this is a subgraph query data to Prometheus targets.
write this project root directory/config/config_subgraph.json file
config_subgraph.json have three types,one is Single directory query,another is Multiple directory query,the last is Multiple directory condition query.
- first
"table": "systemStates",
"requirement": [],
"metric": [
"name": "systemStates_totalDebt",
"type": "gauge",
"help": "Total debt issued (token.debt))",
"labels": [
"name": "source",
"value": "vat_debt"
"field": "totalDebt",
"alert_rules": {
"alert": " systemStates totalDebt change",
"expr": "abs(systemStates_totalDebt-(systemStates_totalDebt offset 2m)) > systemStates_totalDebt * 0.05",
"for": "0m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"annotations": {
"description": "systemStates totalDebt(vat_debt) have changed in two minutes change more than 5%,change data {{$value}}"
{ systemStates{ totalDebt } }
- second
"table": "collateralPrices",
"requirement": [
"name": "skip",
"parameter": 1
"metric": [
"name": "price_spotPrice",
"type": "gauge",
"help": "price_spotPrice",
"labels": [
"name": "source",
"value": "price_spotPrice"
"field": "spotPrice"
{ collateralPrices(skip:1){ spotPrice } }
Field Explanation
- table: subgraph table name
- requirement: subgraph query condition
- metric: Prometheus targets config
- name: Prometheus targets name
- type: Prometheus targets type
- help: Prometheus targets help
- labels: Prometheus targets labels
- field: Prometheus targets field(It is combined with a table to query data)
- alert_rules: Prometheus targets alert rules
subgraph config has success,please go to contract to replace data.
you not need contracts, you can
yarn start