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(c) Raj Bandi 2016, Apache 2.0 License

App Veyor: Build status

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Lisk meets C#.Net

LiskSharp is cross platform library based on Lisk ( and entirely rewritten in C# without any node.js depedencies. Lisksharp core api is a PCL library. Currently it supports Windows (including windows 8, 10 and windows phone), Linux and Mac, Xamarin mobile.

Development Environment


  1. .Net 4.6
  2. Mono.Net (Linux & Mac)


  1. Visual Studio 2015
  2. Xamarin Studio 6

Third party dependencies

  1. NBitcoin
  2. Chaos.Nacl
  3. Newtonsoft.json
  4. NUnit


  • Native Bip32 Mnuemonic passphrase generation.
  • Native Lisk Address generation from a given BIP32 Mnuemonic passphrase.
  • Sign and Verify message bytes with private key.
  • Calculate transaction and dapp bytes.
  • API facade for Lisk public api (/api/*) (complete api)
  • API facade for Lisk peer level api (/peer/*) (partial, see underdevelopment and roadmap)

Lisk api

Every Lisk node provides 2 api's. Use LiskSharp api's facade to connect to any Lisk node in the network with simple calls and retrieve data.

  1. Public api (/api/*)
  2. Peer api (/peer/*)

All the api requests initiated from LiskSharpsupports both synchronous and asynchronous.

Currently supports only outgoing requests to other Lisk nodes not vice versa i,e. it doesn't accept api requests from other nodes.

Public api

LiskSharp supports complete Lisk public api (outward only) categorized as below.

  • Accounts (/api/accounts/*)
  • Blocks (/api/blocks/*)
  • Delegates (/api/delegates/*)
  • Loader (/api/loader/*)
  • Peers (/api/peers/*)
  • Multisignatures (/api/multisignatures)
  • Signatures (/api/signatures/*)
  • Transactions (/api/transactions/*)

Peer api

Lisksharp supports following peer related api. Still under development

  • Peer list (/peer/list)
  • Peer blocks (/peer/blocks)
  • Peer height (/peer/height)

Under development

  • Peer transaction (/peer/transaction)
  • Peer blocks common (/peer/blocks/common)
  • Peer signatures (/peer/signatures)
  • Peer dapp request (/peer/dapp/request)
  • Peer dapp message (/peer/dapp/message)

Under development

  • Peer API facade complete.
  • Logic to create new blocks, transactions, votes.
  • DappMan, a dapp manager library for building dapps with or without git.
  • DappManCli, a cross platform dapp command line to create, uupdate and remove dapps.


I'm working and contributing to this project in my free time. So expect updates anytime. Other developers are most welcome if they want to help in this project.

  • Standalone server (as window service or background worker) with api, database, delegates and broadcast to other peers.
  • Separate api layer for handling incoming api requests both public and peer from other nodes.
  • Windows native client.
  • Windows 8, phone & 10 apps.
  • Android and IOS(IPhone) native apps ( will be faster than web version).


More examples in Unit Tests.
  • Generate BIP32 Mneumonic passphrase
var secret = CryptoHelper.GenerateSecret(); 
//cabbage chief join task universe hello grab slush page exit update brisk
  • Generate a new Lisk address
 var secret = "cabbage chief join task universe hello grab slush page exit update brisk"; 
 var address = CryptoHelper.GetAddress(secret);
  • Sign and Verify message bytes
 var secret = "cabbage chief join task universe hello grab slush page exit update brisk"; 
 var address = CryptoHelper.GetAddress(secret);
 // address = { Id:"10861956178781184496L", KeyPair:{PublicKey:..., PrivateKey:...}}
 var keypair = address.KeyPair;
 var message = "This is my first message, testing sign and verify"
 var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
 //Signs a message with private key
 var signatureBytes = CryptoHelper.Sign(messageBytes, keypair.PrivateKey);
 var signatureInHex = signatureBytes.ToHex();
 var isVerified = CryptoHelper.Verify(signatureBytes, keypair.PublicKey);
 //If isVerified = true, message verified correctly. 

  • Public api examples
  ILiskNodeApi  _api = new LiskNodeApi(new ApiInfo
      //Host = "yourhostip", // This can be any lisk node in the network, default is
      //Port = "port"
        UseHttps = true
  // gets peers from other lisk nodes,   /api/peers/
  var response = await _api.GetPeersAsync(); 
  // gets particular peer details from other nodes, /api/peers/get
  var response = await _api.GetPeerAsync(new PeerRequest
      Ip = "",
      Port = "8000"
  // gets peer version from other lisk nodes, /api/peers/version
  var version = await _api.GetVersionAsync();
  // Opens an account session on other lisk nodes,  /api/accounts/open
  var response = await _api.OpenAccountAsync(new OpenAccountRequest
      Secret= "cabbage chief join task universe hello grab slush page exit update brisk"
  var _account = response.Account;
  // gets account balance from other lisk nodes,  /api/accounts/getBalance
  var response = await _api.GetAccountBalanceAsync(new AccountRequest
     Address = _account.Address
  // gets all the delegates, /api/delegates/
  var response = await _api.GetDelegatesAsync();
  // gets the delegate fee,  /api/delegates/fee
  var response = await _api.GetDelegateFeeAsync();
  // gets the signature fee,  /api/signatures/fee
  var response = await _api.GetSignatureFeeAsync();
  // gets the transaction details from a given transaction id, /api/transactions/get
  var response = await _api.GetTransactionAsync(new TransactionRequest
            Id = "15748634892930294330"
   More examples in unit tests.
  • Peer api examples
ILiskPeerApi  _api = new LiskPeerApi(new ApiInfo
        //Host = "yourhostip", // This can be any lisk node in the network, default is
        //Port = "port"
        UseHttps = true
 // gets peer list from other node, /peer/list           
 var response = await _api.GetPeerListAsync();            
 // gets peer height from other node, /peer/height
 var response = await _api.GetPeerHeightAsync();
 // gets peer blocks from other node, /peer/blocks
 var response = await _api.GetPeerBlocksAsync();