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Latest commit

4576d0f · Nov 5, 2024


58 lines (51 loc) · 2.99 KB

File metadata and controls

58 lines (51 loc) · 2.99 KB


Author- Saptarshi Jana


Installing GitBash >> open it to configure

git config --global "SaptarshiJana07"
git config --global ""
git config --list

see all files inside local repo $ initiate a git bash

All files: Get-ChildItem -Force, Only Hidden: Get-ChildItem -Force -Hidden
show files: ls {any one of cmd} cmd: -Attributes, -Directory, -File, -Hidden, -ReadOnly,
Initiate git in the local repo: git init
clone the remote repo in local folder: git clone

Workflow of Git in a Local Repo

Create a GitHub repo >> clone it with the local folder {PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git clone} >> make changes >> Add all changes {PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git add .} >> Commit them with message {PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git commit -m "message"} >> Push it to the GitHub {PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git push -u oginin main} >> If you have made some changes at remote repo the sync it with local repo{PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git pull oginin main}
check the remote repo>> {git remote -v}

to know the file status

PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git status == 1. Untracked 2. modified 3. Stagged 4. Unmodified
Output: "On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. othing to commit, working tree clean"
or On branch main---Nothing to commit Changes not staged for commit: modified: (Sol: use 1. "git add" and/or 2. "git commit -a")

(Sol: use "git add ..." to stage (include/update) the changes, what will be committed) (Sol: use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)

(Sol: use "git commit -a <some_message>" to record changes in working directory)

to stage the final change in the local repo (all together)

PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git add . check "git status"-- all stagged files will turn into green

to save the final change in the local repo

PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git commit -m "new file added"

to push is to the Github cloud from local drive: remote repo is named as "origin" here.

PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git push origin main
>> PS G:\Git_local\GitDemo> git push origin branch1 (in case of updating in the branch1 repo not the main)

list your branches. a * will appear next to the currently active branch

git branch
create a new branch at the current commit
git branch [branch-name]
switch to another branch and check it out into your working directory
git checkout
merge the specified branch’s history into the current one
git merge [branch]
show all commits in the current branch’s history
git log
create branch: git branch -b person1
delete branch: git branch -d person1 (after checking out from that branch)
create branch: git branch -b person1