Each example directory has at least a readme and widget
directory. That directory contains the files needed to build an example.
In Tizen Studio go to File » Open Projects from File System... » Directory..., then navigate to the widget
subdirectory of the desired example. Click Finish and the example should be added to your Tizen Studio. Please note, the project on the image below is caled 02-complete
, but it resides in the 02-complete/widgets
Right-click the name of the project (in the example above, the line with "02-complete"
and "tv-samsung-6.0"
) and select Build Signed Package.
If you prefer using Tizen CLI, navigate to widget
subdirectory of and example and call
${SDK}/tools/ide/bin/tizen build-web -- .
${SDK}/tools/ide/bin/tizen package \
-o . \
-t wgt \
-- ..buildResult
where ${SDK}
is the directory your Tizen CLI is installed and ${SEC_PROFILE}
is the name of security profile you want use to sign the package (you can list the profiles in your SDK installation with tizen security-profiles list