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L 11.8125 -16.3125 C 11.90625 -15.925781 11.953125 -15.554688 11.953125 -15.203125 C 11.941406 -14.492188 11.453125 -14.148438 10.484375 -14.171875 Z M 8.90625 -14.203125 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(196.291411, 117.078874)"><g><path d="M 5.421875 -2 L 5.078125 -0.796875 C 5.554688 -0.710938 6.070312 -0.597656 6.625 -0.453125 L 12.671875 1.203125 C 12.566406 1.609375 12.460938 1.914062 12.359375 2.125 C 12.003906 2.875 11.367188 3.125 10.453125 2.875 L 3.515625 0.984375 C 3.066406 0.867188 2.753906 0.632812 2.578125 0.28125 C 2.398438 -0.0625 2.375 -0.472656 2.5 -0.953125 L 6.390625 -15.234375 L 6.59375 -15.328125 L 15.96875 -12.78125 C 15.957031 -12.519531 15.894531 -12.179688 15.78125 -11.765625 C 15.664062 -11.347656 15.503906 -10.992188 15.296875 -10.703125 L 8.296875 -12.609375 L 7.890625 -11.078125 L 7.015625 -7.828125 L 8.46875 -7.453125 L 12.859375 -6.25 C 12.859375 -5.945312 12.800781 -5.585938 12.6875 -5.171875 C 12.582031 -4.765625 12.453125 -4.441406 12.296875 -4.203125 L 7.90625 -5.40625 C 7.289062 -5.570312 6.804688 -5.707031 6.453125 -5.8125 Z M 5.421875 -2 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(211.925, 121.623239)"><g><path d="M 15.078125 -3.65625 C 15.328125 -4.09375 15.519531 -4.546875 15.65625 -5.015625 C 15.800781 -5.492188 15.847656 -5.957031 15.796875 -6.40625 C 15.742188 -6.863281 15.585938 -7.296875 15.328125 -7.703125 C 15.066406 -8.109375 14.664062 -8.472656 14.125 -8.796875 C 13.050781 -9.421875 11.953125 -9.421875 10.828125 -8.796875 C 9.703125 -8.171875 8.613281 -6.957031 7.5625 -5.15625 C 6.507812 -3.382812 6.003906 -1.851562 6.046875 -0.5625 C 6.097656 0.71875 6.707031 1.703125 7.875 2.390625 C 9.039062 3.078125 10.5625 3.269531 12.4375 2.96875 C 12.8125 3.675781 12.90625 4.367188 12.71875 5.046875 C 12.226562 5.171875 11.710938 5.238281 11.171875 5.25 C 10.628906 5.269531 10.082031 5.242188 9.53125 5.171875 C 8.988281 5.109375 8.453125 4.988281 7.921875 4.8125 C 7.398438 4.644531 6.914062 4.429688 6.46875 4.171875 C 5.394531 3.546875 4.617188 2.816406 4.140625 1.984375 C 3.660156 1.148438 3.410156 0.273438 3.390625 -0.640625 C 3.378906 -1.554688 3.53125 -2.515625 3.84375 -3.515625 C 4.164062 -4.515625 4.609375 -5.484375 5.171875 -6.421875 C 5.910156 -7.679688 6.695312 -8.6875 7.53125 -9.4375 C 8.375 -10.195312 9.234375 -10.738281 10.109375 -11.0625 C 10.984375 -11.382812 11.851562 -11.5 12.71875 -11.40625 C 13.582031 -11.320312 14.394531 -11.054688 15.15625 -10.609375 C 15.945312 -10.140625 16.59375 -9.601562 17.09375 -9 C 17.59375 -8.40625 17.957031 -7.785156 18.1875 -7.140625 C 18.414062 -6.503906 18.503906 -5.875 18.453125 -5.25 C 18.410156 -4.625 18.226562 -4.039062 17.90625 -3.5 C 17.414062 -2.664062 16.753906 -2.5 15.921875 -3 C 15.660156 -3.144531 15.378906 -3.363281 15.078125 -3.65625 Z M 15.078125 -3.65625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(226.524174, 130.504921)"><g><path d="M 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6.257812 8.910156 6.019531 8.519531 5.84375 8.15625 L 10.5625 -0.921875 C 11.082031 -1.859375 11.632812 -2.8125 12.21875 -3.78125 L 12.15625 -3.859375 C 10.394531 -2.429688 8.988281 -1.335938 7.9375 -0.578125 L 2.40625 3.375 C 2.144531 3.113281 1.90625 2.828125 1.6875 2.515625 C 1.476562 2.210938 1.300781 1.910156 1.15625 1.609375 L 13.234375 -7.03125 C 13.523438 -6.738281 13.816406 -6.378906 14.109375 -5.953125 C 14.410156 -5.535156 14.65625 -5.144531 14.84375 -4.78125 L 10.109375 4.25 C 9.867188 4.664062 9.539062 5.226562 9.125 5.9375 C 8.707031 6.644531 8.460938 7.082031 8.390625 7.25 L 8.4375 7.3125 C 9.882812 6.132812 11.335938 5.023438 12.796875 3.984375 L 17.203125 0.828125 C 17.628906 0.523438 17.984375 0.382812 18.265625 0.40625 C 18.546875 0.425781 18.820312 0.625 19.09375 1 Z M 19.53125 1.609375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(128.190329, 248.546837)"><g><path d="M 5.171875 0.640625 L 4.390625 1.421875 C 4.742188 1.679688 5.113281 1.988281 5.5 2.34375 L 9.6875 6.125 C 9.425781 6.414062 9.210938 6.628906 9.046875 6.765625 C 8.453125 7.203125 7.84375 7.132812 7.21875 6.5625 L 2.421875 2.21875 C 2.117188 1.945312 1.960938 1.632812 1.953125 1.28125 C 1.953125 0.9375 2.101562 0.597656 2.40625 0.265625 L 11.34375 -9.609375 L 11.53125 -9.59375 L 18.015625 -3.734375 C 17.898438 -3.535156 17.710938 -3.289062 17.453125 -3 C 17.191406 -2.71875 16.914062 -2.5 16.625 -2.34375 L 11.78125 -6.734375 L 10.875 -5.671875 L 8.8125 -3.390625 L 9.828125 -2.53125 L 12.875 0.21875 C 12.75 0.46875 12.554688 0.734375 12.296875 1.015625 C 12.035156 1.304688 11.796875 1.515625 11.578125 1.640625 L 8.53125 -1.109375 C 8.113281 -1.484375 7.796875 -1.785156 7.578125 -2.015625 Z M 5.171875 0.640625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(140.282861, 259.364692)"><g><path d="M 3.484375 0.6875 L 7.59375 -12.640625 C 8.050781 -12.609375 8.457031 -12.492188 8.8125 -12.296875 C 9.175781 -12.109375 9.394531 -11.890625 9.46875 -11.640625 C 9.539062 -11.390625 9.5 -11.039062 9.34375 -10.59375 L 7.03125 -3.4375 C 6.445312 -1.6875 5.984375 -0.34375 5.640625 0.59375 C 5.578125 0.75 5.597656 0.851562 5.703125 0.90625 L 13.8125 -9.078125 C 14.269531 -8.910156 14.738281 -8.691406 15.21875 -8.421875 C 15.707031 -8.160156 16.109375 -7.90625 16.421875 -7.65625 L 12.4375 4.28125 C 12.382812 4.4375 12.40625 4.539062 12.5 4.59375 C 13.101562 3.769531 14.039062 2.582031 15.3125 1.03125 L 20.8125 -5.609375 C 21.101562 -5.523438 21.425781 -5.382812 21.78125 -5.1875 C 22.132812 -5 22.4375 -4.789062 22.6875 -4.5625 L 22.734375 -4.359375 L 13 7.03125 C 12.46875 6.832031 11.929688 6.585938 11.390625 6.296875 C 10.859375 6.003906 10.523438 5.738281 10.390625 5.5 C 10.253906 5.257812 10.257812 4.921875 10.40625 4.484375 L 12.265625 -1.15625 C 12.960938 -3.207031 13.5625 -4.921875 14.0625 -6.296875 L 13.921875 -6.359375 C 12.785156 -4.898438 11.648438 -3.476562 10.515625 -2.09375 L 6.078125 3.296875 C 5.503906 3.066406 4.96875 2.816406 4.46875 2.546875 C 3.96875 2.273438 3.640625 2.015625 3.484375 1.765625 C 3.335938 1.515625 3.335938 1.15625 3.484375 0.6875 Z M 3.484375 0.6875 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(160.290284, 269.260258)"><g><path d="M 0.984375 -1.125 C 1.210938 -1.8125 1.679688 -2.304688 2.390625 -2.609375 C 3.585938 -1.265625 4.863281 -0.414062 6.21875 -0.0625 C 7.050781 0.164062 7.757812 0.160156 8.34375 -0.078125 C 8.925781 -0.316406 9.296875 -0.734375 9.453125 -1.328125 C 9.703125 -2.296875 9.257812 -3.21875 8.125 -4.09375 L 5.9375 -5.828125 C 4.226562 -7.160156 3.585938 -8.628906 4.015625 -10.234375 C 4.171875 -10.804688 4.429688 -11.304688 4.796875 -11.734375 C 5.171875 -12.171875 5.617188 -12.523438 6.140625 -12.796875 C 6.671875 -13.078125 7.257812 -13.234375 7.90625 -13.265625 C 8.550781 -13.304688 9.234375 -13.234375 9.953125 -13.046875 C 11.421875 -12.660156 12.78125 -11.90625 14.03125 -10.78125 C 13.84375 -10.101562 13.414062 -9.59375 12.75 -9.25 C 11.570312 -10.269531 10.457031 -10.921875 9.40625 -11.203125 C 8.644531 -11.398438 7.984375 -11.375 7.421875 -11.125 C 6.859375 -10.875 6.507812 -10.5 6.375 -10 C 6.238281 -9.476562 6.273438 -9.03125 6.484375 -8.65625 C 6.691406 -8.289062 7.0625 -7.914062 7.59375 -7.53125 L 9.765625 -5.84375 C 10.703125 -5.101562 11.347656 -4.34375 11.703125 -3.5625 C 12.054688 -2.789062 12.113281 -1.960938 11.875 -1.078125 C 11.539062 0.179688 10.832031 1.082031 9.75 1.625 C 8.664062 2.164062 7.234375 2.203125 5.453125 1.734375 C 3.671875 1.253906 2.179688 0.300781 0.984375 -1.125 Z M 0.984375 -1.125 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(175.446082, 272.893878)"><g><path d="M 6.34375 -1.5625 L 10.671875 -1.25 C 10.648438 -0.9375 10.601562 -0.632812 10.53125 -0.34375 C 10.351562 0.382812 9.832031 0.71875 8.96875 0.65625 L 3.296875 0.25 C 2.898438 0.21875 2.582031 0.0703125 2.34375 -0.1875 C 2.113281 -0.457031 2.019531 -0.820312 2.0625 -1.28125 L 3.015625 -14.65625 L 3.171875 -14.765625 L 4.046875 -14.703125 C 4.515625 -14.671875 4.835938 -14.53125 5.015625 -14.28125 C 5.191406 -14.03125 5.265625 -13.644531 5.234375 -13.125 L 4.40625 -1.609375 C 5.007812 -1.617188 5.65625 -1.601562 6.34375 -1.5625 Z M 6.34375 -1.5625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(190.071746, 273.666571)"><g><path d="M 3.875 -3.484375 L 3.96875 -2.375 C 4.394531 -2.46875 4.867188 -2.539062 5.390625 -2.59375 L 10.984375 -3.265625 C 11.035156 -2.878906 11.050781 -2.582031 11.03125 -2.375 C 10.976562 -1.644531 10.53125 -1.226562 9.6875 -1.125 L 3.265625 -0.375 C 2.859375 -0.320312 2.519531 -0.40625 2.25 -0.625 C 1.976562 -0.851562 1.816406 -1.191406 1.765625 -1.640625 L 0.21875 -14.859375 L 0.359375 -15 L 9.046875 -16.015625 C 9.109375 -15.804688 9.160156 -15.507812 9.203125 -15.125 C 9.253906 -14.738281 9.238281 -14.390625 9.15625 -14.078125 L 2.671875 -13.3125 L 2.875 -11.921875 L 3.234375 -8.875 L 4.5625 -9.0625 L 8.625 -9.546875 C 8.726562 -9.285156 8.800781 -8.960938 8.84375 -8.578125 C 8.894531 -8.203125 8.898438 -7.890625 8.859375 -7.640625 L 4.796875 -7.15625 C 4.234375 -7.09375 3.785156 -7.050781 3.453125 -7.03125 Z M 3.875 -3.484375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(205.701453, 271.421871)"><g><path d="M 3.578125 -14.640625 L 2.375 -14.28125 L 6.234375 -1.953125 C 5.929688 -1.785156 5.566406 -1.632812 5.140625 -1.5 C 4.722656 -1.375 4.347656 -1.289062 4.015625 -1.25 L 0.640625 -12.046875 L 0.171875 -13.59375 L 0.15625 -13.578125 L -1.046875 -13.1875 L -3.5 -12.421875 C -3.65625 -12.691406 -3.785156 -12.992188 -3.890625 -13.328125 C -3.992188 -13.660156 -4.054688 -13.984375 -4.078125 -14.296875 L 5.46875 -17.28125 C 5.65625 -16.976562 5.796875 -16.671875 5.890625 -16.359375 C 6.078125 -15.753906 5.753906 -15.320312 4.921875 -15.0625 Z M 3.578125 -14.640625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(219.070709, 266.922478)"><g><path d="M 0.984375 -15.046875 L -0.15625 -14.484375 L 5.796875 -3.015625 C 5.535156 -2.804688 5.207031 -2.597656 4.8125 -2.390625 C 4.414062 -2.191406 4.054688 -2.039062 3.734375 -1.9375 L -1.46875 -11.984375 L -2.203125 -13.40625 L -2.21875 -13.40625 L -3.3125 -12.8125 L -5.609375 -11.625 C -5.804688 -11.863281 -5.984375 -12.132812 -6.140625 -12.4375 C -6.304688 -12.75 -6.429688 -13.054688 -6.515625 -13.359375 L 2.359375 -17.96875 C 2.597656 -17.707031 2.789062 -17.429688 2.9375 -17.140625 C 3.238281 -16.578125 3.003906 -16.09375 2.234375 -15.6875 Z M 0.984375 -15.046875 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(231.549296, 260.164472)"><g><path d="M 1.5 -4.984375 L 2.140625 -4.09375 C 2.472656 -4.382812 2.84375 -4.691406 3.25 -5.015625 L 7.6875 -8.5 C 7.925781 -8.195312 8.09375 -7.957031 8.1875 -7.78125 C 8.53125 -7.125 8.363281 -6.53125 7.6875 -6 L 2.59375 -2.015625 C 2.28125 -1.753906 1.945312 -1.648438 1.59375 -1.703125 C 1.25 -1.753906 0.9375 -1.960938 0.65625 -2.328125 L -7.5625 -12.796875 L -7.515625 -12.984375 L -0.625 -18.390625 C -0.445312 -18.234375 -0.238281 -18.003906 0 -17.703125 C 0.238281 -17.398438 0.398438 -17.09375 0.484375 -16.78125 L -4.65625 -12.765625 L -3.75 -11.671875 L -1.859375 -9.265625 L -0.8125 -10.125 L 2.40625 -12.640625 C 2.613281 -12.484375 2.835938 -12.253906 3.078125 -11.953125 C 3.316406 -11.648438 3.488281 -11.375 3.59375 -11.125 L 0.375 -8.609375 C -0.0703125 -8.265625 -0.4375 -7.992188 -0.71875 -7.796875 Z M 1.5 -4.984375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(243.870332, 250.09044)"><g><path d="M -9.984375 -11.25 L -7 -14.859375 C -6.007812 -16.023438 -4.929688 -16.691406 -3.765625 -16.859375 C -2.609375 -17.023438 -1.488281 -16.644531 -0.40625 -15.71875 C 0.332031 -15.09375 0.800781 -14.359375 1 -13.515625 C 1.207031 -12.671875 1.144531 -11.851562 0.8125 -11.0625 C 1.445312 -11.40625 2.25 -11.394531 3.21875 -11.03125 L 5.78125 -10.125 C 6.53125 -9.832031 7.144531 -9.734375 7.625 -9.828125 C 7.78125 -9.285156 7.625 -8.738281 7.15625 -8.1875 C 6.894531 -7.875 6.613281 -7.707031 6.3125 -7.6875 C 6.007812 -7.675781 5.597656 -7.757812 5.078125 -7.9375 L 2.140625 -9.015625 C 1.546875 -9.210938 1.03125 -9.289062 0.59375 -9.25 C 0.164062 -9.21875 -0.25 -8.960938 -0.65625 -8.484375 L -1.796875 -7.125 L 2.765625 -3.25 C 2.617188 -2.976562 2.394531 -2.664062 2.09375 -2.3125 C 1.789062 -1.957031 1.519531 -1.691406 1.28125 -1.515625 L -9.953125 -11.046875 Z M -7.25 -11.75 L -3.203125 -8.3125 C -2.492188 -9.195312 -1.984375 -9.820312 -1.671875 -10.1875 C -1.046875 -10.925781 -0.789062 -11.609375 -0.90625 -12.234375 C -1.03125 -12.867188 -1.378906 -13.425781 -1.953125 -13.90625 C -3.285156 -15.050781 -4.523438 -14.945312 -5.671875 -13.59375 C -6.398438 -12.738281 -6.925781 -12.125 -7.25 -11.75 Z M -7.25 -11.75 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(253.969614, 237.339283)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(101.726408, 194.824105)"><g><path d="M 3.125 -4.203125 L 3.125 -1.578125 L 7.703125 -1.578125 L 7.703125 0 L 1.25 0 L 1.25 -9.5625 L 7.59375 -9.5625 L 7.59375 -7.984375 L 3.125 -7.984375 L 3.125 -5.734375 L 7.03125 -5.734375 L 7.03125 -4.203125 Z M 3.125 -4.203125 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(109.94576, 194.824105)"><g><path d="M 4.234375 0.140625 C 3.578125 0.140625 2.988281 0.0546875 2.46875 -0.109375 C 1.945312 -0.273438 1.515625 -0.488281 1.171875 -0.75 C 0.828125 -1.019531 0.566406 -1.3125 0.390625 -1.625 L 1.421875 -2.890625 L 1.59375 -2.890625 C 1.875 -2.460938 2.234375 -2.125 2.671875 -1.875 C 3.117188 -1.625 3.640625 -1.5 4.234375 -1.5 C 4.742188 -1.5 5.125 -1.601562 5.375 -1.8125 C 5.632812 -2.03125 5.765625 -2.328125 5.765625 -2.703125 C 5.765625 -2.929688 5.722656 -3.117188 5.640625 -3.265625 C 5.554688 -3.421875 5.414062 -3.550781 5.21875 -3.65625 C 5.03125 -3.769531 4.773438 -3.863281 4.453125 -3.9375 L 3.21875 -4.21875 C 2.363281 -4.414062 1.722656 -4.742188 1.296875 -5.203125 C 0.878906 -5.660156 0.671875 -6.25 0.671875 -6.96875 C 0.671875 -7.507812 0.804688 -7.984375 1.078125 -8.390625 C 1.347656 -8.804688 1.738281 -9.128906 2.25 -9.359375 C 2.769531 -9.585938 3.390625 -9.703125 4.109375 -9.703125 C 4.847656 -9.703125 5.476562 -9.601562 6 -9.40625 C 6.53125 -9.207031 6.976562 -8.910156 7.34375 -8.515625 L 6.40625 -7.234375 L 6.234375 -7.234375 C 5.960938 -7.515625 5.648438 -7.722656 5.296875 -7.859375 C 4.953125 -8.003906 4.554688 -8.078125 4.109375 -8.078125 C 3.585938 -8.078125 3.191406 -7.984375 2.921875 -7.796875 C 2.660156 -7.617188 2.53125 -7.367188 2.53125 -7.046875 C 2.53125 -6.742188 2.625 -6.503906 2.8125 -6.328125 C 3 -6.148438 3.328125 -6.007812 3.796875 -5.90625 L 5.046875 -5.65625 C 5.972656 -5.457031 6.644531 -5.125 7.0625 -4.65625 C 7.488281 -4.1875 7.703125 -3.570312 7.703125 -2.8125 C 7.703125 -2.21875 7.570312 -1.695312 7.3125 -1.25 C 7.050781 -0.8125 6.660156 -0.46875 6.140625 -0.21875 C 5.628906 0.0195312 4.992188 0.140625 4.234375 0.140625 Z M 4.234375 0.140625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(118.158569, 194.824105)"><g><path d="M 7.65625 -9.5625 L 7.65625 -7.96875 L 4.90625 -7.96875 L 4.90625 0 L 3.015625 0 L 3.015625 -7.96875 L 0.265625 -7.96875 L 0.265625 -9.5625 Z M 7.65625 -9.5625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(126.083668, 194.824105)"><g><path d="M 4.6875 -9.5625 C 6.238281 -9.5625 7.421875 -9.160156 8.234375 -8.359375 C 9.054688 -7.554688 9.46875 -6.363281 9.46875 -4.78125 C 9.46875 -3.195312 9.054688 -2.003906 8.234375 -1.203125 C 7.421875 -0.398438 6.238281 0 4.6875 0 L 1.25 0 L 1.25 -9.5625 Z M 4.578125 -1.59375 C 5.554688 -1.59375 6.289062 -1.84375 6.78125 -2.34375 C 7.269531 -2.84375 7.515625 -3.65625 7.515625 -4.78125 C 7.515625 -5.894531 7.269531 -6.703125 6.78125 -7.203125 C 6.289062 -7.710938 5.554688 -7.96875 4.578125 -7.96875 L 3.125 -7.96875 L 3.125 -1.59375 Z M 4.578125 -1.59375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(237.976556, 194.822229)"><g><path d="M 0.578125 -0.4375 C 0.578125 -0.96875 0.632812 -1.394531 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.863281 -2.039062 1.0625 -2.335938 1.34375 -2.609375 C 1.625 -2.890625 2.066406 -3.253906 2.671875 -3.703125 L 3.734375 -4.46875 C 4.117188 -4.75 4.429688 -5.007812 4.671875 -5.25 C 4.921875 -5.488281 5.113281 -5.75 5.25 -6.03125 C 5.394531 -6.3125 5.46875 -6.625 5.46875 -6.96875 C 5.46875 -7.539062 5.316406 -7.96875 5.015625 -8.25 C 4.710938 -8.539062 4.242188 -8.6875 3.609375 -8.6875 C 3.097656 -8.6875 2.644531 -8.566406 2.25 -8.328125 C 1.863281 -8.097656 1.550781 -7.769531 1.3125 -7.34375 L 1.15625 -7.3125 L 0.484375 -8.015625 C 0.804688 -8.535156 1.226562 -8.945312 1.75 -9.25 C 2.28125 -9.550781 2.898438 -9.703125 3.609375 -9.703125 C 4.285156 -9.703125 4.847656 -9.582031 5.296875 -9.34375 C 5.742188 -9.113281 6.070312 -8.796875 6.28125 -8.390625 C 6.5 -7.984375 6.609375 -7.507812 6.609375 -6.96875 C 6.609375 -6.539062 6.519531 -6.140625 6.34375 -5.765625 C 6.164062 -5.398438 5.910156 -5.054688 5.578125 -4.734375 C 5.253906 -4.410156 4.847656 -4.066406 4.359375 -3.703125 L 3.28125 -2.921875 C 2.882812 -2.628906 2.578125 -2.378906 2.359375 -2.171875 C 2.148438 -1.972656 2 -1.773438 1.90625 -1.578125 C 1.8125 -1.378906 1.765625 -1.160156 1.765625 -0.921875 L 6.609375 -0.921875 L 6.609375 0 L 0.578125 0 Z M 0.578125 -0.4375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(245.326235, 194.822229)"><g><path d="M 4.703125 0.140625 C 3.992188 0.140625 3.359375 -0.0234375 2.796875 -0.359375 C 2.242188 -0.703125 1.800781 -1.238281 1.46875 -1.96875 C 1.144531 -2.707031 0.984375 -3.644531 0.984375 -4.78125 C 0.984375 -5.914062 1.144531 -6.847656 1.46875 -7.578125 C 1.800781 -8.316406 2.242188 -8.851562 2.796875 -9.1875 C 3.359375 -9.53125 3.992188 -9.703125 4.703125 -9.703125 C 5.398438 -9.703125 6.023438 -9.53125 6.578125 -9.1875 C 7.140625 -8.851562 7.585938 -8.316406 7.921875 -7.578125 C 8.253906 -6.847656 8.421875 -5.914062 8.421875 -4.78125 C 8.421875 -3.644531 8.253906 -2.707031 7.921875 -1.96875 C 7.585938 -1.238281 7.140625 -0.703125 6.578125 -0.359375 C 6.023438 -0.0234375 5.398438 0.140625 4.703125 0.140625 Z M 4.703125 -0.90625 C 5.535156 -0.90625 6.164062 -1.203125 6.59375 -1.796875 C 7.019531 -2.398438 7.234375 -3.394531 7.234375 -4.78125 C 7.234375 -6.164062 7.019531 -7.15625 6.59375 -7.75 C 6.164062 -8.351562 5.535156 -8.65625 4.703125 -8.65625 C 4.148438 -8.65625 3.6875 -8.523438 3.3125 -8.265625 C 2.9375 -8.015625 2.648438 -7.601562 2.453125 -7.03125 C 2.253906 -6.46875 2.15625 -5.71875 2.15625 -4.78125 C 2.15625 -3.84375 2.253906 -3.085938 2.453125 -2.515625 C 2.648438 -1.941406 2.9375 -1.53125 3.3125 -1.28125 C 3.6875 -1.03125 4.148438 -0.90625 4.703125 -0.90625 Z M 4.703125 -0.90625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(254.729117, 194.822229)"><g><path d="M 0.578125 -0.4375 C 0.578125 -0.96875 0.632812 -1.394531 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.863281 -2.039062 1.0625 -2.335938 1.34375 -2.609375 C 1.625 -2.890625 2.066406 -3.253906 2.671875 -3.703125 L 3.734375 -4.46875 C 4.117188 -4.75 4.429688 -5.007812 4.671875 -5.25 C 4.921875 -5.488281 5.113281 -5.75 5.25 -6.03125 C 5.394531 -6.3125 5.46875 -6.625 5.46875 -6.96875 C 5.46875 -7.539062 5.316406 -7.96875 5.015625 -8.25 C 4.710938 -8.539062 4.242188 -8.6875 3.609375 -8.6875 C 3.097656 -8.6875 2.644531 -8.566406 2.25 -8.328125 C 1.863281 -8.097656 1.550781 -7.769531 1.3125 -7.34375 L 1.15625 -7.3125 L 0.484375 -8.015625 C 0.804688 -8.535156 1.226562 -8.945312 1.75 -9.25 C 2.28125 -9.550781 2.898438 -9.703125 3.609375 -9.703125 C 4.285156 -9.703125 4.847656 -9.582031 5.296875 -9.34375 C 5.742188 -9.113281 6.070312 -8.796875 6.28125 -8.390625 C 6.5 -7.984375 6.609375 -7.507812 6.609375 -6.96875 C 6.609375 -6.539062 6.519531 -6.140625 6.34375 -5.765625 C 6.164062 -5.398438 5.910156 -5.054688 5.578125 -4.734375 C 5.253906 -4.410156 4.847656 -4.066406 4.359375 -3.703125 L 3.28125 -2.921875 C 2.882812 -2.628906 2.578125 -2.378906 2.359375 -2.171875 C 2.148438 -1.972656 2 -1.773438 1.90625 -1.578125 C 1.8125 -1.378906 1.765625 -1.160156 1.765625 -0.921875 L 6.609375 -0.921875 L 6.609375 0 L 0.578125 0 Z M 0.578125 -0.4375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(262.078797, 194.822229)"><g><path d="M 0.578125 -0.4375 C 0.578125 -0.96875 0.632812 -1.394531 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.863281 -2.039062 1.0625 -2.335938 1.34375 -2.609375 C 1.625 -2.890625 2.066406 -3.253906 2.671875 -3.703125 L 3.734375 -4.46875 C 4.117188 -4.75 4.429688 -5.007812 4.671875 -5.25 C 4.921875 -5.488281 5.113281 -5.75 5.25 -6.03125 C 5.394531 -6.3125 5.46875 -6.625 5.46875 -6.96875 C 5.46875 -7.539062 5.316406 -7.96875 5.015625 -8.25 C 4.710938 -8.539062 4.242188 -8.6875 3.609375 -8.6875 C 3.097656 -8.6875 2.644531 -8.566406 2.25 -8.328125 C 1.863281 -8.097656 1.550781 -7.769531 1.3125 -7.34375 L 1.15625 -7.3125 L 0.484375 -8.015625 C 0.804688 -8.535156 1.226562 -8.945312 1.75 -9.25 C 2.28125 -9.550781 2.898438 -9.703125 3.609375 -9.703125 C 4.285156 -9.703125 4.847656 -9.582031 5.296875 -9.34375 C 5.742188 -9.113281 6.070312 -8.796875 6.28125 -8.390625 C 6.5 -7.984375 6.609375 -7.507812 6.609375 -6.96875 C 6.609375 -6.539062 6.519531 -6.140625 6.34375 -5.765625 C 6.164062 -5.398438 5.910156 -5.054688 5.578125 -4.734375 C 5.253906 -4.410156 4.847656 -4.066406 4.359375 -3.703125 L 3.28125 -2.921875 C 2.882812 -2.628906 2.578125 -2.378906 2.359375 -2.171875 C 2.148438 -1.972656 2 -1.773438 1.90625 -1.578125 C 1.8125 -1.378906 1.765625 -1.160156 1.765625 -0.921875 L 6.609375 -0.921875 L 6.609375 0 L 0.578125 0 Z M 0.578125 -0.4375 "/></g></g></g>
<div class="date">
Week 1 - Sunday, 13th November
<div class="section">
<h2>General Technology News</h2>
<h4><i>Written by Rayan Nadeem</i></h4>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Viverra adipiscing at in tellus. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas. Dolor magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus. Sodales neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Tortor at risus viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat. Enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Faucibus in ornare quam viverra. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
<div class="section">
<h2>Programming News</h2>
<h4><i>Written by Joel Swedensky</i></h4>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Viverra adipiscing at in tellus. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas. Dolor magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus. Sodales neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Tortor at risus viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat. Enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Faucibus in ornare quam viverra. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.