This repo serves as an assembly aid for Rebel gearboxes. 'PySimpleGUI' is used as frontend, 'python-can' is used as driver for the PeakCAN USB Interface. For data saving SQLAlchemy is used as ORM-Tool (Object Relational Mapping) and sqlite as database. Alembic is a tool for database setup/ migration (change tables etc.).
use 'python' in console to start GUI interface.
- Install PeakCAN Driver for windows
- use the following 'CAN to USB interface':
- Install all needed packages with pip: pip install -r -y requirements.txt
- /alembic is stuff for database migration. You might not touch it.
- /data_management defines data models, managed with SQLAlchemy
- /hw_interface is the implementation for connecting/ controlling the ReBeL Gearbox.
- /gui is stuff related to the gui (PySimpleGUI)
- /testing_stuff for scripts testing single components before they got implemented in the gui-app
- use class 'RebelAxisController' for connecting/ controlling rebel gear. After init, call method start_msg_listener_thread(). A thread is started which reads every message the BLDC-Board is sending. Access to this messages with properties 'movement_cmd_reply_list' (replies for movement commands; instances of MessageMovementCommandReply) and 'motor_env_status_list' (Non-cyclical environment status messages; instances of class MessageEnvironmentStatus)
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "my migration description" alembic upgrade head
SQLite databases are not made for altering relationship via migrations. Thus, if migration errors occure, it might be a good idea to delete all files within alembic/versions and delete the *.sqlite - file. Then use both commands above, revision and upgrade to make a clean db.