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Install guide:

  1. Get 32-bit Python 2.X (Since Skype is a 32-bit application.)
  2. Get pip and run pip install -r "requirements.txt"
  3. Run Skype
  4. Set up aws-cli,
  5. aws configure and enter secret id/secret keys provided (If you want access to the DynamoDB I'm currently using, contact
  6. If you do not have any DynamoDB SkypeCheckin tables, run python
  7. Run python skypebookmarker --name {name} to set bookmarked chats that contain that name. ({name} should be a full name. Eg John Doe). It can be set to your own name if you want it to be activated in everychat
  8. Run python (-r flag is option. -r stands for continuous task) or run python for it to restart on crashes. (Also sends an SNS publish to the ARN endpoint specified)
  9. Have fun!


  • Hide my api keys for mashape (I do not care enough at the moment)
  • Add stateful features (activity/game)


{hearthstonecardname} - Gets information about the Hearthstone Card. Eg. {fireball}.

%8ball [question] - Need an answer? Consult 8Ball.

%addstreamer [streamer's channel] - Adds a streamer to the list of watched streamers.

%live - Gets the livestreamers.

%message [optional message]- Shows/Modifies the message of the day.

%removestreamer [streamer's channel] - Removes a streamer to the list of watched streamers.

%startbot - Turns the bot back on if it was off.

%stopbot Turns off bot until %startbot is called again",

%streamers - Gives a list of streamers currently being polled.

%time - Gets the current time(To be formatted)

%trigger [message] - Outputs [Trigger] {message}.

%weather [city],[country] - Gets the weather for a city in a country.