From 657c8d1a67fb85016b6681bb161f7e840fcb7359 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sav22999 Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:47:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Added option to disable "Shantell sans" --- css/style.css | 2 +- font/{shantell-sans.ttf => shantellsans.ttf} | Bin js/inject/sticky-notes.js | 4 +++- js/languages/en-UK/strings.js | 2 ++ js/script.js | 5 ++++- js/settings.js | 8 ++++++++ manifest.json | 2 +- settings/index.html | 15 +++++++++++++++ 8 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) rename font/{shantell-sans.ttf => shantellsans.ttf} (100%) diff --git a/css/style.css b/css/style.css index a9f9667..c286229 100755 --- a/css/style.css +++ b/css/style.css @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ @font-face { font-family: 'Shantell Sans'; - src: url('../font/shantell-sans.ttf'); + src: url('../font/shantellsans.ttf'); } @font-face { diff --git a/font/shantell-sans.ttf b/font/shantellsans.ttf similarity index 100% rename from font/shantell-sans.ttf rename to font/shantellsans.ttf diff --git a/js/inject/sticky-notes.js b/js/inject/sticky-notes.js index 38a5e4a..779ba57 100644 --- a/js/inject/sticky-notes.js +++ b/js/inject/sticky-notes.js @@ -358,6 +358,8 @@ function getCSS(notes, x = "10px", y = "10px", w = "200px", h = "300px", opacity let svg_image_minimize = `base64,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`; let svg_background_image = `base64,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`; + if (settings_json["font-family"] === undefined || (settings_json["font-family"] !== "Shantell Sans" && settings_json["font-family"] !== "Open Sans")) settings_json["font-family"] = "Shantell Sans"; + return ` @import url(',wght@0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800&family=Source+Code+Pro:ital,wght@0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap&family=Shantell+Sans:ital,wght@0,300..800;1,300..800&display=swap'); @@ -574,7 +576,7 @@ function getCSS(notes, x = "10px", y = "10px", w = "200px", h = "300px", opacity } #text--sticky-notes-notefox-addon, #text--sticky-notes-notefox-addon * { - font-family: 'Shantell Sans', sans-serif; + font-family: '${settings_json["font-family"]}', sans-serif; } #close--sticky-notes-notefox-addon, #minimize--sticky-notes-notefox-addon { diff --git a/js/languages/en-UK/strings.js b/js/languages/en-UK/strings.js index dbb313f..2d49678 100755 --- a/js/languages/en-UK/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/en-UK/strings.js @@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ strings[lang] = { "open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed": "When enabled you'll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won't be able to open links at all.", "check-with-all-supported-protocols": "Check notes existence with all supported protocols", "check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed": "When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.", + "font-family": "Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text", + "font-family-detailed": "Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it's a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font", "search-textbox": "Search…", "sort-by-button": "Sort by…", "sort-by-az-button": "Name: A-Z", //from website "a" to "z" diff --git a/js/script.js b/js/script.js index be6b63a..2e094d7 100755 --- a/js/script.js +++ b/js/script.js @@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ function setLanguageUI() { function loadUI() { //opened_by = {-1: default, 0: domain, 1: page} setLanguageUI(); + let notes = document.getElementById("notes"); + = `'${settings_json["font-family"]}'`; browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function (tabs) { let activeTab = tabs[0]; let activeTabId =; @@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ function loadUI() { hideTabSubDomains(); } - let notes = document.getElementById("notes"); + notes.oninput = function () { saveNotes(); } @@ -516,6 +518,7 @@ function loadSettings() { if (settings_json["check-green-icon-subdomain"] === undefined) settings_json["check-green-icon-subdomain"] = "yes"; if (settings_json["open-links-only-with-ctrl"] === undefined) settings_json["open-links-only-with-ctrl"] = "yes"; if (settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"] === undefined) settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"] = "no"; + if (settings_json["font-family"] === undefined || (settings_json["font-family"] !== "Shantell Sans" && settings_json["font-family"] !== "Open Sans")) settings_json["font-family"] = "Shantell Sans"; if (settings_json["advanced-managing"] === "yes") advanced_managing = true; else advanced_managing = false; diff --git a/js/settings.js b/js/settings.js index 90799c2..122f8b3 100755 --- a/js/settings.js +++ b/js/settings.js @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ function loaded() { settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"] = document.getElementById("check-with-all-supported-protocols-select").value; }; + document.getElementById("font-family-select").onchange = function () { + settings_json["font-family"] = document.getElementById("font-family-select").value; + }; + loadSettings(); let titleAllNotes = document.getElementById("title-settings-dedication-section"); @@ -150,6 +154,8 @@ function setLanguageUI() { document.getElementById("open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed-text").innerHTML = all_strings["open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed"]; document.getElementById("check-with-all-supported-protocols-text").innerHTML = all_strings["check-with-all-supported-protocols"]; document.getElementById("check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed-text").innerHTML = all_strings["check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed"]; + document.getElementById("font-family-text").innerHTML = all_strings["font-family"]; + document.getElementById("font-family-detailed-text").innerHTML = all_strings["font-family-detailed"]; document.getElementById("theme-text").innerText = all_strings["theme-text"]; document.getElementById("theme-select-light").innerText = all_strings["theme-choose-light-select"]; @@ -215,6 +221,7 @@ function loadSettings() { if (settings_json["check-green-icon-subdomain"] === undefined) settings_json["check-green-icon-subdomain"] = "yes"; if (settings_json["open-links-only-with-ctrl"] === undefined) settings_json["open-links-only-with-ctrl"] = "yes"; if (settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"] === undefined) settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"] = "no"; + if (settings_json["font-family"] === undefined || (settings_json["font-family"] !== "Shantell Sans" && settings_json["font-family"] !== "Open Sans")) settings_json["font-family"] = "Shantell Sans"; let sync_or_local_settings = result["storage"]; if (sync_or_local_settings === undefined) sync_or_local_settings = "local"; @@ -233,6 +240,7 @@ function loadSettings() { document.getElementById("check-green-icon-subdomain-select").value = settings_json["check-green-icon-subdomain"]; document.getElementById("open-links-only-with-ctrl-select").value = settings_json["open-links-only-with-ctrl"]; document.getElementById("check-with-all-supported-protocols-select").value = settings_json["check-with-all-supported-protocols"]; + document.getElementById("font-family-select").value = settings_json["font-family"]; if (sync_or_local_settings === "sync") document.getElementById("save-on-local-instead-of-sync-select").value = "no"; else if (sync_or_local_settings === "local") document.getElementById("save-on-local-instead-of-sync-select").value = "yes"; diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json index 90607d9..6bd080b 100755 --- a/manifest.json +++ b/manifest.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Notefox: Websites notes", "author": "Saverio Morelli (Sav22999)", - "version": "3.11.1", + "version": "3.11.2", "description": "Take notes on every website in a smart and simple way!", "icons": { "16": "./img/icon.svg", diff --git a/settings/index.html b/settings/index.html index ee5987a..244f860 100755 --- a/settings/index.html +++ b/settings/index.html @@ -323,6 +323,21 @@


+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
From dce2566ad11f4c00536277f4c9e1ff1e85c2786a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sav22999 Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:48:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] updated languages --- .DS_Store | Bin 10244 -> 10244 bytes js/.DS_Store | Bin 8196 -> 8196 bytes js/languages/af-ZA/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/ar-SA/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/ca-ES/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/cs-CZ/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/da-DK/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/de-DE/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/el-GR/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/es-ES/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/fi-FI/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/fr-FR/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/he-IL/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/hu-HU/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/it-IT/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/ja-JP/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/ko-KR/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/nl-NL/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/no-NO/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/pl-PL/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/pt-BR/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/pt-PT/strings.js | 10 ++++++---- js/languages/ro-RO/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/ru-RU/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/sr-SP/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/sv-SE/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/tr-TR/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/uk-UA/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/vi-VN/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/zh-CN/strings.js | 2 ++ js/languages/zh-TW/strings.js | 2 ++ 31 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store index fd429add52fc27656351c47ae07b875d3e2942f9..8cf62bdaf7f3bf918fbced21c72ac5c53da278c3 100644 GIT binary patch delta 24 dcmZn(XbITBB|iDJpxfpE@m>5N#^eC;EdY6V3AF$K delta 24 dcmZn(XbITBB|dqDl-uS2@m>5N#^eC;EdX>d2|)k= diff --git a/js/.DS_Store b/js/.DS_Store index bee85a592f3b575f36d6341afad279202528d6ef..053aed9ca40ff62b08e1f4dc4eacc2716a063a8d 100644 GIT binary patch delta 32 mcmZp1XmQw3EhubYsH0$LX;!PFP;F@rWSg2BZSE5+;{yPfTnNel delta 32 mcmZp1XmQw3Ehubaprc@9XjrSGP;F@hWSbfpZ|)N;;{yPeV+gkZ diff --git a/js/languages/af-ZA/strings.js b/js/languages/af-ZA/strings.js index 9b27b1c..bd318fe 100644 --- a/js/languages/af-ZA/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/af-ZA/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/ar-SA/strings.js b/js/languages/ar-SA/strings.js index 771bd3b..56f7a2e 100644 --- a/js/languages/ar-SA/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ar-SA/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'عند التمكين ستتمكن من فتح الروابط ولكن فقط أثناء الضغط على زر Ctrl/Comme/Control . إذا تم التعطيل، لن تتمكن من فتح الروابط على الإطلاق.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'البحث…', 'sort-by-button': 'فرز حسب…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'الاسم: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/ca-ES/strings.js b/js/languages/ca-ES/strings.js index 74db5aa..fa86e86 100644 --- a/js/languages/ca-ES/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ca-ES/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/cs-CZ/strings.js b/js/languages/cs-CZ/strings.js index 591f744..6aab8d2 100644 --- a/js/languages/cs-CZ/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/cs-CZ/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Hledat…', 'sort-by-button': 'Seřadit podle…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Jméno: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/da-DK/strings.js b/js/languages/da-DK/strings.js index 0dcfdaa..ea62430 100644 --- a/js/languages/da-DK/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/da-DK/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Når aktiveret vil du kunne åbne links, men kun mens du trykker på og holder Ctrl/Kommand/Control tastaturknappen. Hvis deaktiveret, vil du slet ikke kunne åbne links.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Søg…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sorter efter…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Navn: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/de-DE/strings.js b/js/languages/de-DE/strings.js index 021f1c6..2c6e09a 100644 --- a/js/languages/de-DE/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/de-DE/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Wenn aktiviert, können Sie Links aber nur nur öffnen, während Sie Strg/Befehl/Kontrolle Tastatur drücken. Wenn deaktiviert, können Sie keine Links öffnen.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Suche…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sortieren nach…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/el-GR/strings.js b/js/languages/el-GR/strings.js index afa5da0..8f54adb 100644 --- a/js/languages/el-GR/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/el-GR/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Όταν ενεργοποιηθεί, θα μπορείτε να ανοίξετε συνδέσμους αλλά μόνο ενώ πατάτε και κρατάτε πατημένο το πλήκτρο Ctrl/Command/Control . Αν απενεργοποιηθεί, δεν θα μπορείτε να ανοίξετε συνδέσμους καθόλου.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Αναζήτηση…', 'sort-by-button': 'Ταξινόμηση κατά…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Όνομα: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/es-ES/strings.js b/js/languages/es-ES/strings.js index fd31fe7..5f1b66b 100644 --- a/js/languages/es-ES/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/es-ES/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Cuando esté habilitado, podrás abrir enlaces pero solo mientras presionas y mantienes un botón de teclado Ctrl/Comando/Control . Si está desactivado, no podrá abrir enlaces en absoluto.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Buscar…', 'sort-by-button': 'Ordenar por…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nombre: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/fi-FI/strings.js b/js/languages/fi-FI/strings.js index 8ccf5c6..f5c4127 100644 --- a/js/languages/fi-FI/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/fi-FI/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Kun käytössä, voit avata linkkejä, mutta vain , kun painat ja pidät pohjassa Ctrl/Command/Control näppäimistöä. Jos poistettu käytöstä, et voi avata linkkejä lainkaan.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Hae…', 'sort-by-button': 'Järjestä…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nimi: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/fr-FR/strings.js b/js/languages/fr-FR/strings.js index b7f3a95..b712a12 100644 --- a/js/languages/fr-FR/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/fr-FR/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Lorsque cette option est activée, vous pourrez ouvrir des liens mais seulement alors que vous appuyez sur le bouton clavier Ctrl/Command/Control . Si cette option est désactivée, vous ne pourrez pas ouvrir de liens du tout.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Rechercher…', 'sort-by-button': 'Trier par…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nom : A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/he-IL/strings.js b/js/languages/he-IL/strings.js index 9b27b1c..bd318fe 100644 --- a/js/languages/he-IL/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/he-IL/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/hu-HU/strings.js b/js/languages/hu-HU/strings.js index 4ea9045..3042fc1 100644 --- a/js/languages/hu-HU/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/hu-HU/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/it-IT/strings.js b/js/languages/it-IT/strings.js index f760455..972f2c8 100644 --- a/js/languages/it-IT/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/it-IT/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Quando abilitato potrai aprire i link ma solo mentre premi e tieni premuto il pulsante Ctrl/Command/Control . Se disabilitato, non sarà possibile aprire i link a tutti.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Cerca…', 'sort-by-button': 'Ordina per…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nome: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/ja-JP/strings.js b/js/languages/ja-JP/strings.js index e11b482..5d3cea2 100644 --- a/js/languages/ja-JP/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ja-JP/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': '検索…', 'sort-by-button': '… でソート', 'sort-by-az-button': '名前: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/ko-KR/strings.js b/js/languages/ko-KR/strings.js index ce9a61d..610ef72 100644 --- a/js/languages/ko-KR/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ko-KR/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/nl-NL/strings.js b/js/languages/nl-NL/strings.js index bce8674..40e89b0 100644 --- a/js/languages/nl-NL/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/nl-NL/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Zoek…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sorteren op…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Naam: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/no-NO/strings.js b/js/languages/no-NO/strings.js index 17375cd..4652430 100644 --- a/js/languages/no-NO/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/no-NO/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Søk…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sorter etter…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Navn: A-Å', diff --git a/js/languages/pl-PL/strings.js b/js/languages/pl-PL/strings.js index 892f9d1..4c83772 100644 --- a/js/languages/pl-PL/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/pl-PL/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Po włączeniu będziesz mógł otwierać linki, ale tylko podczas naciskania i przytrzymywania klawiatury Ctrl/Comming/Control . Jeśli wyłączone, w ogóle nie będziesz mógł otwierać linków.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Szukaj…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sortuj wg…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nazwa: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/pt-BR/strings.js b/js/languages/pt-BR/strings.js index 115281f..c25946e 100644 --- a/js/languages/pt-BR/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/pt-BR/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Quando ativado, você será capaz de abrir links mas apenas enquanto você estiver pressionando e segurando o botão do teclado Ctrl/Command/Control . Se desativado, você não será capaz de abrir links.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Procurar…', 'sort-by-button': 'Ordenar por…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nome: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/pt-PT/strings.js b/js/languages/pt-PT/strings.js index e84deb8..04e03dd 100644 --- a/js/languages/pt-PT/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/pt-PT/strings.js @@ -94,11 +94,13 @@ strings[lang] = { 'check-green-icon-page': 'Ícone adicional verde quando há notas de página salvas', 'check-green-icon-page-detailed': 'Quando ativado, o ícone de adição na barra de ferramentas será verde se você salvou previamente página notas para aquela página.', 'check-green-icon-subdomain': 'Ícone addon verde quando há notas de subdomínio salvas', - 'check-green-icon-subdomain-detailed': 'When enabled the addon icon in the toolbar will be green if you previously saved Subdomain notes for that subdomain.', + 'check-green-icon-subdomain-detailed': 'Quando ativado, o ícone da extensão na barra de ferramentas será verde se você salvou previamente Subdomínio notas para aquele subdomínio.', 'open-links-only-with-ctrl': 'Abrir links nas notas - apenas enquanto pressionar e pressionar o botão Ctrl/Comando/Controle do teclado', 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Quando ativado, você será capaz de abrir links mas apenas enquanto você estiver pressionando e segurando o botão do teclado Ctrl/Command/Control . Se desativado, você não será capaz de abrir links.', - 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', - 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Verificar a existência de notas com todos os protocolos suportados', + 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'Quando ativado, haverá notas verificadas para todos os protocolos suportados. Por exemplo, se você está em uma página com o protocolo https, a extensão irá verificar notas para os protocolos http e https.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Procurar…', 'sort-by-button': 'Ordenar por…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nome: A-Z', @@ -147,5 +149,5 @@ strings[lang] = { 'label-title-redo': 'Refazer', 'label-title-spellcheck': 'Verificação ortográfica', 'label-results-for': 'Resultados para: {{keywords}}', - 'tooltip-info-search': 'You can search multi-keyword. Each keyword (or sentence) have to be separated with the \';\' symbol. The results shown will be the join of all results corresponding to keywords.\nExample: \'hello world;goodbye\'. Results will be all notes with \'hello world\' OR \'goodbye\'.' + 'tooltip-info-search': 'Você pode procurar várias palavras-chave. Cada palavra-chave (ou frase) deve ser separado pelo símbolo \';\'. Os resultados mostrados serão a junção de todos os resultados correspondentes a palavras-chave\nExemplo: \'olá mundo;adeus\'. Resultados serão todas notas com \'olá mundo\' OU \'adeus\'.' }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/js/languages/ro-RO/strings.js b/js/languages/ro-RO/strings.js index f0e26ed..864685d 100644 --- a/js/languages/ro-RO/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ro-RO/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'Când este activat, vei putea deschide link-uri dar doar în timp ce apeşi şi ţineţi apăsat butonul de tastatură Ctrl/Comandă/Control . Dacă este dezactivat, nu veți mai putea deschide link-uri.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Căutare…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sortează după…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Nume: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/ru-RU/strings.js b/js/languages/ru-RU/strings.js index 3bb8a35..896ed42 100644 --- a/js/languages/ru-RU/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/ru-RU/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'При включении вы сможете открывать ссылки, но только во время нажатия и удерживания кнопки Ctrl/Command/Control . Если отключено, вы не сможете открывать ссылки вообще.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Поиск…', 'sort-by-button': 'Сортировать по…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Название: А-Я', diff --git a/js/languages/sr-SP/strings.js b/js/languages/sr-SP/strings.js index 9b27b1c..bd318fe 100644 --- a/js/languages/sr-SP/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/sr-SP/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/sv-SE/strings.js b/js/languages/sv-SE/strings.js index 8d52c4f..20c669c 100644 --- a/js/languages/sv-SE/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/sv-SE/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'När aktiverad kommer du att kunna öppna länkar men bara medan du trycker på och håller i Ctrl/Command/Control tangentbordsknappen. Om inaktiverad kommer du inte att kunna öppna länkar alls.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Sök…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sortera efter…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Namn: A-Ö', diff --git a/js/languages/tr-TR/strings.js b/js/languages/tr-TR/strings.js index 1d057be..a456bed 100644 --- a/js/languages/tr-TR/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/tr-TR/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/uk-UA/strings.js b/js/languages/uk-UA/strings.js index c696050..eb380c3 100644 --- a/js/languages/uk-UA/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/uk-UA/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Пошук…', 'sort-by-button': 'Сортувати за…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Назва: А-Я', diff --git a/js/languages/vi-VN/strings.js b/js/languages/vi-VN/strings.js index 982151e..dc04f16 100644 --- a/js/languages/vi-VN/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/vi-VN/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': 'Search…', 'sort-by-button': 'Sort by…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/zh-CN/strings.js b/js/languages/zh-CN/strings.js index a5c0434..43e02cd 100644 --- a/js/languages/zh-CN/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/zh-CN/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': '搜索…', 'sort-by-button': '按… 排序', 'sort-by-az-button': '姓名:A-Z', diff --git a/js/languages/zh-TW/strings.js b/js/languages/zh-TW/strings.js index 79ff753..8aa59cb 100644 --- a/js/languages/zh-TW/strings.js +++ b/js/languages/zh-TW/strings.js @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ strings[lang] = { 'open-links-only-with-ctrl-detailed': 'When enabled you\'ll be able to open links but only while you are pressing and holding Ctrl/Command/Control keyboard button. If disabled, you won\'t be able to open links at all.', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols': 'Check notes existence with all supported protocols', 'check-with-all-supported-protocols-detailed': 'When enabled there will be checked notes for all supported protocols. For example, if you are on a page with https protocol, the add-on will check notes for http and https protocols.', + 'font-family': 'Font family: choose the font family to use for the notes text', + 'font-family-detailed': 'Shantell Sans is the default font family, and it\'s a handwriting font (marker-style). Open Sans is a sans serif font', 'search-textbox': '搜尋…', 'sort-by-button': '排序方式…', 'sort-by-az-button': 'Name: A-Z',