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Line Segment Tracking Sample Generation
In a directory of your choice:
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
cmsrel CMSSW_12_6_3
cd CMSSW_12_6_3/src
The samples are created from runTheMatrix.py
workflows. One can use the following command to print a collection of workflows:
runTheMatrix.py -w upgrade -n -e
The -w
flag results in only the "upgrade" relevant workflows to be shown, the -n
flags only shows the workflows, instead of also running them, while the -e
flag shows details of each workflow.
The commands of the relevant workflow can be found with:
runTheMatrix.py -w upgrade -n -e -l 21034.0
The [1]
and [2]
steps need to be run, adjusting the number of events (-n
flag) accordingly.
Rename the output of step[1]
mv TTbar_14TeV_TuneCP5_cfi_GEN_SIM.root step2_SIM.root
In the step2 configuration, the files used for the PU should be noted (see process.mix.input.fileNames
option), as they will be used in step3 (tracking NTuple production). These files can be accessed remotely, e.g.:
but they have also been downloaded locally for convenience on phi3 in:
and can be used by including like this:
rename the output of step [2]
mv step2_DIGI_L1TrackTrigger_L1_DIGI2RAW_HLT_PU.root step2.root
The commands of the workflow that produces a muon gun of 10 particles (5 particles + 5 antiparticles) with a flat energy distribution from 0 to 200 GeV can be found with:
runTheMatrix.py -w upgrade -n -e -l 21011.0
The samples that we use have a flat pT distribution. As a result, one should run step [1] with the number of events adjusted and the extra --no_exec
flag added, so that the configuration is only created and not run. Then, the EDFilter Pythia8EGun
needs to be changed to Pythia8PtGun
, together with MaxE
to MaxPt
and same for the min parameter. The range of pT needs to also change accordingly, along with, possibly, some of the naming in the configuration file.
For the muon gun samples, only the pT ranges are left to change.
- For the
sample (low pT), the pT range is set to0.5
GeV. - For the
sample (high pT), the pT range is set to0.5
For the cube samples, the pT range is set to 0.5
and 50
GeV. Moreover, the line
needs to be replaced by
Additionally, the following lines need to be added:
process.VtxSmeared.MaxZ = 5
process.VtxSmeared.MinZ =-5
process.VtxSmeared.MaxX = 5
process.VtxSmeared.MinX =-5
process.VtxSmeared.MaxY = 5
process.VtxSmeared.MinY =-5
process.VtxSmeared.MaxT = 0.001
process.VtxSmeared.MinT = 0.001
Use the lines exactly as above for the cube
(5cm) sample and replace 5
with 50
for the cube50cm
For pion sample, the only change with respect to the muonGun_highE
configuration is that the line
ParticleID = cms.vint32(-13, -13, -13, -13, -13),
needs to be changed to something like
ParticleID = cms.vint32(-211, -211, -211),
i.e. produce 3 charged pions + 3 charged antipions.
Finally, after all of the previous adjustments have been made, step [1]
can be run with cmsRun
, followed by step [2]
from the workflow.
cmsDriver.py step3 \
--conditions auto:phase2_realistic_T21 \
--geometry Extended2026D88 \
--era Phase2C17I13M9 \
-n -1 \
--filein file:step2.root \
--fileout file:step3.root \
--lazy_download \
--nThreads 1 \
--customise Validation/RecoTrack/customiseTrackingNtuple.customiseTrackingNtuple \
--customise Validation/RecoTrack/customiseTrackingNtuple.extendedContent \
--customise_command="process.trackingNtuple.clusterMasks = []" \
-s RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,RECOSIM,PAT,VALIDATION:@phase2Validation+@miniAODValidation,DQM:@phase2+@miniAODDQM \
cmsRun step3_RAW2DIGI_L1Reco_RECO_RECOSIM_PAT_VALIDATION_DQM.py > trackingNTuple.log 2>&1
The --conditions
, --geometry
, --era
and -n
flags should agree with the previous steps run and --filein
flag should point to the file created on the previous step (step2). The customization with extendedContent
is also not strictly needed but is useful because it includes the simhit momentum, which used to be used in some (now commented out) functions within TrackLooper repo.
As mentioned also in the previous section, the PU files used for the creation of the ttbar sample must be included during the production of the tracking NTuple. This is achieved by adding the following options to the above command:
--pileup AVE_200_BX_25ns \
--pileup_input ${PUFILES} \
where ${PUFILES}
are the files mentioned in the step2 config.
If you run with the local PU files, you need to manually modify process.mix.input.fileName
to include all the pile up file used in step2. But if you use files from das, you may have to deal with poor connections to fnal file system....
In this case, the resulting configuration file will be named step3_RAW2DIGI_L1Reco_RECO_RECOSIM_PAT_VALIDATION_DQM_PU.py
and the following line needs to be added to it, before the customizations:
process.simHitTPAssocProducer.simHitSrc += ["g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof", "g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof"]
The resulting trackingNtuple.root
file is the one to be used as the input for the LST Geometry and TrackLooper repos.
Creating the tracking NTuple can be very resource demanding, especially in the case where there is PU. Listed below are some estimations for the disk space, memory and time needed for the producing the tracking NTuple with 4 threads for 500 events of the PU200 ttbar sample with different configurations:
Nominal configuration (instructions above):
- Disk space: ~71GB
- Memory: ~17GB
- Time: ~4h
Configuration without the
customization:- Disk space: ~14GB
- Memory: ~14GB
- Time: ~4h
Configuration without the
customization and dropping thesimhits
:- Disk space: ~5GB
- Memory: ~11GB
- Time: ~4h
The last configuration does not currently work with our code. However, modifications will be explored so that we no longer do the simhit-to-recohit matching in our code but we instead pass it down from the tracking NTuple.
step [4]
in the workflow creates DQM output root files, which can be used to generate mtv plots.
run the tracking only for ttbar+pileup.
runTheMatrix.py -w upgrade -n -e -l 21034.1
Following all the steps through [1]
to [4]
. Need to rename the output of step [3]
mv step3_RAW2DIGI_RECO_VALIDATION_DQM_PU_inDQM.root step4_RECO.root
Then do the plotting with
makeTrackValidationPlots.py --extended DQM_V0001_R000000001__Global__CMSSW_X_Y_Z__RECO.root
Line Segment linking