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AMQ Online Perf Setup

Test setup

This guide covers setting up/tearing down tests, changing storage settings etc.


  • Integreatly POC Cluster

Running tests

Ansible can be used to automate the configuration and execution of the PERF tests. The steps needed are detailed below

Using Ansible

First, we need to update our inventory to point to your master cluster. Navigate to the ansible directory and run the following command

cp inventories/inventory.template inventories/inventory

Update the [master] variable to the public URL of your master node

To setup the testing infrastructure, this will include testing addressspaces and addresses along with the maestro framework run the following:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/inventory playbooks/install.yml

Once the playbook has completed run the following to execute the load tests

ansible-playbook -i inventories/inventory playbooks/execute_tests.yml

Test results can be found at

Manual Setup and Execution

Creating addresses

To meet the description use cases outlined above a number of addresses need to be created.

First, we need remove the standard authservice and to create a none authentication service.

oc project openshift-enmasse
oc delete authenticationservice standard-authservice
oc create -f enmasse/authservice/none-authservice.yaml

Now we will create our address spaces and addresses in a different project

oc new-project maestro-test-addresses
oc create -f enmasse/addressspace/standard.yaml
oc create -f enmasse/addressspace/brokered.yaml

# Wait until the address spaces `standard` and `brokered` status equals true
oc get addressspace standard -o jsonpath={.status.isReady}
oc get addressspace brokered -o jsonpath={.status.isReady}

oc create -f enmasse/address/integreatly_standard.yaml 
oc create -f enmasse/address/integreatly_brokered.yaml 

Note to retrieve the address space messaging endpoints for the standard and brokered host names

# standard
oc get addressspace standard -o 'jsonpath={.status.endpointStatuses[?("messaging")].externalHost}'
# brokered
oc get addressspace brokered -o 'jsonpath={.status.endpointStatuses[?("messaging")].externalHost}'

Deploying test infrastructure

Running tests

In order to isolate the maestro infra and workers from the SUT hosts, all deployments should have a node affinity so that you can control where Maestro components are running.

The affinity is defined by applying the maestro-node-role label to a node and setting it to one of the following predefined values;

  • worker
  • infra

Nodes with the worker label have an affinity towards worker type components. These are: the Maestro Worker and the Maestro Agent. Nodes with the infra label have an affinity towards infra type components. These are low resource intensive components that provide support for the test execution or the infrastructure required for running Maestro. These components are: the Maestro Inspector, Maestro Reports and the Maestro Broker.

Nodes can be labeled like this:

oc label node maestro-node-role=infra

Create new Maestro Project

oc new-project maestro

Deploy Broker

To deploy the Mosquitto broker:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/broker/mosquitto-deployment.yaml -f maestro/oc/broker/cluster-service.yaml -f maestro/oc/broker/external-service.yaml

Deploy The Reports Tool

To deploy the reports, first we create volume claim to store the data permanently:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/reports/reports-data-pvc.yaml

Then we create the services, the deployment and expose the services:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/reports/reports-service.yaml -f maestro/oc/reports/reports-deployment.yaml
oc expose -f maestro/oc/reports/reports-service.yaml --hostname=reports.apps.<<>>

Note: be sure to replace <<>> with the correct hostname for the reports server.

Deploy worker

The worker connects to the maestro broker through the broker service.

To deploy the worker:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/worker/worker-deployment.yaml

Scale the workers up to the amount of replicas that you need for your test:

oc scale deployment --replicas=2 maestro-worker

Deploy inspector (optional)

Note Both the inspector and the agent are optional as they are currently experimental components and may cause some unwanted affects.

To deploy the inspector:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/inspector/inspector-deployment.yaml

Deploy agent (optional)

To deploy the agent:

oc apply -f maestro/oc/agent/agent-deployment.yaml

Executing Tests on the Client

The maestro client is configured using 2 config maps. The test-scripts config map is used to load the test scripts you wish to select from. This configmap can be created by referencing the directory containing the scripts on creation:

oc create configmap test-scripts --from-file=./maestro/test-scripts/src/main/groovy/singlepoint

Each test case is run by creating a configmap with the parameters for the test, and creating the pod that runs the client and collects the reports. The reports are stored in a pod volume that you can access through a sidecar container after running the client.

To run a test first you must update testcase-1.yaml to match your Receive Url

oc apply -f maestro/oc/client/testcase-1.yaml
oc apply -f maestro/oc/client/client.yaml

The test is finished once the job is marked as complete. If the test fails it will be rerun. You can view the progress in the client pod's logs. You can now start a new test case by replacing the client-config configmap with a new test case, and recreating the pod.