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Person8880 edited this page May 3, 2014 · 13 revisions


This plugin should be enabled if you're using the "Player Badges" mod from the workshop. It overrides the plugin's functions for determining admins so it reads from Shine's user config instead of the default NS2 file.

It has no config or commands, just enable it if you want the player badges to read from Shine's users.

Assigning badges to groups

To assign a badge to a group, add either a "Badge" field, or a "Badges" field to the group's data. For example:

"SuperAdmin": {
    "IsBlacklist": true,
    "Immunity": 100,
    "Commands": [],
    "Badges": [ "crown", "heart" ]
"Admin": {
    "IsBlacklist": false,
    "Immunity": 50,
    "Commands": [ "sh_kick", "sh_ban" ],
    "Badge": "heart"

Assigning badges to users

You can also assign badges to users individually. It works the same as for groups, except you add the "Badge" or "Badges" entry to a user's data entry.

"123456": {
    "Group": "SuperAdmin",
    "Badge": "nyancat"

Assigning badges to rows (for the Badges+ mod)

To assign badges to rows, use the following format for the "Badges" table:

"Badges": {
    "1": [
    "2": [

where the number index is the badge row, and each row contains a list of badges in it. You can assign up to 10 rows, with 5 being the middle (default) row.

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