In this lab, you will create a Kafka Producer using the Java API. The next lab will be the creation of the Kafka Consumer so that you can see an end to end example using the API.
- Create topics on the Kafka server for the producer to send messages
- Understand what the producer Java code is doing
- Build & package the producer
- Run the producer
Like the previous lab, Docker will be used to start Kafka. For those that don't have Maven and Java installed, we will also show how you can build and run the application using Docker.
We will use a Maven Docker image to compile & package the Java code and an OpenJDK image to run it.
You should have a text editor available with Java syntax highlighting for clarity. You will need a basic understanding of Java programming to follow the lab although coding will not be required. The Kafka Producer example will be explained and then you will compile and execute it against the Kafka server.
If Kafka is not running, please refer to the
All the directory references in this lab is relative to where you expended the lab files
and labs/02-Publish-And-Subscribe
Open a terminal in this lesson's root directory.
in your text editor. This class is fairly simple Java application but contains all the functionality necessary to operate as a Kafka Producer. The application has two main responsibilities:- Initialize and configure a KafkaProducer
- Send messages to topics with the
To create our producer object, we must create an instance of
which requires a set of properties for initialization. While it is possible to add the properties directly in Java code, a more likely scenario is that the configuration would be externalized in a properties file.Open
and you can see that the configuration is minimal.acks
is the number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. A setting ofall
is the strongest guarantee available.- Setting
to a value greater than 0 will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error. bootstrap.servers
is our required list of host/port pairs to connect to Kafka. In this case, we only have one server. The Docker Compose file exposes the Kafka port so that it can be accessed throughlocalhost
is the serializer class for key that implements theSerializer
is the serializer class for value that implements theSerializer
is only used if we detect that the code is running inside a Docker container.
There are many configuration options available for Kafka producers that should be explored for a production environment.
Once you have a
instance, you can post messages to a topic using theProducerRecord
. AProducerRecord
is a key/value pair that consists of a topic name to which the record is being sent, an optional partition number, an optional key, and required value.In our lab, we are going to send a bunch of messages in a loop. Each iteration of the loop will consist of sending a message to the
topic with a key/value pair. Every so often, we also send a randomized message to theglobal-events
topic. The message sent toglobal-events
does not have a key specified which normally means that Kafka will assign a partition in a round-robin fashion but our topic only contains 1 partition.After the loop is complete, it is important to call
to end the producer lifecycle. This method blocks the process until all the messages are sent to the server. This is called in thefinally
block to guarantee that it is called. It is also possible to use a Kafka producer in a try-with-resources statement. -
Now we are ready to compile the lab. In a terminal, change to the lab's
directory and run the following command:
If you are on a Mac (or in linux), this should work:
docker run -it --rm -v "$(cd "$PWD/../.."; pwd)":/course-root -w "/course-root/$(basename $(cd "$PWD/.."; pwd))/$(basename "$PWD")" -v "$HOME/.m2/repository":/root/.m2/repository maven:3-jdk-11 ./mvnw clean package
On a Windows machine, the $PWD
and pwd
commands may not work (unless you run in a Unix-compliant shell). PWD means print current directory
The trick we use above is to map the directory two steps down from the current (which is where the labs are installed on your machine).
So say you had our labs installed in a directory called /tmp/MyKafkaLabs
, you are now in the directory /tmp/MyKafkaLabs/kafka-lab/labs/02-Publish-And-Subscribe
The script "$(cd "$PWD/../.."; pwd)"
simply outputs the path two steps down from here, which would be
The next thing to look out for on a Windows machine is the use of $HOME
This simply means your home directory. You can always replace $HOME
with your home directory.
With the producer now built, run it with the following command:
docker run --network docker_kafka_network --rm -it -v "$PWD:/pwd" -w /pwd openjdk:11 java -jar target/pubsub-producer-*.jar SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. ...
Don't stop the Kafka and Zookeeper servers because they will be used in the next lab focusing on the Consumer API.
We have now successfully sent a series of messages to Kafka using the Producer API. In the next lab, we will write a consumer program to process the messages from Kafka.
Congratulations, this lab is complete!