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Sprint 4: Creating Todos

Creating todos will require a form on the client side. In this sprint, you'll create a CreateTodoForm component to handle that form. The new component will join TodoList as one of the children of the TodosContainer component.

Create Todo Form and Events

  1. Create a file called src/components/CreateTodoForm.js, and add the following code:
// src/components/CreateTodoForm.js
import React, {Component} from 'react'

class CreateTodoForm extends Component {
    return (
      <div className='createForm todoForm'>
        <h2>Create Todo Here!</h2>
            placeholder='Write a todo here ...'
            value='write a new todo' />
          <button type='submit'>Create Todo!</button>

export default CreateTodoForm
  1. Add a CreateTodoForm component to the TodosContainer component's render method. (Don't forget to import the CreateTodoForm as well!)
    return (
      <div className='todosContainer'>
        <CreateTodoForm />
          todos={this.state.todos} />
  1. Briefly try out the form on the /todos page. Identify which part of your code set up the text inside the input box. What happens if you submit the form? What happens if you try to change the input?

  2. Instead of the value of the input box staying the same, it will be tied into the component's state, and it will change when users type in the input box. To get started, set up state in the CreateTodoForm component.

// inside src/components/CreateTodoForm.js
class CreateTodoForm extends Component {
    // use Component's constructor
    // set initial state
    this.state = {
      todo: ''
    return (
      <div className='createForm todoForm'>
        <h2>Create Todo Here!</h2>
            placeholder='Write a todo here ...'
            value={this.state.todo} />
          <button type='submit'>Create Todo!</button>
  1. Use the code below to add an onChange event handler to the input text box that will call the yet-to-be-written onInputChange method:
  onChange={event => this.onInputChange(event)}
  placeholder='Write a todo here ...'
  value={this.state.todo} />
  1. Think critically about the code above. What kind of value is the JSX going to add in for the onChange attribute?
click for answerThe value inside {} is an anonymous function that takes in an event and calls another function with that event as the argument.

  1. For the event handler to keep state updated, there must be a this.onInputChange function. Add the onInputChange function to the CreateTodoForm class.
class CreateTodoForm extends Component {

    this.state = {
      todo: ''

    console.log('create todo input changed')

  // ...
  1. Modify the onInputChange function so that instead of logging a message to the console, it changes the state. The todo in the state should have value

Hint: for an example of setting state, you can reference the TodosContainer class's fetchData method.

  1. When the form is submitted, the page currently refreshes. Instead, it should make an AJAX request to the super-crud API to add the new todo. In the JSX code for the component, add an onSubmit attribute to the form element:
<form onSubmit={event => this.onFormSubmit(event)}>
  1. Create an onFormSubmit method inside the CreateTodoForm component class.
  console.log('form submitted')
  // this line keeps the page from refreshing!
  let newTodo = this.state.todo
    todo: ''

You should see an error in your browser console.

  1. Think critically about the code snippet above.
  • What does event.PreventDefault() do?

  • What will the value of this.state.todo be when the form is submitted?

  • Is this.props.createTodo already a function? (Check where the CreateTodoForm is rendered in the TodosContainer class.)

Todo Creation & AJAX

In order to pass data from the CreateTodoForm up to the TodosContainer, it needs some way of communicating with the TodosContainer. We will make that happen by providing the CreateTodoForm with a function to call with that updated data; that function will come from TodosContainer so that we can set it up to update that container correctly.

  1. Since createTodo is an attribute of a CreateTodoForm component's prop, it needs to be supplied by the parent component. Update the src/containers/TodosContainer.js to pass a createTodo function into the form component:
// src/containers/TodosContainer.js
// ...
createTodo(newBody) {
  console.log('creating todo', newBody)
  return (
    <div className="todosComponent">
        createTodo={this.createTodo.bind(this)} />
        todos={this.state.todos} />
  1. Think critically about the code above.

The render method for TodosContainer passes the createTodo function of the container component TO the CreateTodoForm component.

The bind(this) portion of the code means the createTodo function will use THIS TodosContainer component as this, even though it's called from a different part of the code (inside CreateTodoForm's onFormSubmit method).

  1. The createTodo method should use the todo body passed in to make an AJAX request to the server. AJAX is the role of the TodoModel class, though, so add a static create method to that model class.
static create(todo) {
  let request = $.ajax({
    url: "",
    method: 'POST',
    data: todo
  return request
  1. Back in the TodoContainer class's createTodo method, group the form data about a todo in an object and store it in a variable. Then, pass that object into the TodoModel.create method.
createTodo(newBody) {
  let newTodo = {
    body: newBody,
    completed: false
  TodoModel.create(newTodo).then((res) => {
    console.log('created todo', res)
    let todos = this.state.todos
  1. Think critically about the code above. What happens after the todo is successfully created?
click for an answerA new todos variable contains all the current todos from the TodosContainer state. It adds the new todo from the response into a newTodos array, after all of the original todos. Then, it sets the component's state to the new array.

Backtrack - How did we pass state from child to parent?

Remember that in the submit event of the form, we used a function this.props.createTodo():

In src/components/CreateTodoForm:

  let newTodo = this.state.todo
    todo: ""

We pass createTodo from the container as props. In src/containers/TodosContainer.js:

  return (
    <div className='todosContainer'>
      createTodo={this.createTodo.bind(this)} />
        todos={this.state.todos} />

The argument passed in at the CreateTodoForm level(child) was state from that component. And now it updates state at the TodosContainer level(parent).