All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- GPU acceleration for SteamVR overlays (Community contribution by BenjaminZehowlt)
- Updated Spanish translations
- Updated Russian translations
- Updated Korean translations
- A dependency crashing OyasumiVR when attempting to calculate the sunrise/sunset times.
- Display color temperature control for native SteamVR headsets (e.g. Vive (Pro), Valve Index, Bigscreen Beyond)
- Automations for display color temperature
- Sunset/Sunrise based automations for brightness and color temperature.
- Support for V1 Lighthouses (Vive Base stations)
- Option for the shutdown sequence to only trigger for being alone in your instance while the sleep mode is enabled
- Option for audio volume automations to apply on start
- Support for VRChat parameters in OSC scripts that have been automatically renamed by VRCFury or Modular Avatar
- Event log filters
- Workaround for VRChat not automatically reloading your avatar after all trackers have been turned off
- German language support (thanks to community contributions by Nicer Dicer and Aron)
- Exposed HMD activity level over MQTT
- Automations for brightness/CCT, render resolution, chaperone fade distance, BSB fan speed and BSB led color now automatically apply their set values when a HMD is connected.
- (Headset specific) brightness and color temperature settings were moved to their own settings page.
- OSC scripts will automatically convert spaces in addresses to underscores to match VRChat behaviour for parameter renaming.
- Various notification sounds
- Option for the brightness automations based on sleep mode to run on SteamVR launch. This now happens automatically when a HMD is connected.
- Duration inputs for shutdown sequence triggers being broken on systems using a 12-hour clock.
- Shutdown sequence being triggered over and over by the sleep mode trigger, when not using it to shut down or reboot the PC.
- Issue where leave notifications would trigger for every other player when leaving a world.
- Battery level based power automations turning off devices above the threshold
- Certain types of selection in input fields (e.g. Ctrl+A) being blocked
- Window titlebar icons
- The status message not updating when the visibility remained the same
- The status message not setting to an empty value
- Some modals automatically closing right after opening them
- Some modals being rendered incorrectly
- Integration with Home Assistant via MQTT
- Function for VRChat player join/leave notifications
- Automations for changing your VRChat status based on the sleep mode & sleep preparation.
- Avatar automations for changing your VRChat avatar when you fall asleep, wake up, or prepare for bed.
- Option for changing your VRChat status description in the player limit status automations.
- Option to load and save VRChat player lists as presets for automatic invite request acceptance.
- Option to limit automatically accepting invite request based on the number of players in the world.
- Automations for switching between various player list presets for automatic invite request acceptance.
- Automation for disabling the sleep mode when you've been upright for long enough after laying down.
- Automation for automatically disabling the sleep mode when a (certain) VRChat user joins or leaves your world.
- Automation trigger for the shutdown sequence to run when you've been left alone in your VRChat world instance for a certain amount of time.
- Ukrainian language support (Community contribution by senkodev and Fanyatsu)
- Additional configuration options for the sleep detector (controller presence, sleeping pose)
- Options for forcing the power state of base stations (Right click the power button).
- Support for base stations that don't report their status. (Newer lighthouses sold through Valve, likely manufactured by HTC)
- Optional fix to delay initializing OyasumiVR with OpenVR.
- OVRToolkit as a notification provider
- Support for string parameters in OSC scripts (Community contribution by Fanyatsu)
- Support for sending multiple parameters in OSC scripts (Community contribution by Fanyatsu)
- Improved duration selection for sleep duration in shutdown sequence
- Made device edit dialog always show the device serial number in its title.
- Improved sleep detection by considering the sleeping pose
- Improved layouts for sleep detection configuration views
- When the overlay menu is opened while the controller is not tracked, the overlay will open in front of you instead.
- Custom window titlebar
- CJK fonts not properly being loaded in some parts of the overlay UI
- Brightness overlay not covering full view of some high FOV headsets (e.g. Pimax)
- Bigscreen Beyond fan speed often being reset
- VRChat accounts with 2FA being logged out after 7 days. (Now 30 days, if you store credentials)
- The overlay menu sometimes not showing when being opened
- Improved handling of failed configuration migrations
- Pluralization issues causing Japanese- and Korean language translations to break
- Improved initialization performance
- Improved device detection for Bigscreen Beyond
- Increased timeout duration for initialization tasks
- Improved telemetry
- Disabled swipe navigation in main window
- Improved initialization
- Crash reporting for initialization errors
- VRChat microphone mute automations blocking keyboard- and controller bindings from toggling the microphone mute state.
- Options for (conditionally) disabling Discord rich presence, based on sleep mode, or VRChat being active.
- Missing event logs for Bigscreen Beyond fan- and led automations.
- Missing Dutch translations
- Fixed sleep preparation not being available even when some of its automations are enabled.
- Reverted back to Tauri v1.6
- Fixed Discord Rich Presence integration preventing OyasumiVR from starting without Discord running
- Temporarily disabled Discord rich presence support
- Temporarily reverted to Tauri v1.4
- Show SteamVR device roles instead of serial numbers in the device list, when available. (by góngo)
- Added back VRChat microphone mute automations.
- Hardware brightness control for Bigscreen Beyond.
- Fan control & fan automations for Bigscreen Beyond.
- RGB Led automations for Bigscreen Beyond.
- Options for limiting the maximum hardware brightness.
- Automatic cleanup for log files older than 30 days, or that exceed 10MB.
- Discord rich presence support for showing the current sleep mode.
- Redefined "Display Brightness" as "Hardware Brightness", and "Image Brightness" as "Software Brightness".
- Updated sleep detection to include controller button presses as a factor
- Updated overlay sidecar to .NET 8.0
- Upgraded to Tauri v1.6 and updated various dependencies.
- OyasumiVR crashing when trying to read SteamVR's display brightness upon SteamVR quitting.
- Battery level automations not working for trackers.
- MDNS advertisements for OSC & OSCQuery not working for some network configurations.
- System microphone still being muted due to changing controller button behavior, when controller binding is disabled.
- Legacy telemetry
- Added performance improvements to OSC message handling, SteamVR device updates, and sleeping pose detection.
- Reduced IPC communication to avoid crashes due to overloading the IPC channels.
- Added debug option for disabling the OSC and OSCQuery servers
- Flags file for setting debugging flags
- Debugging flag for disabling MDNS (and as a result, OSCQuery) completely.
- Some stability issues with Tauri v1.5, by downgrading back down to Tauri v1.4.
- Disabled Rust to Webview logging in release builds.
- Crash for some users without bluetooth adapters when disabling lighthouse control.
- Error for windows power policies sometimes not being set correctly, even when they are.
- Fixed setting of invalid analog gain values
- Updated subdependency which caused a crash when detecting some invalid DNS records.
- Crash reporting for Rust panics and JS errors in main UI.
- Updated telemetry to integrate with Aptabase. A new privacy policy applies.
- Option for opening the developer tools in release builds.
- Automations for controlling the volume and mute state of all system audio devices.
- Russian language support (Community contribution by Kanjir0)
- Hardware mode for the overlay mic mute indicator's voice activity, for use with other games than VRChat.
- A credential saving option for remembering your VRChat credentials.
- Automation for disabling the sleep mode after its been enabled for a specified amount of time.
- An option for your system microphone to change its mute state when joining a world in VRChat.
- Option for preventing the overlay from opening when VRChat is not running.
- Support for custom Windows power policies
- Custom nicknames for controller, tracker, and base station devices.
- Option for ignoring specific basestations in automations.
- Support for setting custom hotkeys (With actions for sleep mode toggling/enabling/disabling, running sleep preparation, running the shutdown sequence, and turning devices on and off)
- Detection for initialization failures and error handling.
- Added support for OSCQuery
- Status information view to the settings, for showing technical information regarding OyasumiVR and some of its internals.
- Automation for running a OSC script whenever the user prepares to go to sleep.
- Added OSC commands for turning on and turning off all base stations.
- When your VRChat session expires and you've opted to store your credentials, OyasumiVR will automatically attempt to log you back in.
- Improved reliability of base station power management
- Brightness automations no longer apply on start as a default setting
- Updated to Tauri v1.5
- Rewrote OSC control (Old OSC addresses remain supported, but check the wiki page on OSC control for any updates)
- Updated missing and improved existing Simplified Chinese translations (by 雾雨花精灵 and i0nTempest).
- Default bindings sometimes triggering haptics for some users.
- Improved search performance in the friend selection modal for automatically accepting invite requests.
- VRChat settings
- OSC configuration options (Now handled by OSCQuery)
- Fixed failing resource preloads sometimes causing OyasumiVR to fail to start.
- Fixed telemetry settings not always being saved properly.
- Improved initialization logging for debugging purposes
- Option for sleep animations to only trigger while all trackers are turned off
- Migration bug for automation configurations.
- Do not register the application manifest in Steam builds.
- Troubleshooting fix for reregistering OyasumiVR's VR application manifest with SteamVR.
- Increased maximum volume for nightmare detection sound effect to 200%.
- Limited simple- and image brightness sliders in overlay to a minimum of 5%.
- Deadlock in logic for reading possible input bindings.
- Updated missing Spanish translations (by aacal666)
- Updated missing Indonesian translations (by a9ito)
- Spanish & Indonesian language support to the standalone NSIS installer.
- Switched to the default Tauri script for the NSIS installer.
- Missing Japanese translations (by なき).
- Missing Dutch translations.
- UI issues with some duration unit selectors.
- .NET Core & ASP.NET Core runtime installation from the standalone NSIS installer.
- Various automations for controlling the mute state of the system microphone.
- Simple mode for brightness control that consolidates image- and display brightness.
- Brightness control dialog to directly control brightness from the main window.
- Brightness control sliders to directly control brightness from the overlay.
- Sleep preparation automation for brightness control, to allow for dimming brightness levels already before going to sleep.
- Sleep preparation button in the overlay and on the overview, to trigger automations that support this feature.
- Copy buttons to the brightness automation configuration for copying current brightness levels.
- Options to apply sleep-mode based brightness levels on OyasumiVR and SteamVR startup.
- Automation for enabling the sleep mode based on your heart rate. (Pulsoid integration)
- Automation for detecting possible nightmares based on your heart rate. (Pulsoid integration)
- Setting for OyasumiVR to quit alongside SteamVR.
- Instructions on how to start OyasumiVR alongside SteamVR.
- Automations for turning off devices when their battery levels reach below a threshold.
- Shortcut to VRChat related settings from the status bar pill.
- Option for dismissing the sleep check by pressing controller buttons.
- Option for changing the volume of general notification sounds.
- Optional fix for running the SteamVR overlay on systems with hybrid graphics.
- Updated translations to use ICU syntax.
- Migrated from Legacy OpenVR Input system to SteamVR's current input system (Controller bindings are now configured in SteamVR!)
- Bundled dotnet runtime requirements with overlay sidecar module. (Separate installation no longer required)
- Improvements to the Simplified Chinese translations (by 雾雨花精灵).
- Disabling OSC features leading to a crash
- A configuration saving loop in status automations view
- Malformed OSC packets causing a crash
- OSC message processing being slower than necessary
- Date formatting for Korean language
- Long VRChat usernames sometimes overflowing on the player list for automatic invite request accepts
- Added workaround for bug in SteamVR 2.0 regarding IVROverlay::ComputeOverlayIntersection.
- Dotnet version checking and installation.
- Allow limiting sleep detection to certain hours of the day.
- Automation toggle for sleep detection (by góngo)
- OSC address for toggling the sleep detection automation.
- Spanish language support (Community contribution by aacal666)
- Indonesian language support (Community contribution by a9ito)
- Support for a release on Steam
- VR Manifest for registering OyasumiVR with SteamVR.
- Sleeping animations preset for GoGo Loco 1.8.0+
- Cute drawings (by Jun) to the sleep toggle card in the overview
- Added missing translations for Traditional and Simplified Chinese. (By 狐 Kon)
- Gamma corrected image brightness control (You might have to readjust your brightness settings)
- Fixed issues with detection and installation of missing .NET runtimes
- Fixed Japanese date formatting
- Fixed Japanese font rendering in overlay
- Upgraded various dependencies
- Custom VRCFury installation prefabs for GoGo Loco. (You can now use GoGo Loco's own installation prefabs from GoGo Loco 1.8.0 onwards!)
- SteamVR overlay for controlling basic OyasumiVR functionality (e.g. toggling sleep mode, toggling automations, running the shutdown sequence, turning off devices)
- Native OyasumiVR notifications
- Image brightness automations for all headsets
- Automations for changing Windows' Power Policy when you go to sleep and wake up.
- Notification for when an invite request is automatically accepted
- Notification for when your VRChat status is updated by the status automation
- Options for turning certain notification types on or off
- Startup check for missing (.NET) runtimes, with option for automatic installation.
- Event log entry when MSI Afterburner profiles are set.
- Changed SteamVR-based power automations for base stations to apply when new base stations are discovered
- If the main window is minimized to the tray, it will reveal itself when the user tries to launch a second instance.
- Disabled notification sound for XSOverlay notifications
- Switched to dynamic font loading to decrease overall application size
- Switched sidecar communication from HTTP to gRPC
- Fixed menus for Hardware Automations and VRChat Automations not being correctly highlighted when one of their submenus is active
- Fixed short loss of tracking in SteamVR when launching or reloading OyasumiVR
- Fixed friend selection modal for automatic invite request acceptance becoming unusable when too many players have been selected
- Added workaround for VRChat's API not always returning the entire friends list
- Fixed settings migrations sometimes not merging arrays correctly, leading to unexpected behavior
- Fixed a potential issue where the sleep detector would not be able to properly trigger
- Fixed naming for VRC statuses to be more consistent
- Adapted to changes in VRChat API authentication
- Optimized CPU usage
- Fixed Oyasumi not being able to start on some systems due to locked Bluetooth adapters.
- Updated Japanese Translations
- Updated references to the new GitHub repository, following the rebrand to OyasumiVR
- Fixed enabling GPU automations crashing Oyasumi
- Option to increase the detection window for sleep detection.
- New "Advanced" tab in the settings for advanced configuration options.
- Tools for clearing (parts of) Oyasumi's persistent data.
- Button for opening Oyasumi's log folder.
- New multilingual NSIS based installer package for new releases.
- Allow for disabling of OSC features to prevent Oyasumi from binding ports.
- Show error indicators in navigation and tabs when the OSC server cannot be started.
- System tray icon (by neuroblack).
- Option to close Oyasumi's window to the system tray, rather than quitting the application (by neuroblack).
- Option to start Oyasumi hidden in the system tray (by neuroblack).
- Power management for SteamVR base stations (Supports V2 Lighthouses only).
- Option for forcing the state of the sleep mode at launch
- Automations for turning base stations on and off with SteamVR
- Automation for turning base stations on with Oyasumi
- Automations for controlling the Chaperone fade distance (by góngo)
- Added shutdown sequence automations for helping with sleeping outside VR.
- Remote images now fade in smoothly upon load.
- Language selection modal now always shows if the user has not picked a language.
- Reorganized navigation.
- Updated splash screen.
- Updated to Angular 16 & Tauri 1.3.
- Removed experimental flag for sleep detection feature.
- Removed debug tab in the settings view.
- Removed bundling of WIX based installer packages.
- Stopped brightness automations from triggering when there is no headset available.
- Prevent the update service from being initialised until after language selection.
- Display brightness automations for Valve Index.
- Automations for adjusting SteamVR's render resolution.
- Event log for displaying actions taken by Oyasumi.
- OSC Automations for sending custom OSC commands when the sleep mode changes.
- Language support for French, thanks to neuroblack.
- Updated layout and styling of various views to match more recent views.
- Prevent sleep detector from triggering when sleep mode was disabled less than 15 minutes ago.
- Bulk removing friends from the player list for automatic invite request accepts, now requires confirmation.
- Reorganized navigation bar to reduce clutter.
- Updated to Angular 15.
- Added missing translations for Traditional and Simplified Chinese. (By 狐 Kon)
- [EXPERIMENTAL] Sleep detection based on the movement of the user's VR headset.
- Automation for disabling sleep mode when SteamVR has been stopped.
- Configuration options for setting the OSC hosts and ports Oyasumi interacts with.
- Support for XSOverlay and Desktop notifications.
- Notifications for when sleep mode is enabled and disabled.
- The elevated sidecar will be launched on start if the main application is launched with administrator privileges.
- Layout of Sleep Detection pane has been updated to match recent views.
- Configuration options for sleep detection automations can now be edited while the automations are inactive.
- Removing friends from the player list for automatic invite request accepts, now requires confirmation.
- Various improvements to the Japanese translations (by なき)
- Various small bugs
- Added support for logins where VRChat sends an OTP via email for accounts without 2FA enabled.
- Error handling when VRChat wants users to confirm their new location via email.
- Add automations for automatically switching MSI Afterburner profiles when the sleep mode changes.
- Allow sleep mode to be toggled from the pill in the status bar.
- Language support for Traditional and Simplified Chinese, thanks to 狐 Kon.
- SteamVR is no longer required for Oyasumi to run.
- SteamVR does no longer automatically start when Oyasumi is started.
- Improved error handling and error messages for non-nvidia users.
- Improved logging on elevated sidecar module.
- A bug where VRChat accounts without 2FA enabled could not log in properly.
- A bug where the status bar would still show a VRChat user name after logging out.
- Update check to run every week after application start, in case Oyasumi is left running for a long time.
- Update check to rerun every 10 minutes until at least one check has succeeded, in case Oyasumi is started while offline.
- New feature for automatically accepting invite requests while on orange/green status, optionally based on a white- or blacklist.
- Korean language support, thanks to @soumt-r.
- Made sleeping position animation automations automatically trigger when the automation is enabled.
- Prevent Oyasumi from being opened twice and instead focus the window for the instance already running.
- Fixed issue where the main window would load before the app was ready, due to a bug in a new version of the
- Updated Tauri dependencies to new 1.2 release.
- Properly send user agent to VRChat API when connecting the websocket.
- Updated various dependencies to their latest version.
- Status automations for automatically changing your VRChat status based on the amount of players in your world.
- VRChat login for features that require accessing the VRChat API. (e.g. Status automations)
- Possibility for specific options to be triggered over OSC (and thus using VRChat avatar parameters):
- Sleep Mode
- Sleeping Animation Automations
- Status Automations
- Turning off controllers
- Turning off trackers
- Turning off trackers & controllers
- Status bar for showing the current sleep mode and logged-in VRChat account, as well as the status of that account.
- Better logging
- Setting migrators properly resetting to defaults when detecting configs from future versions.
- Sleeping animation automation preset for GoGo Loco v1.7.1 by franada.
- Sleeping animation automation (workaround) preset for GoGo Loco v1.6.2 - v1.7.0 by franada.
- Marked the preset for ごろ寝システム (Sleep System) by みんみんみーん to also support v2.3 and the new EX version.
- Changed presets to support multiple info links (to show both んみんみーん's EX and non-EX version)
- Fixed side sleeping poses being detected too early in some positions.
- Sleeping animation automations for automatically changing the sleeping animation of your avatar based on your sleeping
- Preset for ごろ寝システム (Sleep System) v2.2 by みんみんみーん.
- Setting to start Oyasumi with administrator privileges by default
- Editor for writing OSC scripts
- In-app updater & changelog
- Japanese language support (日本語対応)
- Language selection modal on first startup
- Prepackaged Japanese font
- Anonymous telemetry (Only sends the application version and language)
- App icon
- Navigation item for GPU Automations to show an error icon when the feature is enabled, but no administrator privileges were detected.
- Switched to Fontsource for the application font, to remove the dependency on Google for providing fonts at runtime.
- Added own updater UI to replace the default Tauri update dialog.
- The main window can now be interacted with through the SteamVR overlay or other overlays like XSOverlay, when given administrator privileges.
- Fixed turning off devices sometimes triggering the "disabling sleep mode when a device is turned on" automation.
- Fixed Oyasumi freezing when SteamVR is stopped while it is still running.
- Global sleep mode to more clearly separate triggers and actions for easier future expansion.
- Version migrations for app settings and automation configurations, to aid preservation of configuration during future updates.
- GPU Automations for automatically adjusting the power limits of NVIDIA GPUs
- Turned most battery automations into sleep detection triggers.
- Restructured automation configs. (this update will reset your settings)
- Changed splash screen to a new design.
- Missing Dutch translations
- Debug option for loading translation files from disk
- Repository: Translation template downloader
- Release workflow
- Initial Release