only half of the data is used for training, etc.