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Installing on Debian

djrazr edited this page May 26, 2012 · 2 revisions
      1. Versions
These instructions are for Debian Lenny 5.0 or Squeeze 6.0. You will need to make sure that your username is on the sudo authorized list located at '/etc/sudoers'.
      1. Build Tools
To install build tools, run the following (includes the gcc and xml parsing dependencies):
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev libxml2 libreadline5-dev
      1. CURL
You need to install the "dev" headers.

To install them, run the following:

    sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev
      1. Git
To install Git on **Debian 6.0**, run the following:
    sudo apt-get install git-core

To install Git 1.7 on **Debian 5.0**, add Debian Backports repository and install it. Instructions:

    sudo apt-get install -t lenny-backports git-core
      1. Ruby
        1. RVM
You can install Ruby on a clean per user basis via [RVM]( This is currently recommended to get the latest Rubygems version.

You still need a system Ruby so run:

    sudo apt-get install ruby-full

To install RVM and Ruby 1.9.2, as your normal user (the one which Diaspora should run under), run (I was getting an error so I had to run curl -k which told me to "echo insecure >> ~/.curlrc")

For Debian 6.0 users who wish to install Ruby 1.9.2 (or any edition for that matter) on RVM, compile may [fail]( due to openssl version higher than 1.0.0. For that, run:

rvm pkg install openssl
rvm remove ruby-1.9.2-p290 #just in case
rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr
      1. MySQL
This installs MySQL, you also need the libmysqlclient-dev and libmysql-ruby packages.
    sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev libmysql-ruby
      1. PostgreSQL
This installs libraries for PostgreSQL support.
    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libpq5
      1. OpenSSL
You already have OpenSSL installed but you need the libssl-dev and libopenssl-ruby package too:
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libopenssl-ruby

For Debian 6.0 and later, libopenssl-ruby is provided through the virtual package libruby or libruby1.8.

      1. ImageMagick
To install ImageMagick, run the following:
    sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagick9-dev

Note that libmagick9-dev is provided through libmagickwand-dev.

      1. Redis
Debian 6.0 stable repositories have an older version of Redis. If you are running Debian Testing, you can use the repository:
    sudo apt-get install redis-server

Otherwise, if you're running Stable, you should get the newest version directly. If you're running a 64-bit system, run:

    wget -O redis-server.deb
    wget -O libjemalloc1.deb

If you're running a 32-bit system, run:

    wget -O redis-server.deb
    wget -O libjemalloc1.deb

Then install the corresponding package

    sudo dpkg -i libjemalloc1.deb
    sudo dpkg -i redis-server.deb
        1. Note about libjemalloc1 on Debian Squeeze
If you have problems getting the required lib multiarch-support installed, try installing it with aptitude and reinstall redis-server:
    sudo aptitude install multiarch-support
    sudo aptitude install redis-server
      1. RubyGems
Not needed for a RVM installation. To install RubyGems, run the following:
    wget -O rubygems.deb && sudo dpkg -i rubygems.deb
      1. Bundler
To install Bundler, run the following, skip the sudo for a RVM installation:
    sudo gem install bundler 

If you installed via RVM and gem is not found, run the following

    bash -l
    rvm use ruby-1.9.2-p290@global

To get bundle to work with the system Ruby, you might need to make a symbolic link:

    sudo ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle

This is not needed on **Debian 5.0** when ruby is installed from source.

      1. ffi
Note: If you get an error in the next step try to run
    sudo apt-get install libffi-ruby libffi-dev

and try the step again.

      1. SQLite libraries and header files
    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
      1. NodeJS
You will also need nodejs. Currently this is not available in the stable release of debian 6 so here are instructions on installing from source.
    git clone
    cd node
    git checkout v0.6.8
    ./configure --openssl-libpath=/usr/lib/ssl
    make test
    sudo make install

These instructions are from

Last of all, you need to install the execjs gem

    sudo gem install execjs
    1. Congrats! You have all your dependencies installed. Go back to Installing and Running Diaspora.
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