PaymentHub integration can automatically create tasks. But every task need to be assigned to someone. For this we need default user for tasks.
- Follow tutorial for user creation -
- Use this username: default_tasks_user (PH\PaymentHubBundle\Entity\UserInterface::DEFAULT_TASKS_USER_NAME)
- Follow instruction from oro tutorial -
- As an entity select "Payment Hub Customer"
- Update data link:
<a href="{{ system.appURL }}/customer/edit?token={{ entity.customerUpdateToken }}">{{ system.appURL }}/customer/edit?token={{ entity.customerUpdateToken }}</a>
(paste it in source view)
- Create default user (follow "Create default task user" instructions) or create new user for
tasks. - To to Main menu -> Activities -> Tasks.
- Click on Create Task button.
- Create new task and assign it to your Default Task User.
- Run command
to setup all crons in scheduler - In your crontab file you need to add
*/1 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/app/console oro:cron --env=prod > /dev/null
Custom entities created by calls from payment hub (or customer form) need to get assigned to organization and business unit manually. To do this - there must be business unit in oro called "Main". Organization is fetched from business unit.
- Run command
to update extended entities config - Run command
to synchronize extended and custom entities metadata with a database schema
Run command oro:search:reindex
to update search index.