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File metadata and controls

77 lines (61 loc) · 4.13 KB

Process Raw Data

Nextflow pipeline to download and process microbial RNA-seq data from NCBI SRA


  1. Create the environment with all the requirements with the nextflow_environment.yaml file:
    1. conda env create -f nextflow_environment.yml --name nextflow
  2. Install Docker
  3. Prepare the metadata file for your dataset. Use the download metadata script to get all metadata for a specified organism. To append local data, you can add new rows to the tsv file and fill out the following columns:
    1. Experiment: For public data, this is your SRX ID. For local data, data should be named with a standardized ID (e.g. ecoli_0001)
    2. LibraryLayout: Either PAIRED or SINGLE
    3. Platform: Usually ILLUMINA, ABI_SOLID, BGISEQ, or PACBIO_SMRT
    4. Run: One or more SRR numbers referring to individual lanes from a sequencer. This field is empty for local data.
    5. R1: For local data, the complete path to the R1 file. If files are stored on AWS S3, filenames should look like s3://<bucket/path/to>.fastq.gz. R1 and R2 columns are empty for public SRA data.
    6. R2: Same as R1. This will be empty for SINGLE end sequences.
    7. Convert the tab separated metadata file (.tsv) to a .txt file
  4. Download your sequence files:
    1. Download FASTA and GFF3 files for your genome and plasmids (if relevant) from NCBI.
    2. Put these in a folder named sequence_files, and make sure that this folder only contains files for one organism.
    3. Rename the genome files to genome.fasta and genome.gff3.
    4. Rename plasmid files to plasmid_<name>.fasta and plasmid_<name>.gff3.
  5. [Optional] Update the following fields in conf/user.conf. This can also be entered in the command line:
    1. params.organism: Name of your organism, including strain information if relevant
    2. params.metadata: File path for your metadata file
    3. params.sequence_dir: Location of FASTA/GFF3 files

Run Nextflow

Nextflow usage

$ nextflow run --help

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.01.0
Launching `` [special_dalembert] - revision: ef90b5fca3

nextflow run -profile [PROFILE] [ARGS]

Required Arguments:
  -profile              Executor profile name (e.g. local)
  --organism            Name of organism
  --metadata            Path to metadata file
  --sequence_dir        Directory containing *.fasta and *.gff3 files

Optional Arguments:
  --outdir              Directory to place outputs
  --force               Overwrite existing processed data

Running Nextflow locally

  1. Go through the steps described in Setup
  2. Run Nextflow: nextflow run -profile local [ARGS]


nextflow run -profile local --organism bacillus_subtilis --metadata ../test/test_metadata.tsv --sequence_dir ../test/sequence_files/ --outdir ../test/nf_results/
  1. Once it's finished running, you may delete the work folder in this root directory to save space.

Running Nextflow on cloud or high-performance computing

  1. Go through the steps described in Setup
  2. Create a new config file for your cloud service/HPC scheduler (see Nextflow executors)
  3. Add a new profile in the nextflow.config file.
  4. Run nextflow run -profile [NEW PROFILE] [ARGS]

Common errors

Exceeding requirements

If you get the error Process requirement exceed available CPUs or Process requirements exceed available memory when using -profile local, then edit conf/local.config and change the CPU and memory requirements to ensure these are within your local computer's parameters.

Missing R1/R2 columns

If you get the error Cannot invoke method split() on null object, this means you are missing the R1 and R2 columns from your metadata file.

Pipeline Alternatives

Use of other pipelines

Other alignment pipelines can be used for alignment and quantification of RNA-seq data. Example of this can include NF-Core. Alignment of eukaryotic organisms is recommended to be done using alternative pipelines.