(since packwiz doesn't make this obvious)
- 'Dustrial Decor
- Abnormals Delight
- Another Furniture
- Atmospheric
- Autumnity
- Beautify
- Berry Good
- Bonsai Trees 3
- Buzzier Bees
- Chef's Delight
- Chipped
- Clayworks
- Corn Delight
- Create
- Create Crafts & Additions
- Create: Diesel Generators
- Create Enchantment Industry
- Create: Ender Transmission
- Create Central Kitchen
- Create: Crystal Clear
- Create: Dreams & Desires
- Create: Interiors
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Create: Misc and Things
- Decorative Blocks
- Delightful
- Domestication Innovation
- Engineer's Decor
- Environmental
- Ex Compressum
- Ex Nihilo: Sequentia
- Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - Mekanism Addon
- Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - Thermal Addon
- Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - Tinkers Addon
- Farmer's Delight
- Farmer's Respite
- Flux Networks
- Immersive Engineering
- Immersive Posts
- Immersive Petroleum
- Incubation
- Iron Furnaces [FORGE]
- Knives Construct
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Additions
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mystical Agradditions
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals
- Nature's Compass
- Neapolitan
- Overweight Farming
- Overworld Quartz
- Quark
- Rechiseled
- Regions Unexplored
- Respiteful
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Storage Drawers
- Framed Compacting Drawers
- More Storage Drawers
- Supplementaries
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Innovation
- Thermal Integration
- Tinker's Planner
- Tinkers' Construct
- Tinkers' Integrations and Tweaks
- Tinkers' Levelling Addon
- Tinkers' Things
- Twigs
- Upgrade Aquatic
- Woodworks
- Applied Energistics 2
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
- MEGA Cells
- Applied Mekanistics
- AEInfinityBooster
- Lazier AE2
- AI Improvements
- Alternate Current
- AntiGhost
- Better chunk loading[Forge/Fabric]
- Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge]
- Camary
- Clumps
- Connectivity[Forge/Fabric]
- Dynamic View[Forge]
- Embeddium
- Entity Collision FPS Fix
- FastSuite
- FastWorkbench
- FastFurnace
- Fastload
- FerriteCore
- FixMySpawnR
- Get It Together, Drops!
- It Shall Not Tick (ISNT)
- Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) [FORGE]
- Let Me Despawn
- Lightspeed
- Memory Leak Fix
- ModernFix
- No Telemetry
- Rubidium Extra
- Saturn
- Smarter Farmers (farmers replant)
- Smooth Boot (Reloaded)
- Starlight (Forge)
- DrawerFPS
- TexTrue's Embeddium Options
- Almost Unified
- Every Compat (Wood Good)
- Default Options
- KubeJS
- AppleSkin
- Better Brightness Slider
- Catalogue
- Configured
- Connectedness
- Controlling
- Convenient Curios Container
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Crafting Tweaks
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- FTB Ultimine (Forge)
- Jade
- Jade Addons (Forge)
- Just Zoom
- Leaves Be Gone
- Mouse Tweaks
- Not Enough Animations
- Personality
- REI Plugin Compatibilities
- Roughly Enough Items (REI)
- Universal Bone Meal
- Xaero's Minimap (Fair-Play)
- Xaero's World Map
- Screenshot to Clipboard
- Oculus
- Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More)
- Figura