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Kotlin/Native in multiplatform projects

While Kotlin/Native could be used as the only Kotlin compiler in the project, it is pretty common to combine Kotlin/Native with other Kotlin backends, such as Kotlin/JVM (for JVM or Android targets) or Kotlin/JS (for web and Node.js applications). This document describes recommended approaches and the best practices for such scenarios.

Kotlin as a language provides a notion of expect/actual declarations, and Gradle in its turn augments it with the notion of multiplatform projects (aka MPP). Those two, combined together, provide a flexible standartized mechanism of multiplatform development across various Kotlin flavours.

Code, common amongst multiple platforms can be placed in common modules, while platform-specific code could be placed into platform-specific modules, and expect/actual declarations can bind them together in developer-friendly way.

Below one can find a step-by-step tutorial of creating a Kotlin multiplatform application for Android and iOS.

Creating multiplatform Android/iOS application with Kotlin

To create an MPP application one has to start with clear understanding which parts of an application is common for a different targets, and which ones are specific, and organize module structure accordingly. For shared Kotlin code the common ground consist of the Kotlin's standard library, which does include basic data structures and computational primitives, along with expect classes with platform-specific implementation. Most frequently, such code consists of GUI, input-output, cryptography and other APIs, available on the particular platform.

In this tutorial, the multiplatform application will include three parts:

  • An Android application represented by a separate Android Studio project written in Kotlin.
  • An iOS application represented by a separate Xcode project, written in Swift.
  • A multiplatform library containing a business logic of the application and used by both Android and iOS applications. This library can contain both platform-dependent and platform-independent code and is compiled into a jar-library for Android and in a Framework for iOS by Gradle.

So, the multiplatform library will include three subprojects:

  • common - contains a common logic for both applications;
  • ios - contains an iOS-specific code;
  • android - contains an Android-specific code.

1. Preparing a workspace

Let's represent the structure described above as a directory tree. Assume that our multiplatform library is intended to generate different greetings on different platforms. Create the following directory structure:

├── androidApp/
├── iosApp/
└── greeting/
    ├── common/
    ├── android/
    └── ios/

As said above, Gradle is the main build system for Kotlin thus our project will use it.

To install Gradle refer to this instruction. Despite the fact that you can use the local Gradle installation for building the project, it's recommended to use the Gradle wrapper instead. To create the wrapper, install Gradle as described above and execute gradle wrapper in the root directory of the project. After that you can use ./gradlew to run the build instead of using your local Gradle installation.

Once the wrapper is created we need to describe the project structure in Gradle terms. To do this, create a settings.gradle file in the root directory of the project and put the following snippet into it:

include ':greeting'
include ':greeting:common'
include ':greeting:android'
include ':greeting:ios'

Here we declare all subprojects for our greeting multiplatform library. All other multiplatform libraries included in the project also must be declared here.

Note that both iOS and Android applications are not included in the root Gradle build. They are represented by independent builds which are managed by specific IDEs (Android Studio and Xcode). Such an approach makes work with these builds easier from these IDEs.

As for IDE for other parts of the project, IntelliJ IDEA is recommended to be used.

Note: Kotlin/Native is not supported by IntelliJ IDEA so the only IDE to develop Kotlin/Native subprojects is CLion. But at the moment CLion has no Gradle integration. As a workaround you can create a CLion Cmake project from a Kotlin/Native Gradle one. Just run ./gradlew generateCMake for this project. It will generate all the necessary files which are required. See this blog post to learn more about Kotlin/Native support in CLion.

As the final step create empty build.gradle files in the root directory of the project and in all subprojects which are included in settings.gradle. After all these actions the project structure will be the following (files generated by the Gradle wrapper are not shown):

├── androidApp/
├── iosApp/
├── greeting/
│   ├── android/
│   │   └── build.gradle
│   ├── common/
│   │   └── build.gradle
│   ├── ios/
│   |   └── build.gradle
|   └── build.gradle
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle

Now we have a basic structure of the project and can proceed to implementing of the multiplatform library.

2. Multiplatform library

We need to add buildscript dependencies to be able to use Kotlin plugins for Gradle in our build. Open build.gradle in the greeting directory and put into it the following snippet:

// Set up a buildscript dependency on the Kotlin plugin.
buildscript {
    // Specify a Kotlin version you need.
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.41'

    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

    // Specify all the plugins used as dependencies
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-native-gradle-plugin:0.7"


// Set up compilation dependency repositories for all projects.
subprojects {
    repositories {

Now all subprojects of the library can use Kotlin plugins.

2.1 Common subproject

The common subproject contains a platform-independent code. To build it, add the following snippet in common/build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-platform-common'

// Specify a group and a version of the library to access it in Android Studio.
// By default the project directory name is used as an artifact name thus the full dependency
// description will be 'org.greeting:common:1.0'
group = 'org.greeting'
version = 1.0

dependencies {
    // Set up compilation dependency on common Kotlin stdlib
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:$kotlin_version"

Now we can write some logic available for all platforms. Create common/src/main/kotlin/common.kt and add some functionality into it:

// greeting/common/src/main/kotlin/common.kt
package org.greeting

expect class Platform() {
    val platform: String

class Greeting {
    fun greeting(): String = "Hello, ${Platform().platform}"

Here we create a simple class using expect/actual paradigm. See details about platform-specific declarations here.

2.2 Android subproject

The android subproject contains platform-dependent implementations of expect-declarations we've created in the common project. We compile it into a Java library which an Android Studio project can depend on. The content of android/build.gradle will be the following:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-platform-jvm'

// Specify a group and a version of the library to access it in Android Studio.
// By default the project directory name is used as an artifact name thus the full dependency
// description will be 'org.greeting:android:1.0'
group = 'org.greeting'
version = 1.0

dependencies {
    // Specify Kotlin/JVM stdlib dependency.
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"

    // Specify dependency on a common project for Kotlin multiplatform build.
    expectedBy project(':greeting:common')

As said above this subproject should include actual implementations of the common project's expect-declarations. Let's write an Android-specific method:

// greeting/android/src/main/kotlin/android.kt
package org.greeting

actual class Platform actual constructor() {
    actual val platform: String = "Android"

2.3 iOS subproject

This project is compiled into an Objective-C framework using Kotlin/Native compiler. To do this, declare a framework in ios/build.gradle and add an expectedBy dependency in the same manner as in the Android project:

apply plugin: 'konan'

// Specify targets to build the framework: iOS and iOS simulator
konan.targets = ['ios_arm64', 'ios_x64']

konanArtifacts {
    // Declare building into a framework.
    framework('Greeting') {
        // The multiplatform support is disabled by default.
        enableMultiplatform true

dependencies {
    // Specify dependency on a common project for Kotlin multiplatform build
    expectedBy project(':greeting:common')

As well as android, this project contains platform-dependent implementations of expect-declarations:

// greeting/ios/src/main/kotlin/ios.kt
package org.greeting

actual class Platform actual constructor() {
    actual val platform: String = "iOS"

3. Android application

Now we can create an Android application which will use the library we implemented on the previous step. Open Android Studio and create a new project in the androidApp directory. Android Studio will generate all necessary files and directories.

Kotlin/Native requires Gradle 4.7 or higher so you need to make sure that the AS project uses the correct Gradle version. To do this, open androidApp/gradle/ and check the distributionUrl property. Upgrade the wrapper if necessary (see Gradle documentation).

Now we only need to add a dependency on our library. There are 2 actions we need to do:

  1. Add dependency on the library. To do this just open androidApp/app/build.gradle and add the following snippet in the dependencies script block:

    implementation 'org.greeting:android:1.0'
  2. Include greeting build in the Android Studio project as a part of composite build. To do this, add the following line in androidApp/settings.gradle:

    includeBuild '../'

    Now dependencies of the application can be resolved in artifacts built by greeting. You also may publish the Android part of greeting into some Maven repo and get it from there. In this case you don't need to set up the composite build.

Note: Android Studio may fail to resolve declarations from the library added unless it's built. If you face such a problem, build the library by executing ./gradlew greeting:android:jar in the root directory of the project.

Alternatively you can add the multiplatform library subprojects right into the Android Studio one instead of creating a composite build. To do this you need to declare them along with their directories in androidApp/settings.gradle:

include ':greeting'
include ':greeting:common'
include ':greeting:android'

project(':greeting').projectDir = file('../greeting')
project(':greeting:common').projectDir = file('../greeting/common')
project(':greeting:android').projectDir = file('../greeting/android')

Now you can declare dependencies directly on projects instead of using maven-like coordinates:

implementation project(':greeting:android')

After these steps we can access our library as any other Kotlin code:

import org.greeting.*

/* ... */

fun foo() {

4. iOS application

As said above the multiplatform library can also be used in iOS applications. The general approach here is the same as in case of an Android application: we create a separate Xcode project and add the library as a framework. But we need to make some additional steps here.

Unlike Android Studio Xcode doesn't use Gradle, so we cannot just add the library as a dependency. Instead we need to create a new framework in the Xcode project and then replace its default build phases with a custom one which delegates building the framework to Gradle.

To do this, make the following steps:

  1. Create a new Xcode project in the root directory of our project (the application directory in the section 1). Name it iosApp so Xcode will create the project in the directory we created in the section 1.

  2. Add a new framework in the project. Go File -> New -> Target -> Cocoa Touch Framework. Specify the same framework name as in greeting/ios/build.gradle: Greeting.

  3. Choose the new framework in the Project Navigator and open the Build Settings tab. Here we need to add a new build setting specifying what Gradle task will be executed to build the framework for one or another platform. Fortunately, Xcode allows us to set different values for the same build setting depending on the platform. Create a new build setting in the User-defined section and name it KONAN_TASK. Then specify the following values of it for different platforms (for both Debug and Release modes):

    Platform Value
    Any iOS simulator SDK compileKonan<framework name>Ios_x64
    Any iOS SDK compileKonan<framework name>Ios_arm64

    Replace <framework name> with the name you specified in the library's ios/build.gradle. Use camel case, e.g. for our greeting library these tasks will be named compileKonanGreetingIos_x64 and compileKonanGreetingIos_arm64.

  4. Add one more build setting for the framework to manage optimizations performed by the Kotlin/Native compiler. Name it KONAN_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS and set its value to YES for the Release mode and to NO for the Debug mode.

  5. Ensure that the framework is still selected in the Project Navigator and open the Build phases tab. Remove all default phases except Target Dependencies.

  6. Add a new Run Script build phase and put the following code into the script field:

    "$SRCROOT/../gradlew" -p "$SRCROOT/../greeting/ios" "$KONAN_TASK" \"$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR"        \
    -Pkonan.debugging.symbols="$DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS"                    \

    This script executes the Gradle build to compile the multiplatform library into a framework. Let's examine this command in more detail.

    • "$SRCROOT/../gradlew" - here we invoke the Gradle wrapper located in the root directory of the project. If you use a local Gradle installation you need to invoke it instead of the wrapper.
    • -p "$SRCROOT/../greeting/ios" - specify a path to the Gradle subproject containing the framework.
    • "$KONAN_TASK" - specify a Gradle task to execute. The build setting created above is used here.
    •"$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR" - specify a directory provided by Xcode as an output one.
    • -Pkonan.debugging.symbols="$DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS" - allow Xcode to enable debugging symbols generation.
    • -Pkonan.optimizations.enable="$KONAN_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS" - disable/enable optimizations. The build setting created above is used here.
  7. Add Kotlin sources into the framework: run File -> Add files to "iosApp"... and choose a directory with Kotlin sources (greeting/ios/src in this sample). Choose the framework created as a target to add these sources to. Do this for the common code of the library too.

Now the framework is added and all Kotlin API are available from Swift code (note that you need to build the framework in order to get code completion). Let's print our greeting:

import Greeting

/* ... */

func foo() {


A sample implementation which follows these documenation can be found here. You may also look at the calculator sample. It has a simpler structure (particularly both Android app and Kotlin/Native library are combined in a single Gradle build) but also uses the multiplatform support provided by Kotlin.