The Todo CLI Tool is a cross-platform, statically linked command-line application designed to help professionals manage tasks and reminders efficiently. With recurring task support, the tool is perfect for staying organized on Linux.
Add a task with specific start and end times, and optionally make it recurring:
todo_task add "Team Meeting" "Discuss project updates" "2024-12-31T15:00:00Z" "2024-12-31T16:00:00Z" 1440
View all Tasks and their details
todo_task list
Edit an existing task by providing the task ID and the new details:
todo_task edit <task_id> --title "Updated Title" --details "Updated Details" --start_time "2024-12-31T15:00:00Z" --end_time "2024-12-31T16:00:00Z" --recurring --frequency_minutes 1440
Remove a task by providing the task ID:
todo_task remove <task_id>
Export tasks to different formats:
todo_task export csv <filename>
todo_task export json <filename>
todo_task export pdf <filename>
Move a task to the done folder by providing the task ID and the done folder path:
todo_task done <task_id> <done_folder>
View all available commands and flags:
todo_task --help
git clone
cd todo_task
cargo build --release
After building the project, you can run the tool using:
./target/release/todo_task <command>