Here is an idea that focus on 'L' and 'R':
'R......R' => 'RRRRRRRR'
'R......L' => 'RRRRLLLL' or 'RRRR.LLLL'
'L......R' => 'L......R'
'L......L' => 'LLLLLLLL'
just set l,r to record 'X.....X', X in [L, R]
Complexity T : O(N) M : O(N)
class Solution:
def pushDominoes(self, dominoes):
:type dominoes: str
:rtype: str
res = []
dominoes = 'L' + dominoes + 'R'
Here is another idea that focus on 'L' and 'R'.
'R......R' => 'RRRRRRRR'
'R......L' => 'RRRRLLLL' or 'RRRR.LLLL'
'L......R' => 'L......R'
'L......L' => 'LLLLLLLL'
l = 0
for r in range(1, len(dominoes)):
if dominoes[r] == '.':
length = r - l - 1
if l: res += dominoes[l]
if dominoes[r] == dominoes[l]:
res += [dominoes[r]] * (length)
elif dominoes[l] == 'L' and dominoes[r] == 'R':
res += (['.'] * length)
elif dominoes[r] == 'L' and dominoes[l] == 'R':
res += (['R'] * (length // 2) + ['.'] * (length % 2) + ['L'] * (length // 2))
l = r
return ''.join(res)