A React-Native wrapper for Typeform Embed SDK. Inspired by React Typeform Embed
yarn add react-native-typeform-embed
import React from 'react';
import TypeformEmbed from 'react-native-typeform-embed';
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
onSubmit={() => alert('Submitted!')}
onClose={() => alert('Closed!')}
See the source for more examples.
Most props are based on the official parameters from Typeform Embed SDK
Prop | Description | Default |
id |
The id of the Typeform form to display | "" |
source |
The custom domain that you wish to display the typeform from | null |
style |
Additional styles for the component | {} |
hideHeaders |
true if you want to hide the header that displays for question groups and long questions that require scrolling. Otherwise, false |
false |
hideFooter |
true if you want to hide the footer that displays a progress bar and navigation buttons. Otherwise, false . |
false |
opacity |
Background opacity. Valid values include any integer between 0 (completely transparent) and 100 (completely opaque). Note that this isn't the same as the CSS opacity scale (0-1).Widget mode option |
100 |
onReady |
Paid accounts only. Callback event that will execute once the Typeform is loaded. | N/A |
onQuestionChanged |
Paid accounts only. Callback event that will execute immediately after the Typeform question changes. | N/A |
onSubmit |
Paid accounts only. Callback event that will execute immediately after a respondent successfully submits the Typeform. | N/A |
onClose |
Paid accounts only. Callback event that will execute immediately after a Typeform popup is closed. | N/A |
webView |
Props passed to the WebView that displays the form | {} |
Code released under the MIT license.