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Global versions

Global version is a parameter specified in ConfigParam 8 (block.tlb). Various features are enabled depending on the global version.

Version 4

New TVM instructions

  • RIST255_... instructions
  • BLS_... instructions


Division instruction can add a number to the intermediate value before division (e.g. (xy+w)/z).

Stack operations

  • ROLL, ROLLREV, BLKSWX, REVX, ONLYTOPX consume more gas when arguments are big.

c7 tuple

c7 tuple extended from 10 to 14 elements:

  • 10: code of the smart contract.
  • 11: value of the incoming message.
  • 12: fees collected in the storage phase.
  • 13: information about previous blocks.

Action phase

  • If "send message" action fails, the account is required to pay for processing cells of the message.
  • Flag +16 in actions "Send message", "Reserve", "Change library" causes bounce if action fails.

Storage phase

  • Unpaid storage fee is now saved to due_payment

Version 5

Gas limits

Version 5 enables higher gas limits for special contracts.

  • Gas limit for all transactions on special contracts is set to special_gas_limit from ConfigParam 20 (which is 35M at the moment of writing). Previously only ticktock transactions had this limit, while ordinary transactions had a default limit of gas_limit gas (1M).
  • Gas usage of special contracts is not taken into account when checking block limits. This allows keeping masterchain block limits low while having high gas limits for elector.
  • Gas limit on EQD_v9j1rlsuHHw2FIhcsCFFSD367ldfDdCKcsNmNpIRzUlu is increased to special_gas_limit * 2 until 2024-02-29. See this post for details.

Loading libraries

  • Loading "nested libraries" (i.e. a library cell that points to another library cell) throws an exception.
  • Loading a library consumes gas for cell load only once (for the library cell), not twice (both for the library cell and the cell in the library).
  • XLOAD now works differently. When it takes a library cell, it returns the cell that it points to. This allows loading "nested libraries", if needed.

Version 6

c7 tuple

c7 tuple extended from 14 to 17 elements:

  • 14: tuple that contains some config parameters as cell slices. If the parameter is absent from the config, the value is null. Asm opcode: UNPACKEDCONFIGTUPLE.
    • 0: StoragePrices from ConfigParam 18. Not the whole dict, but only the one StoragePrices entry (one which corresponds to the current time).
    • 1: ConfigParam 19 (global id).
    • 2: ConfigParam 20 (mc gas prices).
    • 3: ConfigParam 21 (gas prices).
    • 4: ConfigParam 24 (mc fwd fees).
    • 5: ConfigParam 25 (fwd fees).
    • 6: ConfigParam 43 (size limits).
  • 15: "due payment" - current debt for storage fee (nanotons). Asm opcode: DUEPAYMENT.
  • 16: "precompiled gas usage" - gas usage for the current contract if it is precompiled (see ConfigParam 45), null otherwise. Asm opcode: GETPRECOMPILEDGAS.

New TVM instructions

Fee calculation

  • GETGASFEE (gas_used is_mc - price) - calculates gas fee.
  • GETSTORAGEFEE (cells bits seconds is_mc - price) - calculates storage fees (only current StoragePrices entry is used).
  • GETFORWARDFEE (cells bits is_mc - price) - calculates forward fee.
  • GETPRECOMPILEDGAS (- x) - returns gas usage for the current contract if it is precompiled, null otherwise.
  • GETORIGINALFWDFEE (fwd_fee is_mc - orig_fwd_fee) - calculate fwd_fee * 2^16 / first_frac. Can be used to get the original fwd_fee of the message.
  • GETGASFEESIMPLE (gas_used is_mc - price) - same as GETGASFEE, but without flat price (just (gas_used * price) / 2^16).
  • GETFORWARDFEESIMPLE (cells bits is_mc - price) - same as GETFORWARDFEE, but without lump price (just (bits*bit_price + cells*cell_price) / 2^16).

gas_used, cells, bits, time_delta are integers in range 0..2^63-1.

Cell operations

Operations for working with Merkle proofs, where cells can have non-zero level and multiple hashes.

  • CLEVEL (cell - level) - returns level of the cell.
  • CLEVELMASK (cell - level_mask) - returns level mask of the cell.
  • i CHASHI (cell - hash) - returns ith hash of the cell.
  • i CDEPTHI (cell - depth) - returns ith depth of the cell.
  • CHASHIX (cell i - hash) - returns ith hash of the cell.
  • CDEPTHIX (cell i - depth) - returns ith depth of the cell.

i is in range 0..3.

Other changes

  • GLOBALID gets ConfigParam 19 from the tuple, not from the config dict. This decreases gas usage.
  • SENDMSG gets ConfigParam 24/25 (message prices) from the tuple, not from the config dict, and also uses ConfigParam 43 to get max_msg_cells.

Version 7

Explicitly nullify due_payment after due reimbursment.

Version 8

  • Check mode on invalid action_send_msg. Ignore action if IGNORE_ERROR (+2) bit is set, bounce if BOUNCE_ON_FAIL (+16) bit is set.
  • Slightly change random seed generation to fix mix of addr_rewrite and addr.
  • Fill in skipped_actions for both invalid and valid messages with IGNORE_ERROR mode that can't be sent.
  • Allow unfreeze through external messages.
  • Don't use user-provided fwd_fee and ihr_fee for internal messages.

Version 9

New TVM instructions

  • SECP256K1_XONLY_PUBKEY_TWEAK_ADD (key tweak - 0 or f x y -1) - performs secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_tweak_add. key and tweak are 256-bit unsigned integers. 65-byte public key is returned as uint8 f, uint256 x, y (as in ECRECOVER). Gas cost: 1276.
  • mask SETCONTCTRMANY (cont - cont') - takes continuation, performs the equivalent of c[i] PUSHCTR SWAP c[i] SETCONTCNR for each i that is set in mask (mask is in 0..255).
  • SETCONTCTRMANYX (cont mask - cont') - same as SETCONTCTRMANY, but takes mask from stack.

Other changes

  • Fix RAWRESERVE action with flag 4 (use original balance of the account) by explicitly setting original_balance to balance - msg_balance_remaining.
    • Previously it did not work if storage fee was greater than the original balance.
  • Jumps to nested continuations of depth more than 8 consume 1 gas for eact subsequent continuation (this does not affect most of TVM code).