Releases: OpenSourceEBike/TSDZ2-Smart-EBike
Releases · OpenSourceEBike/TSDZ2-Smart-EBike
- corrected humam power value shown on KT-LCD3 (thanks to Leon leon927)
- updated configuration menus buttons (thanks to Jeroen Brosens j0bro)
- corrected cadence value (now cadence and human pedal power are correct)
- walk assist levels are now setup as PWM duty-cycle values
- no motor power when assist level = 0
- throttle overrides torque sensor
See description of previous beta versions.
see description of previous beta
Combined log of changes since version 0.18.0:
- Added estimated range since power on depending on how much capacity is left
- Added option to set motor power limit in the configuration menu
- Added option to enable or disable motor power limit quick-set-menu
- Added two new main screen setup items
- More accurate watt-hour measurement
- More accurate time measurement
- Heavily optimized code size and speed
- Safer Walk Assist and Cruise
- Added a function that measures and calculates consumed watt-hours per traveled distance since power on
- Added a new sub field in the odometer field temporarily called Energy where user will see energy consumption and estimated range
- Merged previous configuration menu LCD Setup with configuration menu General Setup for better and faster setup. This also optimizes program size, removed configuration menu LCD Setup
- Added a new sub field in the odometer field temporarily called Energy where user will see energy consumption and estimated range
- Added option that enables user to enable or disable display of motor temperature in the odometer field
- Changed order in the Main Screen Setup menu in the configuration menu
- Changed order in the odometer field
- Improved pedal cadence calculation
- Solved issue of motor backwards resistance
- Improved BOOST code in the hope to solve a bug related to BOOST
- Updated README document
- Overall optimizations in regard to size and speed
- Cleaned up code and comments
- Created a wiki with all the changes
Improved pedal cadence calculation. Corrected a bug with startup
Changelog since version 0.17.0:
- Walk Assist function
- Cruise function
- Improved screen brightness setup. The user can now immediately see the selected screen brightness during setup
- A new Main Screen Setup with more custom settings for the main screen
- Display of speed, average speed and max speed in the odometer field
- It is now possible to set what to display in the temperature field
- Removed the quick-change-temperature-field
- Current ramp up settable from screen, adjustable acceleration
- Implemented an enable/disable throttle toggle. This makes two hex versions for the motor controller unnecessary as user can toggle the function on or off via the connected screen
- Experimental higher cadence mode for 48 V motor
- Overall code optimization and improvements
Changes from v0.16.x:
- settable odometer
- trip distance function
- TM and TTM time measurement
- imperial units throughout the system
- saved menu state for all menus when power down
- implemented automatic fast increase/decrease of variables on configuration menus
- flashing time on menu number and variables is now short -- it is easier to see the values
- implemented automatic fast increase/decrease of variables on configuration menus
- settable odometer
- trip distance function
- imperial units throughout the system
- saved menu state for all menus when power down
- flashing time on menu number and variables is now short -- it is easier to see the values
- TM and TTM time measurement
This beta release of firmware for KT-LCD3 works with the same previous TSDZ2 v0.16.0 firmware version:
- TSDZ2-throttle-v0.16.0.hex
- TSDZ2-v0.16.0.hex
- implemented automatic fast increase/decrease of variables on configuration menus
- settable odometer
- trip distance function
- imperial units throughout the system
- saved menu state for all menus when power down
- flashing time on menu number and variables is now short -- it is easier to see the values
This beta release of firmware for KT-LCD3 works with the same previous TSDZ2 v0.16.0 firmware version:
- TSDZ2-throttle-v0.16.0.hex
- TSDZ2-v0.16.0.hex