diff --git a/xml/register-with-rmt.xml b/xml/register-with-rmt.xml
index 7a61f74..2be5480 100644
--- a/xml/register-with-rmt.xml
+++ b/xml/register-with-rmt.xml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- The &rmt; server is running rmt-server version 2.10 or later.
+ The &rmt; server is running rmt-server version 2.15 or later.
@@ -55,6 +55,13 @@
or CentOS Linux &productnumber;.
+ The package yum-utils is installed on the system you want to register.
+ This package is installed by default in most installations, but not in a
+ Minimal Install.
You have a &productname; subscription activated in the &scc;.
@@ -70,60 +77,10 @@
Registering &rhla; or CentOS Linux with &rmt;
- Save the following script as rmt-client-setup-res:
-#! /bin/sh
-CERTURL=`echo "$REGURL" | awk -F/ '{print "https://" $3 "/rmt.crt"}'`
-$CURL --tlsv1.2 --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 10 --output $TEMPFILE $CERTURL
-echo "Importing repomd.xml.key"
-$CURL --silent --show-error --insecure ${REGURL}/repo/SUSE/Updates/${SLL_name}/${SLL_version}/x86_64/update/repodata/repomd.xml.key --output repomd.xml.key
-$RPM --import repomd.xml.key
-echo "Disabling all repositories"
-$YUM_CONFIG_MGR --disable \* > /dev/null
-if [ -f /usr/share/redhat-release ] | [ -h /usr/share/redhat-release ]; then
- rm -f /usr/share/redhat-release;
-$YUM_CONFIG_MGR --add-repo ${REGURL}/repo/SUSE/Updates/${SLL_name}/${SLL_version}/x86_64/update
-$YUM_CONFIG_MGR --enable *suse.* > /dev/null
-$YUM install sles_es-release-server suseconnect-ng librepo
-$YUM update yum
-$CURL --silent --show-error --insecure $REGURL/tools/rmt-client-setup --output rmt-client-setup
-echo "Running rmt-client-setup $PARAMS"
-sh rmt-client-setup $PARAMS
+&prompt.root;curl http://RMT_SERVER/tools/rmt-client-setup-res --output rmt-client-setup-res