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Releases: SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/scion-workbench

11.0.0-beta.5 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:54
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11.0.0-beta.5 (2021-02-10)


  • support for merging parameters in self navigation (a984ace), closes #259

1.0.0-beta.4 (@scion/workbench-client)

07 Sep 09:37
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1.0.0-beta.4 (2021-02-10)


  • support for merging parameters in self navigation (a984ace), closes #259

11.0.0-beta.4 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:54
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11.0.0-beta.4 (2021-02-03)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/message-box: display message box with properties as set in message box component (496249e), closes #253
  • workbench/notification: display notification with properties as set in notification component (4159a09), closes #253
  • workbench/view: allow setting a microfrontend's view title via matrix param (c86b680)
  • workbench/view: fill content of views loaded from lazy modules vertically and horizontally (24f6038)


1.0.0-beta.3 (@scion/workbench-client)

07 Sep 09:36
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1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-02-03)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench-client/message-box: provide the messagebox capability under the type messagebox instead of message-box (ad15ba1)
  • workbench-client/routing: allow view navigation without specifying navigation extras (4ade8a9)


11.0.0-beta.3 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:53
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11.0.0-beta.3 (2021-01-25)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench: start microfrontend platform outside the Angular zone (296f6b0)

Code Refactoring

  • workbench-client/message-box: consolidate message box API to be consistent with the popup API (4a386c3)
  • workbench-client/notification: consolidate notification API to be consistent with the message box and popup API (162a70d)


  • workbench-client/message-box: allow messages to be displayed from microfrontends (30aef07)
  • workbench-client/notification: allow notifications to be displayed from microfrontends (4757ac3)
  • workbench-client/popup: allow providing a microfrontend for display in a workbench popup (bc23e65)
  • workbench/popup: allow to open a popup from a screen coordinate and bind it to the lifecycle of a view (864d75c)
  • workbench/startup: export workbench startup lifecycle hooks (321e72b)


  • workbench-client/notification: The refactoring of the notification introduced a breaking change as properties were renamed:

    • To display a notification, pass a NotificationConfig instead of a Notification object. The Notification object is now used exclusively as the handle for injection into the notification component. It has the following new methods: setTitle, setSeverity, setDuration, setCssClass.
    • If passing data to the notification component, set it via componentInput config property instead of the input property.
  • workbench-client/message-box: The refactoring of the message box introduced a breaking change as properties were renamed:

    • To display a message box, pass a MessageBoxConfig instead of a MessageBox object. The MessageBox object is now used exclusively as the handle for injection into the message box component. It has the following new methods: setTitle, setSeverity, setActions, setCssClass.
    • If passing data to the message box component, set it via componentInput config property instead of the input property.
  • workbench/popup: consolidated the config for opening a popup in preparation for the microfrontend popup integration

    To migrate:

    • Rename the position property to align. This property is used for aligning the popup relative to its anchor.
    • Remove the closing strategy onLayoutChange as binding a popup to a Workbench view is now supported. This strategy existed only as a workaround to close popups when switching between views.
    • Pass the preferred popup overlay size as PopupSize object literal instead of separate top-level config properties, as follows:
      • PopupConfig.width -> PopupConfig.size.width
      • PopupConfig.height-> PopupConfig.size.height
      • PopupConfig.minWidth -> PopupConfig.size.minWidth
      • PopupConfig.maxWidth -> PopupConfig.size.maxWidth
      • PopupConfig.minHeight -> PopupConfig.size.minHeight
      • PopupConfig.maxHeight-> PopupConfig.size.maxHeight

1.0.0-beta.2 (@scion/workbench-client)

07 Sep 09:36
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1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-01-25)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench: start microfrontend platform outside the Angular zone (296f6b0)

Code Refactoring

  • workbench-client/message-box: consolidate message box API to be consistent with the popup API (4a386c3)
  • workbench-client/notification: consolidate notification API to be consistent with the message box and popup API (162a70d)


  • workbench-client/message-box: allow messages to be displayed from microfrontends (30aef07)
  • workbench-client/notification: allow notifications to be displayed from microfrontends (4757ac3)
  • workbench-client/popup: allow providing a microfrontend for display in a workbench popup (bc23e65)
  • workbench/popup: allow to open a popup from a screen coordinate and bind it to the lifecycle of a view (864d75c)


  • workbench-client/notification: The refactoring of the notification introduced a breaking change as properties were renamed:

    • To display a notification, pass a NotificationConfig instead of a Notification object. The Notification object is now used exclusively as the handle for injection into the notification component. It has the following new methods: setTitle, setSeverity, setDuration, setCssClass.
    • If passing data to the notification component, set it via componentInput config property instead of the input property.
  • workbench-client/message-box: The refactoring of the message box introduced a breaking change as properties were renamed:

    • To display a message box, pass a MessageBoxConfig instead of a MessageBox object. The MessageBox object is now used exclusively as the handle for injection into the message box component. It has the following new methods: setTitle, setSeverity, setActions, setCssClass.
    • If passing data to the message box component, set it via componentInput config property instead of the input property.
  • workbench/popup: consolidated the config for opening a popup in preparation for the microfrontend popup integration

    To migrate:

    • Rename the position property to align. This property is used for aligning the popup relative to its anchor.
    • Remove the closing strategy onLayoutChange as binding a popup to a Workbench view is now supported. This strategy existed only as a workaround to close popups when switching between views.
    • Pass the preferred popup overlay size as PopupSize object literal instead of separate top-level config properties, as follows:
      • PopupConfig.width -> PopupConfig.size.width
      • PopupConfig.height-> PopupConfig.size.height
      • PopupConfig.minWidth -> PopupConfig.size.minWidth
      • PopupConfig.maxWidth -> PopupConfig.size.maxWidth
      • PopupConfig.minHeight -> PopupConfig.size.minHeight
      • PopupConfig.maxHeight-> PopupConfig.size.maxHeight

11.0.0-beta.2 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:53
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11.0.0-beta.2 (2020-12-22)


  • workbench-client: provide core workbench API to microfrontends (55fabc3)


  • workbench-client: Workbench Microfrontend support introduced the following breaking changes:

    • The workbench component is no longer positioned absolutely but in the normal document flow. To migrate, add the workbench component to your CSS layout and make sure it fills the remaining space vertically and horizontally.
    • Renamed the workbench config from WorkbenchConfig to WorkbenchModuleConfig.
    • Removed the e2e-testing related CSS classes e2e-active and e2e-dirty; to migrate, replace them with active and dirty.
    • Renamed flag to set popup closing strategy from onGridLayoutChange to onLayoutChange

1.0.0-beta.1 (@scion/workbench-client)

07 Sep 09:34
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1.0.0-beta.1 (2020-12-22)


  • workbench-client: add project skeleton for @scion/workbench-client (59895f4)
  • workbench-client: provide core workbench API to microfrontends (55fabc3)


  • workbench-client: Workbench Microfrontend support introduced the following breaking changes:

    • The workbench component is no longer positioned absolutely but in the normal document flow. To migrate, add the workbench component to your CSS layout and make sure it fills the remaining space vertically and horizontally.
    • Renamed the workbench config from WorkbenchConfig to WorkbenchModuleConfig.
    • Removed the e2e-testing related CSS classes e2e-active and e2e-dirty; to migrate, replace them with active and dirty.
    • Renamed flag to set popup closing strategy from onGridLayoutChange to onLayoutChange

11.0.0-beta.1 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:53
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11.0.0-beta.1 (2020-11-17)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench: remove flickering when dropping views (46a9c4d)
  • workbench: wait to navigate until other navigations complete (5448260)


  • application-platform: delete SCION Workbench Application Platform (3468a43), closes #232
  • dimension: delete @scion/dimension module (7c73203)
  • viewport: delete @scion/viewport module (809b028)
  • workbench: update @scion/workbench to Angular 11 (5d45ce3), closes #234

Code Refactoring

  • workbench: refactor the workbench layout as prerequisite for complex layouts with fixed parts (84b764c)


  • workbench: Added support for Angular 11.

    To migrate:
    Migrate your app to Angular 11 as following:

    • Run ng update @angular/cli @angular/core @angular/cdk.
    • Refer to the Angular Update Guide for detailed instructions on how to update Angular:
  • dimension: The dimension was moved from @scion/dimension to @scion/toolkit NPM module.

    SCION Toolkit is a collection of UI components and utilities. The toolkit is published as single NPM library with a separate entry point per tool, allowing for tree shaking away not used tools.
    Refer to for more information about dimension directive.
    Refer to for more information about replacement of DimensionService.

    To migrate:

    • Uninstall NPM module @scion/dimension
    • Install NPM module @scion/toolkit
    • Replace ES2015 imports @scion/dimension with @scion/toolkit/dimension
    • Replace usage of DimensionService with fromDimension$ Observable for observing the dimension of a DOM element.
  • viewport: The viewport was moved from @scion/viewport to @scion/toolkit NPM module.

    SCION Toolkit is a collection of UI components and utilities. The toolkit is published as single NPM library with a separate entry point per tool, allowing for tree shaking away not used tools.
    Refer to for more information.

    To migrate:

    • Uninstall NPM module @scion/viewport
    • Install NPM module @scion/toolkit
    • Replace ES2015 imports @scion/viewport with @scion/toolkit/viewport
  • application-platform: The development of the SCION Application Platform was discontinued in favor of the new SCION Microfrontend Platform. SCION Microfrontend Platform is extremely lightweight and does not depend on SCION Workbench and Angular. Microfrontend support for the SCION Workbench will be back soon. We are working on the integration of the new SCION Microfrontend Platform into the workbench to enable a seamless integration of microfrontends as workbench views.

    We have deleted the SCION application platform from our Git repository and deprecated respective NPM modules. This project is discontinued and will no longer be maintained. Its documentation is still online. The following NPM modules are deprecated: @scion/workbench-application-platform, @scion/workbench-application-platform.api, @scion/workbench-application.core, @scion/workbench-application. angular, @scion/mouse-dispatcher, @scion/dimension (moved to @scion/toolkit), @scion/viewport (moved to @scion/toolkit).

    If you still need updates for new Angular versions, please let us know and submit a GitHub issue. Alternatively, micro applications can use the TypeScript module @scion/workbench-application.core instead of @scion/workbench-application.angular. We plan to release the new microfrontend support for the SCION Workbench by the end of 2020 so that you can migrate to Angular 11. Detailed migration instructions for upgrading to the new workbench microfrontend support will follow after its release.

    Refer to for more information about SCION Microfrontend Platform.

  • workbench: The refactoring of the workbench layout introduced a breaking change as properties were renamed, dependencies added or removed, and the internal DOM structure changed.

    To migrate:

    • Update the usage of following properties:
      • Property selfViewRef of WbNavigationExtras was renamed to selfViewId
      • Property blankViewPartRef of WbNavigationExtras was renamed to blankPartId
      • Property viewRef of WorkbenchView was renamed to viewId
      • Property viewPart of WorkbenchView was renamed to part
      • Property viewPartRef of WorkbenchViewPart was renamed to partId
      • Property activeViewRef$ of WorkbenchViewPart was renamed to activeViewId$
      • Property activeViewRef of WorkbenchViewPart was renamed to activeViewId
      • Property viewRefs$ of WorkbenchViewPart was renamed to viewIds$
      • Property viewRefs of WorkbenchViewPart was renamed to viewIds
      • Property viewRef of WorkbenchViewPartAction was renamed to viewId
    • Add the dependency @scion/[email protected] as required by the workbench
    • Remove the dependencies @scion/dimension and @scion/viewport as tools are now used from @scion/toolkit.
      Refer to for more information about its installation and usage.
    • If you rely on the workbench-internal DOM structure to style your app, change CSS selectors as following:
      • Attribute viewpartref of <wb-view-part> was changed to data-partid
      • Attribute viewref of <wb-view> was changed to data-viewid
      • Attribute viewref of <wb-view-tab> was changed to data-viewid
      • DOM element <wb-view-part-grid> was renamed to <wb-parts-layout>
      • DOM element <wb-view-part-sash-box> was renamed to <wb-tree-node>
      • Added <sci-sashbox> as child to <wb-tree-node> element
    • The serialized representation of the layout in the URL changed. For that reason, we renamed the query parameter viewgrid to parts so that the app does not error when loading it from a bookmark into the browser.

0.0.0-beta.35 (@scion/workbench)

07 Sep 08:52
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0.0.0-beta.35 (2020-07-17)


  • update workbench to Angular 10 (726e5b3), closes #224