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Releases: RunOnFlux/flux


10 Oct 19:05
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Introducing ZelShare

  • Personal ZelNode owner storage.
  • Store and Share your files with comfortable ZelFlux UI directly on your ZelNode
  • Total storage size limited to 2GB + whatever is an excess storage above ZelNode specification. (example: Running a Super Node with total of 200GB of data shall grant you 200 - 150 + 2 = 52GB of storage for ZelShare)
  • File upload is limited to 5GB
  • Ability to upload multiple files at once, download a file, delete file, empty folder, create folder, share file
  • More features will come soon

Kadena Specificaitons V2

  • Kadena application will now update to newer version
  • New installation will use boostrapped database to speed up syncing

Following API adjusted - available only with ZelNode owner authentication header

GET /zelapps/zelshare/getfile/:file?/:token?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/getfolder/:folder?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/createfolder/:folder?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/removefile/:file?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/removefolder/:folder?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/fileexists/:file?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/stats'
GET /zelapps/zelshare/sharefile/:file?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/unsharefile/:file?
GET /zelapps/zelshare/sharedfiles
POST /zelapps/zelshare/uploadfile/:folder?

Other changes

  • Introducing Caches - Flux now uses multiple LRU caches in itself especially with communications to ZelCash daemon. Speeding up many processes, reducing general load on the node and dramatically reducing load on ZelCash daemon
  • Api Caches - Portion of Flux API is now behind cache granting faster responses and reducing Flux resources.
  • With caches in place, browsing recent data of explorer is now faster
  • It is now possible to adjust cruxID from Admin UI
  • Faster application redeployment
  • Other minor mprovements and fixes


30 Sep 09:29
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  • Finalises application prices to
    3 Zel per 0.1 cpu core
    1 Zelper 100MB
    0.5 Zel per 1GB SSD
  • Change probability of removal to 4% from 5%
  • Introduce redeploy probability and delay
    -> Applications are now redeployed in slow way with 50% chance of being redeployed on particular round. This ensures that at least some instance will remain available during an update of an application
  • Correct error logging
  • Include stack trace in error logging
  • Application can now be forcibly removed with specifying force to true parameter in zelappremov api call. This forceful removal continous removal in case case application was not found and ensures better deletion.
  • Introduction of initial Application Governance model.
  1. Global Apps now require for application Owner Zel ID to be whitelisted and verified by Zel Team
  2. Global Apps now require application images to be whitelisted and verified by Zel Team
  • Corrects post of check privilege method. Used and useful in clients (UI) to ensure a session is still useable
  • It is now possible to redeploy application via API and UI. In both soft and hard ways (with or without data removal)
  • Updates to application without changing specifications to hdd will reuse the volume (reuse previous data) and application will be redeployed in soft way. Application updates that change hdd specificion will now not reuse the volume and will be redeployed in hard way (with data removal, initiation).
  • Several UI tweaks and fixes on Apps section and Apps management
  • Application specification an application owner now search local applications as well
  • Methods for returning specifications, redeployment, removal and installation of soft/hard options adjusted
  • Corrects scenarios where locally available applications fallen into global categories and its rules (such as maximum number of instances)
  • Locally available applications are now redeployed too on application updates
  • Additional minor tweaks and bug fixes

Following API changed

  • GET /zelapps/location/:zelapp? -> /zelapps/location/:appname?
  • GET /zelapps/zelappremove/:zelapp? ->/zelapps/zelappremove/:appname?/:force?

Following API removed

  • GET /zelid/checkprivilege/:zelid?/:signature?

Following API added

  • POST /zelid/checkprivilege
  • GET /zelapps/whitelistedrepositories
  • GET /zelapps/whitelistedzelids
  • GET /zelapps/redeploy/:appname?/:force?

Version will be enforced on Tuesday 6th October 2020


18 Sep 18:35
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Version 1.0.0 of Flux locks specifications and parameters of global application launch.

  • Version 1.0.0 will be distributed on Friday 18th September.
  • Global update will be done on Tuesday 22nd September.
  • Enforcement of version 1.0.0 will be done on Wednesday 23rd September
  • Global application epoch launch is scheduled on blockheight 694000 - Friday 25th September.
  • There is 2 weeks testing period on which only Zel Team can begin spawning applications on Flux. So we can caught potential bugs that appear on this global scope
  • Registration for applications open for everyone on blockheight 705000 - 10th of October
  • Increases max image size to 500mb
  • Finalises parameters
    Following API calls added:
  • It is now possible to attach Crux ID to Flux to receive additional rewards from running applications
  • Better error handling
  • Movement of values to configuration file
  • Simplifications
  • Adjustments of global container creation (no open files, exposure of port)
  • Better check on application registration/installations


31 Aug 18:36
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v0.71.0 is a huge Flux update that finalises initial ZelApp handling and logic and entire application life cycle. Furthemore brings improvements accross all Flux components and comes with enhanced UI and application management.
Over 56 commits to 26 different files with 3,639 additions and 925 deletions makes our decentralisation huge leap forward.

API changes:

  • zelapps/installedzelapp can now be filtered by appname (application name)
  • zelapps/globalspecifications -> zelapps/globalappsspecifications
    New api endpoints
  • GET zelapps/appspecifications/:appname?
    -> return application specifications
  • GET zelapps/appowner/:appname?
    -> returns application owner
  • POST zelapps/calculateprice
    -> return app price in ZEL. Works for both registrations and updates
  • POST /zelapps/zelappupdate
    -> command or global zelapp specification update
  • GET zelapps/zelappstart/:appname?
    -> locally starts zelapp
  • GET zelapps/zelapprestart/:appname?
    -> locally restarts zelapp
  • GET zelapps/zelapppause/:appname?
    -> locally pauses zelapp
  • GET zelapps/zelappunpause/:appname?
    -> locally unpauses zelapp
  • GET zelapps/zelapptop/:appname?
    -> get zelapp processes
  • GET zelapps/zelappinspect/:appname?
    -> inspect application
  • GET zelapps/zelappstats/:appname?
    -> get resource usage
  • GET zelapps/zelappchanges/:appname?
    -> get zelapp file changes
  • POST zelapps/zelappexec
    -> execute commands with enviroment on local zelapp
    -----> Corresponding functions written and adjusted

Corrects calculation of zelapp price for edge case of same receiver
Correct minimum satoshi amount on which messages are considered to be zelapp related

Introduces reinstallOldApplications function

  • if flux detects a newer version of application, it will automatically reinstall the applications according to its new specifics

Introduces checkAndRemoveApplicationInstance

  • Flux know about applications running all over the network. If more than 10 application instances are found, flux will decide if a particular node shall uninstall it

Introduces new privilege adminandzelteam

Various application command improvements and docker handling
Various corrections in applications management


  • it is now possible to update zelapp specifications and so the entire application
  • introduces new message type zelappupdate
  • all specifications except name and repotag are available to update
  • in case of application owner change, specifications have to be signed by currently active owner
  • price takes into account remaining active application period and specifications, so user pays just for the update and extended period
  • minimum price is according to zelapp messages consideration (10 zel)

Better error handling on some functions of zelidSerivice

UI changes
Correct messages displaying over navigation menu
ZelApp application menu added

  • ZelApp owner can now manage application in both local way and global way via very basic ui

Scheduled auto update is on 8th September


04 Aug 11:22
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Fix possible double removal of app
Fix reusability of getinfo and validateaddress call
Fix switching on ZelApps UI section


03 Aug 07:59
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ZelFront UI has now many more sections available and has been rewritten. Offering information about calls, better dialogs, help sections and much more!

API adjustments:
/zelapps/location/:zelapp? - get location of a single name specified zelapp
/zelbench/help/:command? - now accepts a command to show specific help for
/zelnode/startzelbench and /zelnode/start - start zelbench
/zelnode/restartzelbench and /zelbench/restart - restart zelbench
/zelnode/tailzelcashdebug - get last 100 lines of zelcash debug.log file
/zelnode/tailzelbenchdebug - get last 100 lines of zelbench debug.log file
/zelnode/tailzelfluxerrorlog - get last 100 lines of flux error.log file

Functions for new api methods added
Corrects getinfo to persue privacy of admin privilege
Correct validateaddress to presue privacy of admin priviletes
Fix typo in getdoslist call


29 Jul 07:11
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Add gte search for time of broadcast. To ensure fall back to older message is not possible


29 Jul 06:40
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Add delay between sending to peers
Add random delay before storing message
Reject old messages


28 Jul 11:55
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Reenable Flux Discovery
Fix typo on api endpoint


28 Jul 11:52
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Introduce zelappsLocations
Global installation parameters
Application block lasting for 22000
Implement getDOSList api call
Implement getStartList api call
Following ZelApps api calls added:
locations, rescanglobalappsinformation, reindexglobalappsinformation, reindexglobalappslocation
Adjust getScannedHeight function
Add protection for blockheight < 0
checkAndNotifyPeersOfRunningApps - continous sending of messages to peers about running apps
trySpawningGlobalApplication - automatic spawning of global applications
fix availableSpaceForZelApps to correctly account for already assigend space of app that is about to be spawned
adjust local FoldingAtHome app to be according to apps specifications
checkZelAppRequirements - checks local node if its compatible with an application specifics
Adjust getGlobalZelAppsSpecifications function
Adjust specifications to block apps starting with 'zel'
Precautions for case sensitivness of registrations
Precaution for root folder of volume
Adjust installedZelApps to be reusable
expireGlobalApplications - expires global applications specifications, removes them and stops them locall
reindexGlobalAppsLocation - reindexes global apps locations
reindexGlobalAppsInformationAPI - api to trigger reindexGlobalAppsLocation
rescanGlobalAppsInformationAPI - rescans global apps informations given a blockheight
getZelAppsLocations - obtain locations of globally running apps
checkSynced - check if blockprocessing is synced with zelcash height
getAllGlobalApplicationsNames - give a list of all applications
getRunningAppList - give a list of all locally running application
getApplicationSpecifications - get current specifications for a global application
handleZelAppRunningMessage - handles messages of running applications
broadcastZelAppRunningMessage - broadcasts messages of running applications to all peers
storeZelAppRunningMessage - stores obtained running messages to collection
Adjust ports available for global applications from 31000-39999. Ports 30000-30999 are reserved for local applications