diff --git a/marquee/OpenWeatherMapClient.cpp b/marquee/OpenWeatherMapClient.cpp
index dd4c07d..003b740 100644
--- a/marquee/OpenWeatherMapClient.cpp
+++ b/marquee/OpenWeatherMapClient.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ OpenWeatherMapClient::OpenWeatherMapClient(String ApiKey, int CityIDs[], int cit
void OpenWeatherMapClient::updateWeather() {
WiFiClient weatherClient;
- String apiGetData = "GET /data/2.5/group?id=" + myCityIDs + "&units=" + units + "&cnt=1&APPID=" + myApiKey;
+ String apiGetData = "GET /data/2.5/group?id=" + myCityIDs + "&units=" + units + "&cnt=1&APPID=" + myApiKey + " HTTP/1.1";
Serial.println("Getting Weather Data");
@@ -53,6 +53,23 @@ void OpenWeatherMapClient::updateWeather() {
Serial.println("Waiting for data");
+ // Check HTTP status
+ char status[32] = {0};
+ weatherClient.readBytesUntil('\r', status, sizeof(status));
+ Serial.println("Response Header: " + String(status));
+ if (strcmp(status, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") != 0) {
+ Serial.print(F("Unexpected response: "));
+ Serial.println(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Skip HTTP headers
+ char endOfHeaders[] = "\r\n\r\n";
+ if (!weatherClient.find(endOfHeaders)) {
+ Serial.println(F("Invalid response"));
+ return;
+ }
while (weatherClient.connected() || weatherClient.available()) { //connected or data available
char c = weatherClient.read(); //gets byte from ethernet buffer
result = result+c;
diff --git a/marquee/marquee.ino b/marquee/marquee.ino
index 0356864..c708c89 100644
--- a/marquee/marquee.ino
+++ b/marquee/marquee.ino
@@ -1,1056 +1,1056 @@
-/** The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2018 David Payne
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- /**********************************************
- * Edit Settings.h for personalization
- ***********************************************/
-#include "Settings.h"
-#define VERSION "1.5"
-#define HOSTNAME "ESP8266-"
-#define CONFIG "/conf.txt"
-#define BUZZER_PIN D2
-/* Useful Constants */
-#define SECS_PER_MIN (60UL)
-#define SECS_PER_HOUR (3600UL)
-/* Useful Macros for getting elapsed time */
-#define numberOfSeconds(_time_) (_time_ % SECS_PER_MIN)
-#define numberOfMinutes(_time_) ((_time_ / SECS_PER_MIN) % SECS_PER_MIN)
-#define numberOfHours(_time_) (( _time_% SECS_PER_DAY) / SECS_PER_HOUR)
-#define elapsedDays(_time_) ( _time_ / SECS_PER_DAY)
-//declairing prototypes
-void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager);
-int8_t getWifiQuality();
-// LED Settings
-const int offset = 1;
-const int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 4;
-const int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1;
-int refresh = 0;
-String message = "hello";
-int wait = 25; // In milliseconds -- controls speed of scroll
-int spacer = 1; // dots between letters
-int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels + spacer
-Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);
-float UtcOffset; //time zone offsets that correspond with the CityID above (offset from GMT)
-// Time
-TimeClient timeClient(UtcOffset);
-String lastMinute = "xx";
-long lastEpoch = 0;
-long firstEpoch = 0;
-long displayOffEpoch = 0;
-boolean displayOn = true;
-boolean timeOffsetFetched = false;
-// News Client
-NewsApiClient newsClient(NEWS_API_KEY, NEWS_SOURCE);
-int newsIndex = 0;
-// Advice Client
-AdviceSlipClient adviceClient;
-// Weather Client
-OpenWeatherMapClient weatherClient(APIKEY, CityIDs, 1, IS_METRIC);
-// OctoPrint Client
-OctoPrintClient printerClient(OctoPrintApiKey, OctoPrintServer, OctoPrintPort);
-int printerCount = 0;
-ESP8266WebServer server(WEBSERVER_PORT);
-const String WEB_ACTIONS = " Home"
- " Configure"
- " Refresh Data"
- " Reset Settings"
- " Forget WiFi"
- " About";
-const String CHANGE_FORM1 = "
- "";
-const String NEWS_OPTIONS = ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "";
-const int TIMEOUT = 500; // 500 = 1/2 second
-int timeoutCount = 0;
-// Change the externalLight to the pin you wish to use if other than the Built-in LED
-int externalLight = LED_BUILTIN; // LED_BUILTIN is is the built in LED on the Wemos
-void setup() {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- SPIFFS.begin();
- //SPIFFS.remove(CONFIG);
- delay(10);
- // Initialize digital pin for LED
- pinMode(externalLight, OUTPUT);
- //New Line to clear from start garbage
- Serial.println();
- readCityIds();
- // initialize dispaly
- matrix.setIntensity(0); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness
- matrix.setRotation(0,3);
- matrix.setRotation(1,3);
- matrix.setRotation(2,3);
- matrix.setRotation(3,3);
-// Adjust to your own needs
- matrix.setPosition(0, 3, 0); // The first display is at <0, 7>
- matrix.setPosition(1, 2, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(2, 1, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(3, 0, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
- Serial.println("matrix created");
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- centerPrint("hello");
- tone(BUZZER_PIN, 415, 500);
- delay(500*1.3);
- tone(BUZZER_PIN, 466, 500);
- delay(500*1.3);
- tone(BUZZER_PIN, 370, 1000);
- delay(1000*1.3);
- noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
- for (int inx = 0; inx <= 15; inx++) {
- matrix.setIntensity(inx);
- delay(100);
- }
- for (int inx = 15; inx > 0; inx--) {
- matrix.setIntensity(inx);
- delay(60);
- }
- delay(1000);
- matrix.setIntensity(displayIntensity);
- //noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
- //WiFiManager
- //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
- WiFiManager wifiManager;
- // Uncomment for testing wifi manager
- //wifiManager.resetSettings();
- wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback);
- //or use this for auto generated name ESP + ChipID
- wifiManager.autoConnect();
- //Manual Wifi
- //WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
- String hostname(HOSTNAME);
- hostname += String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX);
- WiFi.hostname(hostname);
- int cnt = 0;
- while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- delay(500);
- Serial.print(".");
- cnt++;
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
- }
- // print the received signal strength:
- Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): ");
- Serial.print(getWifiQuality());
- Serial.println("%");
- if (ENABLE_OTA) {
- ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
- Serial.println("Start");
- });
- ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
- Serial.println("\nEnd");
- });
- ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
- Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
- });
- ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
- Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
- if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
- else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
- else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
- else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
- else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
- });
- ArduinoOTA.begin();
- }
- server.on("/", displayWeatherData);
- server.on("/pull", handlePull);
- server.on("/locations", handleLocations);
- server.on("/systemreset", handleSystemReset);
- server.on("/forgetwifi", handleForgetWifi);
- server.on("/configure", handleConfigure);
- server.on("/display", handleDisplay);
- server.onNotFound(redirectHome);
- // Start the server
- server.begin();
- Serial.println("Server started");
- // Print the IP address
- String webAddress = "http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(WEBSERVER_PORT) + "/";
- Serial.println("Use this URL : " + webAddress);
- scrollMessage(WiFi.localIP().toString() + " ");
- } else {
- Serial.println("Web Interface is Disabled");
- scrollMessage("Web Interface is Disabled");
- }
- flashLED(1, 500);
-// Main Looop
-void loop() {
- //Get some Weather Data to serve
- if((getMinutesFromLastRefresh() >= minutesBetweenDataRefresh) || lastEpoch == 0) {
- getWeatherData();
- }
- checkDisplay(); // this will see if we need to turn it on or off for night mode.
- if (lastMinute != timeClient.getMinutes()) {
- if (displayOn) {
- matrix.shutdown(false);
- }
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- if (displayOn && ((printerClient.isOperational() || printerClient.isPrinting()) || printerCount == 0)) {
- // This should only get called if the printer is actually running or if it has been 5 minutes
- printerClient.getPrinterJobResults();
- }
- printerCount += 1;
- if (printerCount > 5) {
- printerCount = 0;
- }
- }
- lastMinute = timeClient.getMinutes();
- String temperature = weatherClient.getTemp(0);
- if ((temperature.indexOf(".") != -1) && (temperature.length() >= (temperature.indexOf(".") + 2))) {
- temperature.remove(temperature.indexOf(".") + 2);
- }
- String description = weatherClient.getDescription(0);
- description.toUpperCase();
- String msg;
- if (OCTOPRINT_ENABLED && printerClient.isPrinting()) {
- msg += printerClient.getFileName() + " ";
- msg += "(" + printerClient.getProgressCompletion() + "%) ";
- }
- msg += weatherClient.getCity(0) + " ";
- msg += temperature + getTempSymbol() + " ";
- msg += description + " ";
- msg += "Humidity:" + weatherClient.getHumidity(0) + "% ";
- msg += "Wind:" + weatherClient.getWind(0) + " ";
- msg += marqueeMessage + " ";
- msg += " " + NEWS_SOURCE + ": " + newsClient.getTitle(newsIndex) + " ";
- newsIndex += 1;
- if (newsIndex > 9) {
- newsIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- msg += " Advice: " + adviceClient.getAdvice() + " ";
- }
- scrollMessage(msg);
- }
- String hourMinutes = timeClient.getAmPmHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
- if (IS_24HOUR) {
- hourMinutes = timeClient.getHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
- }
- centerPrint(hourMinutes);
- server.handleClient();
- }
- if (ENABLE_OTA) {
- ArduinoOTA.handle();
- }
-boolean athentication() {
- if (IS_BASIC_AUTH) {
- return server.authenticate(www_username, www_password);
- }
- return true; // Authentication not required
-void handlePull() {
- timeOffsetFetched = false;
- getWeatherData(); // this will force a data pull for new weather
- displayWeatherData();
-void handleLocations() {
- if (!athentication()) {
- return server.requestAuthentication();
- }
- CityIDs[0] = server.arg("city1").toInt();
- NEWS_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displaynews");
- ADVICE_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displayadvice");
- IS_24HOUR = server.hasArg("is24hour");
- IS_METRIC = server.hasArg("metric");
- NEWS_SOURCE = server.arg("newssource");
- marqueeMessage = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("marqueeMsg"));
- timeDisplayTurnsOn = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("startTime"));
- timeDisplayTurnsOff = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("endTime"));
- displayIntensity = server.arg("ledintensity").toInt();
- minutesBetweenDataRefresh = server.arg("refresh").toInt();
- OCTOPRINT_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displayoctoprint");
- OctoPrintApiKey = server.arg("octoPrintApiKey");
- OctoPrintServer = server.arg("octoPrintAddress");
- OctoPrintPort = server.arg("octoPrintPort").toInt();
- IS_BASIC_AUTH = server.hasArg("isBasicAuth");
- String temp = server.arg("userid");
- temp.toCharArray(www_username, sizeof(temp));
- temp = server.arg("stationpassword");
- temp.toCharArray(www_password, sizeof(temp));
- weatherClient.setMetric(IS_METRIC);
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- writeCityIds();
- getWeatherData(); // this will force a data pull for new weather
- redirectHome();
-void handleSystemReset() {
- if (!athentication()) {
- return server.requestAuthentication();
- }
- Serial.println("Reset System Configuration");
- if (SPIFFS.remove(CONFIG)) {
- redirectHome();
- ESP.restart();
- }
-void handleForgetWifi() {
- if (!athentication()) {
- return server.requestAuthentication();
- }
- //WiFiManager
- //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
- redirectHome();
- WiFiManager wifiManager;
- wifiManager.resetSettings();
- ESP.restart();
-void handleConfigure() {
- if (!athentication()) {
- return server.requestAuthentication();
- }
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- String html = "";
- server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
- server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
- server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
- server.send(200, "text/html", "");
- html = getHeader();
- server.sendContent(html);
- String form = String(CHANGE_FORM1);
- for (int inx = 0; inx < 1; inx++) {
- String cityName = "";
- if (CityIDs[inx] > 0) {
- cityName = weatherClient.getCity(inx) + ", " + weatherClient.getCountry(inx);
- } else {
- cityName = "Available";
- }
- form.replace(String("%CITYNAME" + String(inx +1) + "%"), cityName);
- form.replace(String("%CITY" + String(inx +1) + "%"), String(CityIDs[inx]));
- }
- String is24hourChecked = "";
- if (IS_24HOUR) {
- is24hourChecked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%IS_24HOUR_CHECKED%", is24hourChecked);
- String checked = "";
- if (IS_METRIC) {
- checked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%CHECKED%", checked);
- String isNewsDisplayedChecked = "";
- isNewsDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%NEWSCHECKED%", isNewsDisplayedChecked);
- String newsOptions = String(NEWS_OPTIONS);
- newsOptions.replace(">"+String(NEWS_SOURCE)+"<", " selected>"+String(NEWS_SOURCE)+"<");
- form.replace("%NEWSOPTIONS%", newsOptions);
- server.sendContent(String(form)); //Send first Chunk of form
- form = String(CHANGE_FORM2);
- String isAdviceDisplayedChecked = "";
- isAdviceDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%ADVICECHECKED%", isAdviceDisplayedChecked);
- form.replace("%MSG%", marqueeMessage);
- form.replace("%STARTTIME%", timeDisplayTurnsOn);
- form.replace("%ENDTIME%", timeDisplayTurnsOff);
- String ledOptions = "";
- ledOptions.replace(">"+String(displayIntensity)+"<", " selected>"+String(displayIntensity)+"<");
- form.replace("%INTENSITYOPTIONS%", ledOptions);
- String options = "";
- options.replace(">"+String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh)+"<", " selected>"+String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh)+"<");
- form.replace("%OPTIONS%", options);
- String isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked = "";
- isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%OCTOCHECKED%", isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked);
- form.replace("%OCTOKEY%", OctoPrintApiKey);
- form.replace("%OCTOADDRESS%", OctoPrintServer);
- form.replace("%OCTOPORT%", String(OctoPrintPort));
- String isUseSecurityChecked = "";
- if (IS_BASIC_AUTH) {
- isUseSecurityChecked = "checked='checked'";
- }
- form.replace("%IS_BASICAUTH_CHECKED%", isUseSecurityChecked);
- form.replace("%USERID%", String(www_username));
- form.replace("%STATIONPASSWORD%", String(www_password));
- server.sendContent(String(form)); // Send the second chunk of Data
- html = getFooter();
- server.sendContent(html);
- server.sendContent("");
- server.client().stop();
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
-void handleDisplay() {
- if (!athentication()) {
- return server.requestAuthentication();
- }
- enableDisplay(!displayOn);
- String state = "OFF";
- if (displayOn) {
- state = "ON";
- }
- displayMessage("Display is now " + state);
-void getWeatherData() //client function to send/receive GET request data.
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- Serial.println();
- if (displayOn) {
- // only pull the weather data if display is on
- centerPrint(".");
- weatherClient.updateWeather();
- if (weatherClient.getError() != "") {
- do {
- scrollMessage(weatherClient.getError());
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- Serial.println("Updating Time...");
- //Update the Time
- centerPrint("..");
- timeClient.updateTime();
- lastEpoch = timeClient.getCurrentEpoch();
- if (firstEpoch == 0) {
- // This is the first time running record the time
- String curDate = weatherClient.getDt(0);
- curDate = curDate.substring(0, curDate.length() - String(lastEpoch).length());
- curDate = curDate + String(lastEpoch);
- firstEpoch = curDate.toInt();
- Serial.println("firstEpoch is: " + String(firstEpoch));
- }
- if (NEWS_ENABLED && displayOn) {
- centerPrint("...");
- Serial.println("Getting News Data for " + NEWS_SOURCE);
- newsClient.updateNews();
- }
- if (ADVICE_ENABLED && displayOn) {
- centerPrint("...");
- Serial.println("Getting some Advice");
- adviceClient.updateAdvice();
- }
- if (!timeOffsetFetched) {
- // we need to get offsets
- centerPrint("....");
- timeOffsetFetched = true;
- GeoNamesClient geoNames(GEONAMES_USER, weatherClient.getLat(0), weatherClient.getLon(0));
- UtcOffset = geoNames.getTimeOffset();
- }
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- Serial.println("Version: " + String(VERSION));
- Serial.println();
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
-void displayMessage(String message) {
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
- server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
- server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
- server.send(200, "text/html", "");
- String html = getHeader();
- server.sendContent(String(html));
- server.sendContent(String(message));
- html = getFooter();
- server.sendContent(String(html));
- server.sendContent("");
- server.client().stop();
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
-void redirectHome() {
- // Send them back to the Root Directory
- server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
- server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
- server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
- server.send(302, "text/plain", "");
- server.client().stop();
-String getHeader() {
- String menu = String(WEB_ACTIONS);
- menu.replace("%TOGGLEDISPLAY%", (displayOn) ? " Turn Display OFF" : " Turn Display ON");
- String html = "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "";
- html += "
- return html;
-String getFooter() {
- int8_t rssi = getWifiQuality();
- Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): ");
- Serial.print(rssi);
- Serial.println("%");
- String html = "
- html += "
- html += "";
- html += "";
- return html;
-void displayWeatherData() {
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- String html = "";
- server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
- server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
- server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
- server.send(200, "text/html", "");
- server.sendContent(String(getHeader()));
- for (int inx = 0; inx < 1; inx++) {
- if (weatherClient.getTemp(inx) == "") {
- break; // no more data
- }
- String temperature = weatherClient.getTemp(inx);
- if ((temperature.indexOf(".") != -1) && (temperature.length() >= (temperature.indexOf(".") + 2))) {
- temperature.remove(temperature.indexOf(".") + 2);
- }
- timeClient.setUtcOffset(getTimeOffset(inx));
- String time = timeClient.getAmPmFormattedTime();
- Serial.println(weatherClient.getCity(inx));
- Serial.println(weatherClient.getCondition(inx));
- Serial.println(weatherClient.getDescription(inx));
- Serial.println(temperature);
- Serial.println(time);
- html += "" + weatherClient.getCity(inx) + ", " + weatherClient.getCountry(inx) + "
- html += "
- html += "
![" + weatherClient.getDescription(inx) + "](http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + weatherClient.getIcon(inx) + ".png)
- html += weatherClient.getHumidity(inx) + "% Humidity
- html += weatherClient.getWind(inx) + "
mph Wind
- html += "
- html += "
- html += weatherClient.getCondition(inx) + " (" + weatherClient.getDescription(inx) + ")
- html += temperature + " " + getTempSymbol() + "
- html += time + "
- html += " Map It!
- html += "
- server.sendContent(String(html)); // spit out what we got
- html = ""; // fresh start
- }
- html = "OctoPrint Status: ";
- if (printerClient.isPrinting()) {
- html += printerClient.getState() + " " + printerClient.getFileName() + " (" + printerClient.getProgressCompletion() + "%)";
- } else if (printerClient.isOperational()) {
- html += printerClient.getState();
- } else {
- html += "Not Opperational";
- }
- html += "
- server.sendContent(String(html));
- html = "";
- }
- html = "News (" + NEWS_SOURCE + ")
- for (int inx = 0; inx < 10; inx++) {
- html += "";
- html += "" + newsClient.getDescription(inx) + "
- server.sendContent(String(html));
- html = "";
- }
- }
- html = "Advice Slip
- html += "Current Advice:
- html += "" + adviceClient.getAdvice() + "
- server.sendContent(String(html));
- html = "";
- }
- server.sendContent(String(getFooter()));
- server.sendContent("");
- server.client().stop();
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
-float getTimeOffset(int index) {
- if (timeOffsetFetched) {
- return UtcOffset;
- }
- // we need to get offsets
- timeOffsetFetched = true;
- GeoNamesClient geoNames(GEONAMES_USER, weatherClient.getLat(0), weatherClient.getLon(0));
- UtcOffset = geoNames.getTimeOffset();
- return UtcOffset;
-void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
- Serial.println("Entered config mode");
- Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP());
- Serial.println("Wifi Manager");
- Serial.println("Please connect to AP");
- Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID());
- Serial.println("To setup Wifi Configuration");
- scrollMessage("Please Connect to AP: " + String(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()));
- centerPrint("wifi");
-void flashLED(int number, int delayTime) {
- for (int inx = 0; inx < number; inx++) {
- tone(BUZZER_PIN, 440, delayTime);
- delay(delayTime);
- digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
- delay(delayTime);
- digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
- delay(delayTime);
- }
- noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
-String getTempSymbol() {
- String rtnValue = "F";
- if (IS_METRIC) {
- rtnValue = "C";
- }
- return rtnValue;
-// converts the dBm to a range between 0 and 100%
-int8_t getWifiQuality() {
- int32_t dbm = WiFi.RSSI();
- if(dbm <= -100) {
- return 0;
- } else if(dbm >= -50) {
- return 100;
- } else {
- return 2 * (dbm + 100);
- }
-String getTimeTillUpdate() {
- String rtnValue = "";
- long timeToUpdate = (((minutesBetweenDataRefresh * 60) + lastEpoch) - timeClient.getCurrentEpoch());
- int hours = numberOfHours(timeToUpdate);
- int minutes = numberOfMinutes(timeToUpdate);
- int seconds = numberOfSeconds(timeToUpdate);
- rtnValue += String(hours) + ":";
- if (minutes < 10) {
- rtnValue += "0";
- }
- rtnValue += String(minutes) + ":";
- if (seconds <10) {
- rtnValue += "0";
- }
- rtnValue += String(seconds);
- return rtnValue;
-int getMinutesFromLastRefresh() {
- int minutes = (timeClient.getCurrentEpoch() - lastEpoch) / 60;
- return minutes;
-int getMinutesFromLastDisplay() {
- int minutes = (timeClient.getCurrentEpoch() - displayOffEpoch) / 60;
- return minutes;
-void enableDisplay(boolean enable) {
- displayOn = enable;
- if (enable) {
- if (getMinutesFromLastDisplay() >= minutesBetweenDataRefresh) {
- // The display has been off longer than the minutes between refresh -- need to get fresh data
- lastEpoch = 0; // this should force a data pull of the weather
- displayOffEpoch = 0; // reset
- }
- matrix.shutdown(false);
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
- Serial.println("Display was turned ON: " + timeClient.getFormattedTime());
- } else {
- matrix.shutdown(true);
- Serial.println("Display was turned OFF: " + timeClient.getFormattedTime());
- displayOffEpoch = lastEpoch;
- }
-// Toggle on and off the display if user defined times
-void checkDisplay() {
- if (timeDisplayTurnsOn == "" || timeDisplayTurnsOff == "") {
- return; // nothing to do
- }
- timeClient.setUtcOffset(getTimeOffset(0));
- String currentTime = timeClient.getHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
- if (currentTime == timeDisplayTurnsOn && !displayOn) {
- Serial.println("Time to turn display on: " + currentTime);
- flashLED(1, 500);
- enableDisplay(true);
- }
- if (currentTime == timeDisplayTurnsOff && displayOn) {
- Serial.println("Time to turn display off: " + currentTime);
- flashLED(2, 500);
- enableDisplay(false);
- }
-String writeCityIds() {
- // Save decoded message to SPIFFS file for playback on power up.
- File f = SPIFFS.open(CONFIG, "w");
- if (!f) {
- Serial.println("File open failed!");
- } else {
- Serial.println("Saving settings now...");
- f.println("CityID=" + String(CityIDs[0]));
- f.println("marqueeMessage=" + marqueeMessage);
- f.println("newsSource=" + NEWS_SOURCE);
- f.println("timeDisplayTurnsOn=" + timeDisplayTurnsOn);
- f.println("timeDisplayTurnsOff=" + timeDisplayTurnsOff);
- f.println("ledIntensity=" + String(displayIntensity));
- f.println("isNews=" + String(NEWS_ENABLED));
- f.println("isAdvice=" + String(ADVICE_ENABLED));
- f.println("is24hour=" + String(IS_24HOUR));
- f.println("isMetric=" + String(IS_METRIC));
- f.println("refreshRate=" + String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh));
- f.println("isOctoPrint=" + String(OCTOPRINT_ENABLED));
- f.println("octoKey=" + OctoPrintApiKey);
- f.println("octoServer=" + OctoPrintServer);
- f.println("octoPort=" + String(OctoPrintPort));
- f.println("www_username=" + String(www_username));
- f.println("www_password=" + String(www_password));
- f.println("IS_BASIC_AUTH=" + String(IS_BASIC_AUTH));
- }
- f.close();
- readCityIds();
- timeOffsetFetched = false;
- weatherClient.updateCityIdList(CityIDs, 1);
- String cityIds = weatherClient.getMyCityIDs();
- return cityIds;
-void readCityIds() {
- if (SPIFFS.exists(CONFIG) == false) {
- Serial.println("Settings File does not yet exists.");
- writeCityIds();
- return;
- }
- File fr = SPIFFS.open(CONFIG, "r");
- String line;
- while(fr.available()) {
- line = fr.readStringUntil('\n');
- if (line.indexOf("CityID=") >= 0) {
- CityIDs[0] = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("CityID=") + 7).toInt();
- Serial.println("CityID: " + String(CityIDs[0]));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("newsSource=") >= 0) {
- NEWS_SOURCE = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("newsSource=") + 11);
- NEWS_SOURCE.trim();
- Serial.println("newsSource=" + NEWS_SOURCE);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("isNews=") >= 0) {
- NEWS_ENABLED = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isNews=") + 7).toInt();
- Serial.println("NEWS_ENABLED=" + String(NEWS_ENABLED));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("is24hour=") >= 0) {
- IS_24HOUR = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("is24hour=") + 9).toInt();
- Serial.println("IS_24HOUR=" + String(IS_24HOUR));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("isMetric=") >= 0) {
- IS_METRIC = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isMetric=") + 9).toInt();
- Serial.println("IS_METRIC=" + String(IS_METRIC));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("refreshRate=") >= 0) {
- minutesBetweenDataRefresh = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("refreshRate=") + 12).toInt();
- Serial.println("minutesBetweenDataRefresh=" + String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("marqueeMessage=") >= 0) {
- marqueeMessage = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("marqueeMessage=") + 15);
- marqueeMessage.trim();
- Serial.println("marqueeMessage=" + marqueeMessage);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOn=") >= 0) {
- timeDisplayTurnsOn = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOn=") + 19);
- timeDisplayTurnsOn.trim();
- Serial.println("timeDisplayTurnsOn=" + timeDisplayTurnsOn);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOff=") >= 0) {
- timeDisplayTurnsOff = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOff=") + 20);
- timeDisplayTurnsOff.trim();
- Serial.println("timeDisplayTurnsOff=" + timeDisplayTurnsOff);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("ledIntensity=") >= 0) {
- displayIntensity = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("ledIntensity=") + 13).toInt();
- Serial.println("displayIntensity=" + String(displayIntensity));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("isOctoPrint=") >= 0) {
- OCTOPRINT_ENABLED = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isOctoPrint=") + 12).toInt();
- }
- if (line.indexOf("octoKey=") >= 0) {
- OctoPrintApiKey = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoKey=") + 8);
- OctoPrintApiKey.trim();
- Serial.println("OctoPrintApiKey=" + OctoPrintApiKey);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("octoServer=") >= 0) {
- OctoPrintServer = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoServer=") + 11);
- OctoPrintServer.trim();
- Serial.println("OctoPrintServer=" + OctoPrintServer);
- }
- if (line.indexOf("octoPort=") >= 0) {
- OctoPrintPort = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoPort=") + 9).toInt();
- Serial.println("OctoPrintPort=" + String(OctoPrintPort));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("www_username=") >= 0) {
- String temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("www_username=") + 13);
- temp.trim();
- temp.toCharArray(www_username, sizeof(temp));
- Serial.println("www_username=" + String(www_username));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("www_password=") >= 0) {
- String temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("www_password=") + 13);
- temp.trim();
- temp.toCharArray(www_password, sizeof(temp));
- Serial.println("www_password=" + String(www_password));
- }
- if (line.indexOf("IS_BASIC_AUTH=") >= 0) {
- IS_BASIC_AUTH = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("IS_BASIC_AUTH=") + 14).toInt();
- Serial.println("IS_BASIC_AUTH=" + String(IS_BASIC_AUTH));
- }
- }
- fr.close();
- matrix.setIntensity(displayIntensity);
- newsClient.updateNewsSource(NEWS_SOURCE);
- weatherClient.setMetric(IS_METRIC);
- weatherClient.updateCityIdList(CityIDs, 1);
- printerClient.updateOctoPrintClient(OctoPrintApiKey, OctoPrintServer, OctoPrintPort);
- printerClient.getPrinterJobResults();
- }
-void scrollMessage(String msg) {
- msg += " "; // add a space at the end
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * msg.length() + matrix.width() - 1 - spacer; i++ ) {
- server.handleClient();
- }
- if (ENABLE_OTA) {
- ArduinoOTA.handle();
- }
- if (refresh==1) i=0;
- refresh=0;
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
- int letter = i / width;
- int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width;
- int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically
- while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
- if ( letter < msg.length() ) {
- matrix.drawChar(x, y, msg[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1);
- }
- letter--;
- x -= width;
- }
- matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
- delay(wait);
- }
- matrix.setCursor(0,0);
-void centerPrint(String msg) {
- int x = (matrix.width() - (msg.length() * width)) / 2;
- matrix.setCursor(x, 0);
- matrix.print(msg);
- matrix.write();
-String decodeHtmlString(String msg) {
- String decodedMsg = msg;
- // Restore special characters that are misformed to %char by the client browser
- decodedMsg.replace("+", " ");
- decodedMsg.replace("%21", "!");
- decodedMsg.replace("%22", "");
- decodedMsg.replace("%23", "#");
- decodedMsg.replace("%24", "$");
- decodedMsg.replace("%25", "%");
- decodedMsg.replace("%26", "&");
- decodedMsg.replace("%27", "'");
- decodedMsg.replace("%28", "(");
- decodedMsg.replace("%29", ")");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2A", "*");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2B", "+");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2C", ",");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2F", "/");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3A", ":");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3B", ";");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3C", "<");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3D", "=");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3E", ">");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3F", "?");
- decodedMsg.replace("%40", "@");
- decodedMsg.toUpperCase();
- decodedMsg.trim();
- return decodedMsg;
+/** The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2018 David Payne
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ /**********************************************
+ * Edit Settings.h for personalization
+ ***********************************************/
+#include "Settings.h"
+#define VERSION "1.6"
+#define HOSTNAME "ESP8266-"
+#define CONFIG "/conf.txt"
+#define BUZZER_PIN D2
+/* Useful Constants */
+#define SECS_PER_MIN (60UL)
+#define SECS_PER_HOUR (3600UL)
+/* Useful Macros for getting elapsed time */
+#define numberOfSeconds(_time_) (_time_ % SECS_PER_MIN)
+#define numberOfMinutes(_time_) ((_time_ / SECS_PER_MIN) % SECS_PER_MIN)
+#define numberOfHours(_time_) (( _time_% SECS_PER_DAY) / SECS_PER_HOUR)
+#define elapsedDays(_time_) ( _time_ / SECS_PER_DAY)
+//declairing prototypes
+void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager);
+int8_t getWifiQuality();
+// LED Settings
+const int offset = 1;
+const int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 4;
+const int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1;
+int refresh = 0;
+String message = "hello";
+int wait = 25; // In milliseconds -- controls speed of scroll
+int spacer = 1; // dots between letters
+int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels + spacer
+Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);
+float UtcOffset; //time zone offsets that correspond with the CityID above (offset from GMT)
+// Time
+TimeClient timeClient(UtcOffset);
+String lastMinute = "xx";
+long lastEpoch = 0;
+long firstEpoch = 0;
+long displayOffEpoch = 0;
+boolean displayOn = true;
+boolean timeOffsetFetched = false;
+// News Client
+NewsApiClient newsClient(NEWS_API_KEY, NEWS_SOURCE);
+int newsIndex = 0;
+// Advice Client
+AdviceSlipClient adviceClient;
+// Weather Client
+OpenWeatherMapClient weatherClient(APIKEY, CityIDs, 1, IS_METRIC);
+// OctoPrint Client
+OctoPrintClient printerClient(OctoPrintApiKey, OctoPrintServer, OctoPrintPort);
+int printerCount = 0;
+ESP8266WebServer server(WEBSERVER_PORT);
+const String WEB_ACTIONS = " Home"
+ " Configure"
+ " Refresh Data"
+ " Reset Settings"
+ " Forget WiFi"
+ " About";
+const String CHANGE_FORM1 = ""
+ "";
+const String NEWS_OPTIONS = ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "";
+const int TIMEOUT = 500; // 500 = 1/2 second
+int timeoutCount = 0;
+// Change the externalLight to the pin you wish to use if other than the Built-in LED
+int externalLight = LED_BUILTIN; // LED_BUILTIN is is the built in LED on the Wemos
+void setup() {
+ Serial.begin(115200);
+ SPIFFS.begin();
+ //SPIFFS.remove(CONFIG);
+ delay(10);
+ // Initialize digital pin for LED
+ pinMode(externalLight, OUTPUT);
+ //New Line to clear from start garbage
+ Serial.println();
+ readCityIds();
+ // initialize dispaly
+ matrix.setIntensity(0); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness
+ matrix.setRotation(0,3);
+ matrix.setRotation(1,3);
+ matrix.setRotation(2,3);
+ matrix.setRotation(3,3);
+// Adjust to your own needs
+ matrix.setPosition(0, 3, 0); // The first display is at <0, 7>
+ matrix.setPosition(1, 2, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
+ matrix.setPosition(2, 1, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
+ matrix.setPosition(3, 0, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
+ Serial.println("matrix created");
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ centerPrint("hello");
+ tone(BUZZER_PIN, 415, 500);
+ delay(500*1.3);
+ tone(BUZZER_PIN, 466, 500);
+ delay(500*1.3);
+ tone(BUZZER_PIN, 370, 1000);
+ delay(1000*1.3);
+ noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
+ for (int inx = 0; inx <= 15; inx++) {
+ matrix.setIntensity(inx);
+ delay(100);
+ }
+ for (int inx = 15; inx > 0; inx--) {
+ matrix.setIntensity(inx);
+ delay(60);
+ }
+ delay(1000);
+ matrix.setIntensity(displayIntensity);
+ //noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
+ //WiFiManager
+ //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
+ WiFiManager wifiManager;
+ // Uncomment for testing wifi manager
+ //wifiManager.resetSettings();
+ wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback);
+ //or use this for auto generated name ESP + ChipID
+ wifiManager.autoConnect();
+ //Manual Wifi
+ //WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
+ String hostname(HOSTNAME);
+ hostname += String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX);
+ WiFi.hostname(hostname);
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ delay(500);
+ Serial.print(".");
+ cnt++;
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+ }
+ // print the received signal strength:
+ Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): ");
+ Serial.print(getWifiQuality());
+ Serial.println("%");
+ if (ENABLE_OTA) {
+ ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
+ Serial.println("Start");
+ });
+ ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
+ Serial.println("\nEnd");
+ });
+ ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
+ Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
+ });
+ ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
+ Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
+ if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
+ else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
+ else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
+ else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
+ else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
+ });
+ ArduinoOTA.begin();
+ }
+ server.on("/", displayWeatherData);
+ server.on("/pull", handlePull);
+ server.on("/locations", handleLocations);
+ server.on("/systemreset", handleSystemReset);
+ server.on("/forgetwifi", handleForgetWifi);
+ server.on("/configure", handleConfigure);
+ server.on("/display", handleDisplay);
+ server.onNotFound(redirectHome);
+ // Start the server
+ server.begin();
+ Serial.println("Server started");
+ // Print the IP address
+ String webAddress = "http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + String(WEBSERVER_PORT) + "/";
+ Serial.println("Use this URL : " + webAddress);
+ scrollMessage(WiFi.localIP().toString() + " ");
+ } else {
+ Serial.println("Web Interface is Disabled");
+ scrollMessage("Web Interface is Disabled");
+ }
+ flashLED(1, 500);
+// Main Looop
+void loop() {
+ //Get some Weather Data to serve
+ if((getMinutesFromLastRefresh() >= minutesBetweenDataRefresh) || lastEpoch == 0) {
+ getWeatherData();
+ }
+ checkDisplay(); // this will see if we need to turn it on or off for night mode.
+ if (lastMinute != timeClient.getMinutes()) {
+ if (displayOn) {
+ matrix.shutdown(false);
+ }
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ if (displayOn && ((printerClient.isOperational() || printerClient.isPrinting()) || printerCount == 0)) {
+ // This should only get called if the printer is actually running or if it has been 5 minutes
+ printerClient.getPrinterJobResults();
+ }
+ printerCount += 1;
+ if (printerCount > 5) {
+ printerCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ lastMinute = timeClient.getMinutes();
+ String temperature = weatherClient.getTemp(0);
+ if ((temperature.indexOf(".") != -1) && (temperature.length() >= (temperature.indexOf(".") + 2))) {
+ temperature.remove(temperature.indexOf(".") + 2);
+ }
+ String description = weatherClient.getDescription(0);
+ description.toUpperCase();
+ String msg;
+ if (OCTOPRINT_ENABLED && printerClient.isPrinting()) {
+ msg += printerClient.getFileName() + " ";
+ msg += "(" + printerClient.getProgressCompletion() + "%) ";
+ }
+ msg += weatherClient.getCity(0) + " ";
+ msg += temperature + getTempSymbol() + " ";
+ msg += description + " ";
+ msg += "Humidity:" + weatherClient.getHumidity(0) + "% ";
+ msg += "Wind:" + weatherClient.getWind(0) + " ";
+ msg += marqueeMessage + " ";
+ msg += " " + NEWS_SOURCE + ": " + newsClient.getTitle(newsIndex) + " ";
+ newsIndex += 1;
+ if (newsIndex > 9) {
+ newsIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ msg += " Advice: " + adviceClient.getAdvice() + " ";
+ }
+ scrollMessage(msg);
+ }
+ String hourMinutes = timeClient.getAmPmHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
+ if (IS_24HOUR) {
+ hourMinutes = timeClient.getHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
+ }
+ centerPrint(hourMinutes);
+ server.handleClient();
+ }
+ if (ENABLE_OTA) {
+ ArduinoOTA.handle();
+ }
+boolean athentication() {
+ if (IS_BASIC_AUTH) {
+ return server.authenticate(www_username, www_password);
+ }
+ return true; // Authentication not required
+void handlePull() {
+ timeOffsetFetched = false;
+ getWeatherData(); // this will force a data pull for new weather
+ displayWeatherData();
+void handleLocations() {
+ if (!athentication()) {
+ return server.requestAuthentication();
+ }
+ CityIDs[0] = server.arg("city1").toInt();
+ NEWS_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displaynews");
+ ADVICE_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displayadvice");
+ IS_24HOUR = server.hasArg("is24hour");
+ IS_METRIC = server.hasArg("metric");
+ NEWS_SOURCE = server.arg("newssource");
+ marqueeMessage = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("marqueeMsg"));
+ timeDisplayTurnsOn = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("startTime"));
+ timeDisplayTurnsOff = decodeHtmlString(server.arg("endTime"));
+ displayIntensity = server.arg("ledintensity").toInt();
+ minutesBetweenDataRefresh = server.arg("refresh").toInt();
+ OCTOPRINT_ENABLED = server.hasArg("displayoctoprint");
+ OctoPrintApiKey = server.arg("octoPrintApiKey");
+ OctoPrintServer = server.arg("octoPrintAddress");
+ OctoPrintPort = server.arg("octoPrintPort").toInt();
+ IS_BASIC_AUTH = server.hasArg("isBasicAuth");
+ String temp = server.arg("userid");
+ temp.toCharArray(www_username, sizeof(temp));
+ temp = server.arg("stationpassword");
+ temp.toCharArray(www_password, sizeof(temp));
+ weatherClient.setMetric(IS_METRIC);
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ writeCityIds();
+ getWeatherData(); // this will force a data pull for new weather
+ redirectHome();
+void handleSystemReset() {
+ if (!athentication()) {
+ return server.requestAuthentication();
+ }
+ Serial.println("Reset System Configuration");
+ if (SPIFFS.remove(CONFIG)) {
+ redirectHome();
+ ESP.restart();
+ }
+void handleForgetWifi() {
+ if (!athentication()) {
+ return server.requestAuthentication();
+ }
+ //WiFiManager
+ //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
+ redirectHome();
+ WiFiManager wifiManager;
+ wifiManager.resetSettings();
+ ESP.restart();
+void handleConfigure() {
+ if (!athentication()) {
+ return server.requestAuthentication();
+ }
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ String html = "";
+ server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
+ server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
+ server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
+ server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
+ server.send(200, "text/html", "");
+ html = getHeader();
+ server.sendContent(html);
+ String form = String(CHANGE_FORM1);
+ for (int inx = 0; inx < 1; inx++) {
+ String cityName = "";
+ if (CityIDs[inx] > 0) {
+ cityName = weatherClient.getCity(inx) + ", " + weatherClient.getCountry(inx);
+ } else {
+ cityName = "Available";
+ }
+ form.replace(String("%CITYNAME" + String(inx +1) + "%"), cityName);
+ form.replace(String("%CITY" + String(inx +1) + "%"), String(CityIDs[inx]));
+ }
+ String is24hourChecked = "";
+ if (IS_24HOUR) {
+ is24hourChecked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%IS_24HOUR_CHECKED%", is24hourChecked);
+ String checked = "";
+ if (IS_METRIC) {
+ checked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%CHECKED%", checked);
+ String isNewsDisplayedChecked = "";
+ isNewsDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%NEWSCHECKED%", isNewsDisplayedChecked);
+ String newsOptions = String(NEWS_OPTIONS);
+ newsOptions.replace(">"+String(NEWS_SOURCE)+"<", " selected>"+String(NEWS_SOURCE)+"<");
+ form.replace("%NEWSOPTIONS%", newsOptions);
+ server.sendContent(String(form)); //Send first Chunk of form
+ form = String(CHANGE_FORM2);
+ String isAdviceDisplayedChecked = "";
+ isAdviceDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%ADVICECHECKED%", isAdviceDisplayedChecked);
+ form.replace("%MSG%", marqueeMessage);
+ form.replace("%STARTTIME%", timeDisplayTurnsOn);
+ form.replace("%ENDTIME%", timeDisplayTurnsOff);
+ String ledOptions = "";
+ ledOptions.replace(">"+String(displayIntensity)+"<", " selected>"+String(displayIntensity)+"<");
+ form.replace("%INTENSITYOPTIONS%", ledOptions);
+ String options = "";
+ options.replace(">"+String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh)+"<", " selected>"+String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh)+"<");
+ form.replace("%OPTIONS%", options);
+ String isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked = "";
+ isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%OCTOCHECKED%", isOctoPrintDisplayedChecked);
+ form.replace("%OCTOKEY%", OctoPrintApiKey);
+ form.replace("%OCTOADDRESS%", OctoPrintServer);
+ form.replace("%OCTOPORT%", String(OctoPrintPort));
+ String isUseSecurityChecked = "";
+ if (IS_BASIC_AUTH) {
+ isUseSecurityChecked = "checked='checked'";
+ }
+ form.replace("%IS_BASICAUTH_CHECKED%", isUseSecurityChecked);
+ form.replace("%USERID%", String(www_username));
+ form.replace("%STATIONPASSWORD%", String(www_password));
+ server.sendContent(String(form)); // Send the second chunk of Data
+ html = getFooter();
+ server.sendContent(html);
+ server.sendContent("");
+ server.client().stop();
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+void handleDisplay() {
+ if (!athentication()) {
+ return server.requestAuthentication();
+ }
+ enableDisplay(!displayOn);
+ String state = "OFF";
+ if (displayOn) {
+ state = "ON";
+ }
+ displayMessage("Display is now " + state);
+void getWeatherData() //client function to send/receive GET request data.
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ Serial.println();
+ if (displayOn) {
+ // only pull the weather data if display is on
+ centerPrint(".");
+ weatherClient.updateWeather();
+ if (weatherClient.getError() != "") {
+ do {
+ scrollMessage(weatherClient.getError());
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ Serial.println("Updating Time...");
+ //Update the Time
+ centerPrint("..");
+ timeClient.updateTime();
+ lastEpoch = timeClient.getCurrentEpoch();
+ if (firstEpoch == 0) {
+ // This is the first time running record the time
+ String curDate = weatherClient.getDt(0);
+ curDate = curDate.substring(0, curDate.length() - String(lastEpoch).length());
+ curDate = curDate + String(lastEpoch);
+ firstEpoch = curDate.toInt();
+ Serial.println("firstEpoch is: " + String(firstEpoch));
+ }
+ if (NEWS_ENABLED && displayOn) {
+ centerPrint("...");
+ Serial.println("Getting News Data for " + NEWS_SOURCE);
+ newsClient.updateNews();
+ }
+ if (ADVICE_ENABLED && displayOn) {
+ centerPrint("...");
+ Serial.println("Getting some Advice");
+ adviceClient.updateAdvice();
+ }
+ if (!timeOffsetFetched) {
+ // we need to get offsets
+ centerPrint("....");
+ timeOffsetFetched = true;
+ GeoNamesClient geoNames(GEONAMES_USER, weatherClient.getLat(0), weatherClient.getLon(0));
+ UtcOffset = geoNames.getTimeOffset();
+ }
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ Serial.println("Version: " + String(VERSION));
+ Serial.println();
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+void displayMessage(String message) {
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
+ server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
+ server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
+ server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
+ server.send(200, "text/html", "");
+ String html = getHeader();
+ server.sendContent(String(html));
+ server.sendContent(String(message));
+ html = getFooter();
+ server.sendContent(String(html));
+ server.sendContent("");
+ server.client().stop();
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+void redirectHome() {
+ // Send them back to the Root Directory
+ server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
+ server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
+ server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
+ server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
+ server.send(302, "text/plain", "");
+ server.client().stop();
+String getHeader() {
+ String menu = String(WEB_ACTIONS);
+ menu.replace("%TOGGLEDISPLAY%", (displayOn) ? " Turn Display OFF" : " Turn Display ON");
+ String html = "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ html += "
+ return html;
+String getFooter() {
+ int8_t rssi = getWifiQuality();
+ Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): ");
+ Serial.print(rssi);
+ Serial.println("%");
+ String html = "
+ html += "
+ html += "";
+ html += "";
+ return html;
+void displayWeatherData() {
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ String html = "";
+ server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");
+ server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
+ server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
+ server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN);
+ server.send(200, "text/html", "");
+ server.sendContent(String(getHeader()));
+ for (int inx = 0; inx < 1; inx++) {
+ if (weatherClient.getTemp(inx) == "") {
+ break; // no more data
+ }
+ String temperature = weatherClient.getTemp(inx);
+ if ((temperature.indexOf(".") != -1) && (temperature.length() >= (temperature.indexOf(".") + 2))) {
+ temperature.remove(temperature.indexOf(".") + 2);
+ }
+ timeClient.setUtcOffset(getTimeOffset(inx));
+ String time = timeClient.getAmPmFormattedTime();
+ Serial.println(weatherClient.getCity(inx));
+ Serial.println(weatherClient.getCondition(inx));
+ Serial.println(weatherClient.getDescription(inx));
+ Serial.println(temperature);
+ Serial.println(time);
+ html += "" + weatherClient.getCity(inx) + ", " + weatherClient.getCountry(inx) + "
+ html += "
+ html += "
![" + weatherClient.getDescription(inx) + "](http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + weatherClient.getIcon(inx) + ".png)
+ html += weatherClient.getHumidity(inx) + "% Humidity
+ html += weatherClient.getWind(inx) + "
mph Wind
+ html += "
+ html += "
+ html += weatherClient.getCondition(inx) + " (" + weatherClient.getDescription(inx) + ")
+ html += temperature + " " + getTempSymbol() + "
+ html += time + "
+ html += " Map It!
+ html += "
+ server.sendContent(String(html)); // spit out what we got
+ html = ""; // fresh start
+ }
+ html = "OctoPrint Status: ";
+ if (printerClient.isPrinting()) {
+ html += printerClient.getState() + " " + printerClient.getFileName() + " (" + printerClient.getProgressCompletion() + "%)";
+ } else if (printerClient.isOperational()) {
+ html += printerClient.getState();
+ } else {
+ html += "Not Opperational";
+ }
+ html += "
+ server.sendContent(String(html));
+ html = "";
+ }
+ html = "News (" + NEWS_SOURCE + ")
+ for (int inx = 0; inx < 10; inx++) {
+ html += "";
+ html += "" + newsClient.getDescription(inx) + "
+ server.sendContent(String(html));
+ html = "";
+ }
+ }
+ html = "Advice Slip
+ html += "Current Advice:
+ html += "" + adviceClient.getAdvice() + "
+ server.sendContent(String(html));
+ html = "";
+ }
+ server.sendContent(String(getFooter()));
+ server.sendContent("");
+ server.client().stop();
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+float getTimeOffset(int index) {
+ if (timeOffsetFetched) {
+ return UtcOffset;
+ }
+ // we need to get offsets
+ timeOffsetFetched = true;
+ GeoNamesClient geoNames(GEONAMES_USER, weatherClient.getLat(0), weatherClient.getLon(0));
+ UtcOffset = geoNames.getTimeOffset();
+ return UtcOffset;
+void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
+ Serial.println("Entered config mode");
+ Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP());
+ Serial.println("Wifi Manager");
+ Serial.println("Please connect to AP");
+ Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID());
+ Serial.println("To setup Wifi Configuration");
+ scrollMessage("Please Connect to AP: " + String(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()));
+ centerPrint("wifi");
+void flashLED(int number, int delayTime) {
+ for (int inx = 0; inx < number; inx++) {
+ tone(BUZZER_PIN, 440, delayTime);
+ delay(delayTime);
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, LOW);
+ delay(delayTime);
+ digitalWrite(externalLight, HIGH);
+ delay(delayTime);
+ }
+ noTone(BUZZER_PIN);
+String getTempSymbol() {
+ String rtnValue = "F";
+ if (IS_METRIC) {
+ rtnValue = "C";
+ }
+ return rtnValue;
+// converts the dBm to a range between 0 and 100%
+int8_t getWifiQuality() {
+ int32_t dbm = WiFi.RSSI();
+ if(dbm <= -100) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if(dbm >= -50) {
+ return 100;
+ } else {
+ return 2 * (dbm + 100);
+ }
+String getTimeTillUpdate() {
+ String rtnValue = "";
+ long timeToUpdate = (((minutesBetweenDataRefresh * 60) + lastEpoch) - timeClient.getCurrentEpoch());
+ int hours = numberOfHours(timeToUpdate);
+ int minutes = numberOfMinutes(timeToUpdate);
+ int seconds = numberOfSeconds(timeToUpdate);
+ rtnValue += String(hours) + ":";
+ if (minutes < 10) {
+ rtnValue += "0";
+ }
+ rtnValue += String(minutes) + ":";
+ if (seconds <10) {
+ rtnValue += "0";
+ }
+ rtnValue += String(seconds);
+ return rtnValue;
+int getMinutesFromLastRefresh() {
+ int minutes = (timeClient.getCurrentEpoch() - lastEpoch) / 60;
+ return minutes;
+int getMinutesFromLastDisplay() {
+ int minutes = (timeClient.getCurrentEpoch() - displayOffEpoch) / 60;
+ return minutes;
+void enableDisplay(boolean enable) {
+ displayOn = enable;
+ if (enable) {
+ if (getMinutesFromLastDisplay() >= minutesBetweenDataRefresh) {
+ // The display has been off longer than the minutes between refresh -- need to get fresh data
+ lastEpoch = 0; // this should force a data pull of the weather
+ displayOffEpoch = 0; // reset
+ }
+ matrix.shutdown(false);
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // show black
+ Serial.println("Display was turned ON: " + timeClient.getFormattedTime());
+ } else {
+ matrix.shutdown(true);
+ Serial.println("Display was turned OFF: " + timeClient.getFormattedTime());
+ displayOffEpoch = lastEpoch;
+ }
+// Toggle on and off the display if user defined times
+void checkDisplay() {
+ if (timeDisplayTurnsOn == "" || timeDisplayTurnsOff == "") {
+ return; // nothing to do
+ }
+ timeClient.setUtcOffset(getTimeOffset(0));
+ String currentTime = timeClient.getHours() + ":" + timeClient.getMinutes();
+ if (currentTime == timeDisplayTurnsOn && !displayOn) {
+ Serial.println("Time to turn display on: " + currentTime);
+ flashLED(1, 500);
+ enableDisplay(true);
+ }
+ if (currentTime == timeDisplayTurnsOff && displayOn) {
+ Serial.println("Time to turn display off: " + currentTime);
+ flashLED(2, 500);
+ enableDisplay(false);
+ }
+String writeCityIds() {
+ // Save decoded message to SPIFFS file for playback on power up.
+ File f = SPIFFS.open(CONFIG, "w");
+ if (!f) {
+ Serial.println("File open failed!");
+ } else {
+ Serial.println("Saving settings now...");
+ f.println("CityID=" + String(CityIDs[0]));
+ f.println("marqueeMessage=" + marqueeMessage);
+ f.println("newsSource=" + NEWS_SOURCE);
+ f.println("timeDisplayTurnsOn=" + timeDisplayTurnsOn);
+ f.println("timeDisplayTurnsOff=" + timeDisplayTurnsOff);
+ f.println("ledIntensity=" + String(displayIntensity));
+ f.println("isNews=" + String(NEWS_ENABLED));
+ f.println("isAdvice=" + String(ADVICE_ENABLED));
+ f.println("is24hour=" + String(IS_24HOUR));
+ f.println("isMetric=" + String(IS_METRIC));
+ f.println("refreshRate=" + String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh));
+ f.println("isOctoPrint=" + String(OCTOPRINT_ENABLED));
+ f.println("octoKey=" + OctoPrintApiKey);
+ f.println("octoServer=" + OctoPrintServer);
+ f.println("octoPort=" + String(OctoPrintPort));
+ f.println("www_username=" + String(www_username));
+ f.println("www_password=" + String(www_password));
+ f.println("IS_BASIC_AUTH=" + String(IS_BASIC_AUTH));
+ }
+ f.close();
+ readCityIds();
+ timeOffsetFetched = false;
+ weatherClient.updateCityIdList(CityIDs, 1);
+ String cityIds = weatherClient.getMyCityIDs();
+ return cityIds;
+void readCityIds() {
+ if (SPIFFS.exists(CONFIG) == false) {
+ Serial.println("Settings File does not yet exists.");
+ writeCityIds();
+ return;
+ }
+ File fr = SPIFFS.open(CONFIG, "r");
+ String line;
+ while(fr.available()) {
+ line = fr.readStringUntil('\n');
+ if (line.indexOf("CityID=") >= 0) {
+ CityIDs[0] = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("CityID=") + 7).toInt();
+ Serial.println("CityID: " + String(CityIDs[0]));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("newsSource=") >= 0) {
+ NEWS_SOURCE = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("newsSource=") + 11);
+ NEWS_SOURCE.trim();
+ Serial.println("newsSource=" + NEWS_SOURCE);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("isNews=") >= 0) {
+ NEWS_ENABLED = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isNews=") + 7).toInt();
+ Serial.println("NEWS_ENABLED=" + String(NEWS_ENABLED));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("is24hour=") >= 0) {
+ IS_24HOUR = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("is24hour=") + 9).toInt();
+ Serial.println("IS_24HOUR=" + String(IS_24HOUR));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("isMetric=") >= 0) {
+ IS_METRIC = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isMetric=") + 9).toInt();
+ Serial.println("IS_METRIC=" + String(IS_METRIC));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("refreshRate=") >= 0) {
+ minutesBetweenDataRefresh = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("refreshRate=") + 12).toInt();
+ Serial.println("minutesBetweenDataRefresh=" + String(minutesBetweenDataRefresh));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("marqueeMessage=") >= 0) {
+ marqueeMessage = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("marqueeMessage=") + 15);
+ marqueeMessage.trim();
+ Serial.println("marqueeMessage=" + marqueeMessage);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOn=") >= 0) {
+ timeDisplayTurnsOn = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOn=") + 19);
+ timeDisplayTurnsOn.trim();
+ Serial.println("timeDisplayTurnsOn=" + timeDisplayTurnsOn);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOff=") >= 0) {
+ timeDisplayTurnsOff = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("timeDisplayTurnsOff=") + 20);
+ timeDisplayTurnsOff.trim();
+ Serial.println("timeDisplayTurnsOff=" + timeDisplayTurnsOff);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("ledIntensity=") >= 0) {
+ displayIntensity = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("ledIntensity=") + 13).toInt();
+ Serial.println("displayIntensity=" + String(displayIntensity));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("isOctoPrint=") >= 0) {
+ OCTOPRINT_ENABLED = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("isOctoPrint=") + 12).toInt();
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("octoKey=") >= 0) {
+ OctoPrintApiKey = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoKey=") + 8);
+ OctoPrintApiKey.trim();
+ Serial.println("OctoPrintApiKey=" + OctoPrintApiKey);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("octoServer=") >= 0) {
+ OctoPrintServer = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoServer=") + 11);
+ OctoPrintServer.trim();
+ Serial.println("OctoPrintServer=" + OctoPrintServer);
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("octoPort=") >= 0) {
+ OctoPrintPort = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("octoPort=") + 9).toInt();
+ Serial.println("OctoPrintPort=" + String(OctoPrintPort));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("www_username=") >= 0) {
+ String temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("www_username=") + 13);
+ temp.trim();
+ temp.toCharArray(www_username, sizeof(temp));
+ Serial.println("www_username=" + String(www_username));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("www_password=") >= 0) {
+ String temp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("www_password=") + 13);
+ temp.trim();
+ temp.toCharArray(www_password, sizeof(temp));
+ Serial.println("www_password=" + String(www_password));
+ }
+ if (line.indexOf("IS_BASIC_AUTH=") >= 0) {
+ IS_BASIC_AUTH = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("IS_BASIC_AUTH=") + 14).toInt();
+ Serial.println("IS_BASIC_AUTH=" + String(IS_BASIC_AUTH));
+ }
+ }
+ fr.close();
+ matrix.setIntensity(displayIntensity);
+ newsClient.updateNewsSource(NEWS_SOURCE);
+ weatherClient.setMetric(IS_METRIC);
+ weatherClient.updateCityIdList(CityIDs, 1);
+ printerClient.updateOctoPrintClient(OctoPrintApiKey, OctoPrintServer, OctoPrintPort);
+ printerClient.getPrinterJobResults();
+ }
+void scrollMessage(String msg) {
+ msg += " "; // add a space at the end
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * msg.length() + matrix.width() - 1 - spacer; i++ ) {
+ server.handleClient();
+ }
+ if (ENABLE_OTA) {
+ ArduinoOTA.handle();
+ }
+ if (refresh==1) i=0;
+ refresh=0;
+ matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
+ int letter = i / width;
+ int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width;
+ int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically
+ while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
+ if ( letter < msg.length() ) {
+ matrix.drawChar(x, y, msg[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1);
+ }
+ letter--;
+ x -= width;
+ }
+ matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
+ delay(wait);
+ }
+ matrix.setCursor(0,0);
+void centerPrint(String msg) {
+ int x = (matrix.width() - (msg.length() * width)) / 2;
+ matrix.setCursor(x, 0);
+ matrix.print(msg);
+ matrix.write();
+String decodeHtmlString(String msg) {
+ String decodedMsg = msg;
+ // Restore special characters that are misformed to %char by the client browser
+ decodedMsg.replace("+", " ");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%21", "!");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%22", "");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%23", "#");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%24", "$");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%25", "%");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%26", "&");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%27", "'");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%28", "(");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%29", ")");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%2A", "*");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%2B", "+");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%2C", ",");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%2F", "/");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3A", ":");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3B", ";");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3C", "<");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3D", "=");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3E", ">");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%3F", "?");
+ decodedMsg.replace("%40", "@");
+ decodedMsg.toUpperCase();
+ decodedMsg.trim();
+ return decodedMsg;