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Timers for plugins

Person8880 edited this page Dec 14, 2013 · 5 revisions


Plugin timers provide a self contained timer system where you do not need to worry about removing timers when the plugin is disabled.

Creating a plugin timer

To create a normal plugin timer, use:

Plugin:CreateTimer( Name, Delay, Reps, Func )

where the arguments are the same as for Shine.Timer.Create. Also, the name will be internally prefixed with the plugin's name, so you only need to keep names unique inside the plugin itself.

To create a simple timer, use:

Plugin:SimpleTimer( Delay, Func )

where the arguments are the same as for Shine.Timer.Simple.

To destroy a timer, use:

Plugin:DestroyTimer( Name )

where Name is the name you passed to Plugin:CreateTimer().

To pause/resume timers, use:

Plugin:PauseTimer( Name )
Plugin:ResumeTimer( Name )

Finally, to check for a timer's existence, use:

Plugin:TimerExists( Name )


The base class cleanup function is responsible for cleaning up timers when the plugin is disabled. If you want to destroy all timers yourself, use:


Note that this destroys both normal and simple timers.

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