All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired from Keep a Changelog and the versioning aim to respect Semantic Versioning.
Here is a template for new release sections
## [_._._] - 20XX-MM-DD
### Added
### Changed
### Removed
- Add example table and metadata (#204)
- Add general section to metadata tutorial (#198)
- Add new open peer review course (#196)
- Add the file (#194)
- Add new metadata course (#195)
- Add new licensing course (#190)
- Add Issue and PR templates (#193)
- Add new tutorial that introcudes to oemetadata #101
- Add new tutorial that introduces to spatial query on the OEP.
- secure way to deal with OEP API token
- requirement for jupyter notebooks #81
- Create tutorial metadata template and update all existing meta.json with updated tutorial metadata content [PR#139]
- add new tutorial on to create ERM Diagramm from OEP using SAIO and ERalchemy: UML eralchemy Tutorial (PR#117)
- add script to automate the ERM Diagramm creation for all tables in schema, or filterd tables in schema (PR#117)
- FOSTER Open Licensing Course (integrated in new licensing course) (#190)
- MaStR API tutorials to