From b9d44504384b3641dbd1d063105cb6eb99713488 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hao-Ting Wang <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 17:01:39 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] EHN neurolibre DONE

 CITATION.cff | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    | 13 +++++++----
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 CITATION.cff

diff --git a/CITATION.cff b/CITATION.cff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31eec55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CITATION.cff
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+cff-version: "1.2.0"
+- family-names: Wang
+  given-names: Hao-Ting
+  orcid: ""
+- family-names: Meisler
+  given-names: Steven L
+  orcid: ""
+- family-names: Sharmarke
+  given-names: Hanad
+- family-names: Clarke
+  given-names: Natasha
+- family-names: Paugam
+  given-names: François
+- family-names: Gensollen
+  given-names: Nicolas
+  orcid: ""
+- family-names: Markiewicz
+  given-names: Christopher J
+  orcid: ""
+- family-names: Thirion
+  given-names: Bertrand
+  orcid: ""
+- family-names: Bellec
+  given-names: Pierre
+  orcid: ""
+doi: 10.5281
+message: To reference this work, please cite our reproducible preprint
+  in NeuroLibre.
+  authors:
+  - family-names: Wang
+    given-names: Hao-Ting
+    orcid: ""
+  - family-names: Meisler
+    given-names: Steven L
+    orcid: ""
+  - family-names: Sharmarke
+    given-names: Hanad
+  - family-names: Clarke
+    given-names: Natasha
+  - family-names: Paugam
+    given-names: François
+  - family-names: Gensollen
+    given-names: Nicolas
+    orcid: ""
+  - family-names: Markiewicz
+    given-names: Christopher J
+    orcid: ""
+  - family-names: Thirion
+    given-names: Bertrand
+    orcid: ""
+  - family-names: Bellec
+    given-names: Pierre
+    orcid: ""
+  date-published: 2023-06-19
+  doi: 10.55458/neurolibre.00012
+  journal: NeuroLibre Reproducible Preprints
+  publisher:
+    name: NeuroLibre
+  title: A reproducible benchmark of resting-state fMRI denoising
+    strategies using fMRIPrep and Nilearn
+  type: preprint
+  url: ""
+title: A reproducible benchmark of resting-state fMRI denoising
+  strategies using fMRIPrep and Nilearn
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index bf9f7e4..1e63437 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 # Benchmark denoising strategies on fMRIPrep output
-[![Jupyter Book Badge](](
 The project is a continuation of [load_confounds](
 The aim is to evaluate the impact of denoising strategy on functional connectivity data, using output processed by fMRIPrep LTS in a reproducible workflow.
-Preprint of this project is now on [biorxiv](
+**Preprint of the manuscript is now on [biorxiv](
+The reporducible Jupyter Book preprint is on [NeuroLibre](**
 ## Quick start
@@ -26,20 +27,22 @@ make book
 - `content/` is the source of the JupyterBook.
-- `data/` is reserved to store data for building the JupyterBook.
+- `data/` is reserved to store data for running analysis.
   To build the book, one will need all the metrics from the study.
   The metrics are here:
+  The data will be automatically downloaded to `content/notebooks/data`.
+  You can by pass this step through accessing the Neurolibre preprint [![DOI](](!
 - Custom code is located in `fmriprep_denoise/`. This project is installable.
-- Preprocessing SLURM scripts are in `script/` 
+- Preprocessing SLURM scripts, and scripts for creating figure for manuscript are in `scripts/`. 
 ## Poster and presentations
 The results will be presented at QBIN science day 2023 as a flash talk, and OHBM 2023 Montreal as a poster :tada:. 
-The preliminary results were be presented at OHBM 2022 as a poster.
+The preliminary results were presented at OHBM 2022 as a poster.