type | name | comments | data | source |
event | SessionCreatedEvent | Create a new session for customer |
Lykke.Service.Sessions |
event | SessionEndedEvent | Session is ended for customer |
Lykke.Service.Sessions |
event | CustomerRegistrationEvent | Register new account for customer |
Lykke.Service.CustomerManagement |
event | Customer profile updated | Update (or create) customer profile |
event | EmailVerifiedEvent | Customer email was verified |
Lykke.Service.CustomerProfile |
event | CustomerWalletCreatedEvent | Customer wallet has been successfully created in private blockchain |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | EmailCodeVerifiedEvent | Email verification code was verified |
Lykke.Service.CustomerManagement |
event | CustomerPhoneVerifiedEvent | Customer's phone was verified |
Lykke.Service.CustomerManagement |
type | name | comments | data | source |
event | BonusReceivedEvent | Notify about received bonus |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | P2PTransferEvent | Notify about completed tokens transfer |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | BonusRewardDetectedEvent | Notify that bonus reward was successfully stored in the blockchain. |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | TransferDetectedEvent | Notify about transfer completion |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | CustomerBalanceUpdatedEvent | Notify about customer balance update |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | P2PTransferFailedEvent | Notify about failed in BC P2P transfer |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | PartnerPaymentRequestCreatedEvent | Notify that a partner payment request has been created |
Lykke.Service.PartnersPayments |
event | TransactionFailedEvent | Notify about a failed transaction in BC |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | PartnersPaymentProcessedEvent | Notify that tokens for a partners payment have been reserved |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | RefundPartnersPaymentEvent | Notify about a refunded partners payment |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | SuccessfulPaymentTransferEvent | Notify about a successful payment transfer |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | RefundPaymentTransferEvent | Notify about a refunded payment transfer |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | PartnersPaymentStatusUpdatedEvent | Notify about a PartnerPayment status update | Lykke.Service.PartnersPayments | |
event | P2PTransferDetectedEvent | Notify about p2p transfer detected in BC |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | TransferToExternalFailedEvent | Notify about failed transfer to public BC |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | CustomerWalletStatusUpdatedEvent | Notify that wallet status has been chanegd |
Lykke.Service.WalletManagement |
event | WalletLinkingStatusChangeFailedEvent | Notify about wallet linking/unlinking transaction failure in private blockchain |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainWalletLinke |
event | SeizeToInternalDetectedEvent | Notify about seize event in the public blockchain. |
Lykke.Job.EthereumBridge |
event | ReferralStakeBurntEvent | Notify the part of a stake was burnt |
Lykke.Service.Staking |
event | SeizedFromCustomerEvent | Notify the tokens were seized from a customer |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | ReferralStakeReservedEvent | Notify that tokens for a stake were reserved |
Lykke.Service.Staking |
event | ReferralStakeReleasedEvent | Notify that part of a stake was released |
Lykke.Service.Staking |
event | ReferralStakeStatusUpdatedEvent | Notify that the status of a referral stake was changed |
Lykke.Service.Staking |
event | TransferToExternalRequestedEvent | Notify that Transfer to the public network was requested by a customer |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainTransfers |
event | TransferToExternalProcessedEvent | Notify that Transfer to the public network was processed by the internal network |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainTransfers |
event | TransferToInternalProcessedEvent | Notify that transfer from the public network was processed |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainTransfers |
event | TransferToInternalCompletedEvent | Notify that transfer to the internal network process was finalized |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainTransfers |
event | WalletLinkingStatusChangeRequestedEvent | Notify that Wallet Linking was requested by a customer |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainWalletLinke |
event | WalletLinkingStatusChangeCompletedEvent | Notify that Wallet Linking was completed in the private blockchain |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainWalletLinke |
event | WalletLinkingStatusChangeFinalizedEvent | Notify that Wallet Linking was completed in both public and private blockchains |
Lykke.Service.CrossChainWalletLinke |
event | FeeCollectedEvent | Notify that a fee was collected |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | SeizedFromCustomerEvent | Notify that some amount was seized from a customer |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | SeizeBalanceFromCustomerCompletedEvent | Notify that the whole balance for a customer was seized (when the account was removed) |
Lykke.Service.PrivateBlockchainFaca |
event | VoucherTokensReservedEvent | Notify about tokens reservation for purchased voucher |
Lykke.Service.Vouchers |
event | VoucherTokensUsedEvent | Notify about burned tokens for purchased voucher |
Lykke.Service.Vouchers |
type | name | comments | data | source |
command | BonusIssuedEven | Notify about an issued bonus for customer |
Lykke.Service.BonusEngine |
event | BonusTriggerEvent | Notify about the new trigger for Bonus Engine |
Lykke.Service.BonusTriggerAgent |
event | BonusTypeDetectedEvent | Represents Bonus Type detection |
Lykke.Service.BonusTriggerAgent |
event | ParticipatedInCampaignEvent | Publish once customer participates in a campaign |
Lykke.Service.BonusEngine |
event | CustomerTierChangedEvent | Notify about the customer reward tier changed |
Lykke.Service.Tiers |
event | CampaignChangeEvent | Represents an event sent from Campaign Service when a campaign is changed |
Lykke.Service.Campaign |
type | name | comments | data | source |
event | BonusCustomerTriggerEvent | Represents customer bonus event, sent by a Partner (usually via the Partner API) |
Lykke.Service.PartnersIntegration |
type | name | comments | data | source |
command | EmailMessageEvent | Represents a command for sending email messages |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem |
command | SmsEvent | Represents a command for sending SMS |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem |
event | BrokerMessage | Represents a broker message event, sent from the NotificationSystem to the NotificationSystemBroker |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem |
command | PushNotificationEvent | Represents a push notification event |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem |
event | UpdateAuditMessageEvent | Represents audit message update event |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystemBrok |
event | CreateAuditMessageEvent | Represents audit message creation event |
Lykke.Service.NotificationSystem |
type | name | comments | data | source |
event | FriendReferralEvent | Represents a referral event sent from Referral Service when the customer successfully referres another customer |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | PurchaseReferralEvent | Represents a purchase event sent from Referral Service when the customer successfully do a purchase with referred id |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | PropertyLeadApprovedReferralEvent | Represents an event sent from Referral Service when a property lead is approved |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | PropertyPurchaseReferralEvent (not used anymore) | Represents an event sent from Referral Service when a property is purchased |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | ReferralPropertyFirstPurchaseEvent (not used anymore) | Represents an event sent from Referral Service when a property is purchased commissio n 1 |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | ReferralPropertySecondPurchaseEvent (not used anymore) | Represents an event sent from Referral Service when a property is purchased commissio n 2 |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | OfferToPurchaseByLeadEvent | Represents an event sent from Referral Service when an offer to purchase by lead is made |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | LeadStateChangedEvent | Represents an event sent when a lead's state is changes |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
event | HotelReferralUsedEvent | Represents an event sent when a hotel referral is used |
Lykke.Service.Referral |
type | name | comments | data | source |
event | TimeEvent | Represents an event that is published on configured TimeStamp |
Lykke.Service.Scheduler |
- UserManagmentRabbitMQ
- WalletManagmentRabbitMQ
- BonusManagmentRabbitMQ
- NotificationSystemRabbitMQ
- ReferralRabbitMQ
- SchedulerRabbitMQ
- PrivateBlockchainRabbitMQ
Please use in settings.yaml one of these keys for describe connection string to RabbitMQ.
settings-key: UserManagmentRabbitMQ
- RabbitMq
Name format for the exchange
lykke.customer.session - created new session for customer
system\aria: customer
event: session
If an event it is a command for doing something, then please use suffix ".command" in event type.
lykke.wallet.command.cashin.bonus - make cash-in bonus for wallet
system\aria: wallet
event: command.cashin.bonus
Configuration exchange name
Please write in code name of the exchange. Do not need to put the name of exchange in the settings file. Name of exchange - it is part of the specification and this part should be stable and no reason change names form DevOps side.