${\color{yellow}Hi}$ ${\color{yellow}there ,}$ ${\color{yellow}I'm}$ ${\color{yellow}RAj}$ ${\color{yellow}Tiwari!}$
const RAj Tiwari = {
code: ["C", "C++", "JavaScript", "Java", "Python", "R","Rust"],
askMeAbout: ["data analysis", "web development", "tech", "app development", "3D Animation"],
technologies: {
programmingLanguages: ["C", "C++", "PHP", "JavaScript", "Java", "Python", "R" , "Rust"],
databases: ["MySQL", "MongoDB", "pgAdmin"],
designAndIdeTools: ["MS Visual Studio Code", "IntelliJ Idea", "MS Office", "GitHub"],
webDevelopment: ["HTML5", "CSS3", "ES6", "Node.js", "Express.js","React" , "Bootstrap", "NPM", "jQuery", "APIs", "EJS"],
dataAnalysis: ["NumPy", "Matplotlib", "SciPy", "R", "Tableau", "Microsoft Power BI"],
- 💻 I'm passionate about coding and enjoy exploring new technologies.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning machine learning algorithms.
- 📸3D Animation is my creative outlet when I'm not coding.
Feel free to reach out and connect!