This is a simple shell that can handle five, internal commands
– ‘cd’, ‘echo’, ‘history’, ‘pwd’ and ‘exit’. These commands
would be handled directly by the shell. Your shell should also be able to handle
five external commands – ‘ls’, ‘cat’, ‘date’, ‘rm’ and ‘mkdir’.
For each external command there is a different program and internal commands are written inside the main class.
For each external command there are 2 other options available.
CD cd dir_name or cd dir/dir/name or cd .. You will me able to traverse through directories with this command. It is able to take multiple directories at once. cd Not putting any arguments will take us to the root folder.
ECHO echo hello It will print the rest of the string as it is echo It will print a new line echo -n It will not end it with a new line
_ HSTORY_ history it will print the history for the past 10 commands if any
PWD pwd it will print the current firectory path
EXIT exit it will exit the shell
- LS ls it lists all the files in the current directory.
ls -m fill width with a comma separated list of entries
ls -1 list one file per line.
- RM rm filename this will delete the file with that name if it exists else gives an error.
rm -i filename this will promt a question before deleting the file.
rm -v filename this will delete the file the give a missege if it is deleted or not.
- MKDIR mkdir filename this will create a new directory and give an error if not possible.
mkdir -v filename this will create a new file directory and give a messege on completion.
mkdir -m mode filename this will create a file directory with the particular mode.
- DATE date Display the current time in the given FORMAT, or set the system date.
date -I output date/time in ISO 8601 format. Example:2006-08-14T02:34:56-0600
date -R output date/time in ISO 8601 format. Example:2006-08-14T02:34:56-0600
- CAT cat filename it will print the file on the shell window
cat -n filename number all output lines
cat -E filename display $ at end of each line