Previously, MIAPPE has been mapped to ISA, and this is used in eg, http://cropnet.pl/plantphenodb/. MIAPPE sections and fields were also mapped to the BrAPI specifications (see below)
We took one of the examples that the MIAPPE paper mentions and re-mapped the ISA-Tab attached to the paper into bioschema.org, schema.org and (possibly new) AgriSchemas types. Details here.
Most of the work has been done with the the ELIXIR Plant Biology community. A summary of the mapping we agreed is here.
Some MIAPPE docs:
click on the image for zooming-in
- A real use case here, together with explanations about data modelling choices emerged during the plant biology collaboration.
The figure is based on yED, original file here.
- During the DFW 11/2019 hackathon, we compared AgriSchemas to GLTen, here. See also Minimum Info for Long Term Experiments (MILAX).