We will have a starting point for our localization
Open debug menu and press "Dump localization" button
Dump will be saved to Documents\Primitier\Localizations\Dumps\<locale code>.json
Example: C:\Users\User\Documents\Primitier\Localizations\Dumps\en.json
This will be you template for translating the game
The localization file is in json format. You can use your favourite editor (i use Notepad++)
You have the localization name that will be displayed in selector:
"Name": "English"
Change it to your language name:
"Name": "<non english language name>"
Then there is a dictionary section:
"Dictionary": {
"MESSAGE_LOADING_AVATAR": "Loading your avatar",
"MESSAGE_AVATAR_LOAD_FAILED": "Failed to load your avatar",
Translate every field from English (or Japanese) to your language
Save your file and rename it to <your language code>.json
Upload your file to somewhere, but i recomend creating a github repository for your localization
Tell me about your localization so that i can put it on mod's readme page
- In case of non github send me link somehow
- In case of github repo you can make a pull request on README.md and add your localization there