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This branch is 75 commits behind cncf/mentoring:main.


Term 03 - 2023 September - November

Status: Completed

Mentorship duration - three months (12 weeks - full-time schedule)


activity date
project proposals Thur July 27, 5:00 PM PDT
mentee applications open Wed Aug 2 - Tues 15, 5:00 PM PDT
application review/admission decisions Wed Aug 16 - Tues Aug 29, 5:00 PM PDT
Mentorship program begins with the initial work assignments Mon Sept 4 (Week 1)
Midterm mentee evaluations and first stipend payments Wed Oct 11 (Week 6)
Final mentee evaluations and mentee feedback/blog submission due, second and final stipend payment approvals Wed Nov 22, 5:00 PM PST (Week 12)
Last day of term Thur Nov 30

Project Instructions

Project maintainers and potential mentors are welcome to propose their mentoring project ideas via submitting a PR to GitHub here, by Thursday, July 27, 2023.

Application instructions

Mentee application instructions can be found on the Program Guidelines page.

Table of Contents

Accepted projects


kctrl to support exporting package repository as tar


Add additional log drivers to conmon-rs

  • Description: conmon-rs is a container monitor written in Rust, used by CRI-O to monitor a container's lifecycle. Part of its responsibilities is log forwarding--taking the output of the container and writing that output to various places. Currently, conmon-rs supports one format: the one required by the Kubernetes CRI. The goal of this proposal is to add new log formats from the list of standardized ones, like JSON, Splunk, Journald.
  • Expected outcome: A JSON log driver and Journald log driver are added to conmon-rs. A stretch goal of adding a Splunk log driver is also within scope.
  • Recommended Skills: Rust, familiarity with containers
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue (URL): containers/conmon-rs#1126
  • LFX URL:

CRI stats KEP

  • Description: CRI stats KEP is an effort to take the container stats and metrics collection from cAdvisor and move it to the CRI implementations. CRI-O will soon have support for stats and metrics collected through CRI, but work needs to be done to verify and validate these fields, and make sure their collection is performant as possible.
  • Expected outcome: A test suite verifying the correctness of CRI-O's stats and metrics collection, as well as data verifying performance regressions are minimal at worst.
  • Recommended Skills: Golang, familiarity with containers
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue (URL): cri-o/cri-o#7175
  • LFX URL:


Implement performance testing

Documentation for Ambient Mesh


Upgrade Jaeger UI to the latest version of React.js

  • Description: Jaeger UI is built on React. While we are seemingly already on v18.x of React, the upgrade was not done across the board and some other dependencies are still lagging behind, e.g. "@types/react": "16.8.7". It's also blocking upgrades of other dependencies. This project is likely to involve a substantial amount of code contribution, as certain upgrade require fixing the code to use the new APIs, and sometimes we may run into dependencies that are EOL and need to be replaced altogether.
  • Expected Outcome: Ideal outcome is to have all dependencies upgraded to the latest versions (with the help of @dependabot) and fix all deprecation warnings during the build. But incremental progress towards that goal is also acceptable.
  • Recommended Skills: Javascript, Typescript, NPM, Yarn, Vite.js
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#998
  • LFX URL:

Combine three distinct graph views in Jaeger UI into one

  • Description: Jaeger UI provides several views to visualize service dependencies, also known as service topology maps. However, these views are using different drawing libraries, resulting in very different look & feel and inconsistent experience. One of the views is using a plexus library that was purposely built as part of Jaeger UI that provides rich capabilities for displaying graphs, which may be a good candidate for the other views.
  • Expected Outcomes:
    • Remove the dependency on react-vis library (jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#1597).
    • Use a single library for graph visualizations.
    • Provide consistent look and feel of different graph views.
  • Recommended Skills: Javascript, Typescript, NPM, Yarn, Vite.js, web worker
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: jaegertracing/jaeger-ui#1466
  • LFX URL:

Build official support in Jaeger for Elasticsearch 8

  • Description: Jaeger has always supported Elasticsearch (ES) as an official backend. Unfortunately, the Go driver we are using, olivere/elastic, does not support ESv8 and not planning to release any new versions. Despite the licensing changes, Elasticsearch remains a popular choice and v8 support question often comes up. In this project we want to add official support for ESv8. However, we also want to take this opportunity to do a better alignment with the OpenTelemetry Collector, which already has an ESv8 exporter, perhaps we can use it directly and minimize the amount of code.
  • Expected Outcomes:
    • Use OTEL ESv8 exporter from Jaeger, if possible, otherwise build internal implementation
    • Stretch goal: use ES data as the source for Jaeger SPM views
  • Recommended Skills: Go, Elasticsearch
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: jaegertracing/jaeger#4600
  • LFX URL:


Karmada supports promote dependent resources automatically

Add Karmada API documentation on the website


Extend use-case of detecting deprecated Kubernetes API usage

  • Description: Konveyor provides a unified experience of tools to help organizations modernize their applications at scale to Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. We are looking for help on extending a use-case of detecting usage of deprecated and removed Kubernetes APIs in applications. This work will involve determining what API resources have been deprecated or removed in each version of Kubernetes and then building Analyzer Rules to be contributed to our Rulesets repository, curation or development of sample applications in Golang, Java, and YAML to aid test scenarios, and documentation to help show a guided walkthrough of this capability. You can see the beginning of this use-case being addressed with a sample rule in this demo of analyzer-lsp. The development environment is based on Golang and Kubernetes. A minikube instance will work well for local development on Linux or Mac systems.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Rules contributed to konveyor/rulesets to detect usage of deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs. Coverage for YAML, Golang, and Java source code, addition of this scenario into the project's automated test suite, and documentation of a guided scenario showing usage of these rules via a curated set of application source code examples.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Go
    • Basic understanding of interaction with Kubernetes via kubectl
    • Basic software development skills (command line, git)
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue:
  • LFX URL:

Move2Kube: Compile Move2Kube to WASM/WASI and run it in the browser

  • Description: Move2Kube is a command-line tool for automating creation of Infrastructure as code (IaC) artifacts. It has inbuilt support for creating IaC artifacts for replatforming to Kubernetes/OpenShift. We want to compile targetting WASM/WASI and run the resulting WASM module in the browser. This will help up showcase Move2Kube for demos and allow users to quickly try out Move2Kube without having to install it or any of its dependencies.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Run Move2Kube CLI in the browser using WebAssembly.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • WASM
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: konveyor/move2kube#1062
  • LFX URL:

Move2Kube: WASM Transformers

  • Description: Move2Kube is a command-line tool for automating creation of Infrastructure as code (IaC) artifacts. It has inbuilt support for creating IaC artifacts for replatforming to Kubernetes/OpenShift. Move2Kube has a very plugin friendly architecture, users can write custom logic in the form of "Transformers" that Move2Kube can integrate seamlessly into its transformation pipeline. So far we have support for both Starlark and container image based transformers. We would like to support writing transformers as WASM modules that Move2Kube can run. WASM provides extensive sandboxing for security, it allows writing transformers in different language stacks like Rust, C/C++, etc. other than Golang, and WASM is just as lightweight and fast as Starlark.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Implement a feature in Move2Kube CLI to allow running WASM modules as custom transformers.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • WASM
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: konveyor/move2kube#1061
  • LFX URL:

Move2Kube: Advanced Resources support - ArgoCD, Tekton, Stateful Set, etc.


Implement DNS visibility with KubeArmor II

  • Description: The project aims to provide better visibility into the domains accessed from pods, with a focus on identifying and containing attacks that use techniques like Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA) to connect to remote command and control (C&C) servers. By gathering information on which domains are being accessed and applying network rules to allow only specific domains, the project aims to empower security operations (secops) teams to better prevent and respond to such attacks.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • KubeArmor to emit telemetry events for any DNS lookups from any pods.
    • Ability to see egress DNS lookups done from any pods using karmor summary.
    • Documentation
  • Recommended Skills: Go, K8s, eBPF. familiarity with network security and a basic understanding of KubeArmor is a plus.
  • Mentors:
  • Upstream Issue: kubearmor/KubeArmor#1219
  • LFX URL:

Extend Support Matrix and Document Usecases


Add case study center in website

  • Description: Now we have had many user cases in the community. However, the KubeEdge website does not have a page to display user cases. Many users lack ways to understand and learn KubeEdge implementation cases., we hope to build a case center to display them, so that more users can consult and learn.
  • Expected Outcome: Add user case study center to display all KubeEdge user cases. Users can upload their own cases. Also users and learners can also manage and view cases by industry tag.
  • Recommended Skills: JS , HTML, KubeEdge
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: kubeedge/website#347
  • LFX URL:

Support latest version in keink and run demo on keink

  • Description: keink (KubeEdge IN kind) is a project for running local KubeEdge clusters using Docker container "nodes", so developers can install a multi-node edge cluster in one node. Now we need to support the latest version installation in keink.
  • Expected Outcome: keink can install the latest version of KubeEdge and developers can quickly use keink to run kubeedge, and then develop applications on KubeEdge.
  • Recommended Skills: Kubernetes, KubeEdge, Golang
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: kubeedge/keink#8
  • LFX URL:

Support latest version installation demo in killercoda


Build a Go library and CLI for interacting with OpenBuildService

  • Description: Kubernetes is set to start using OpenBuildService as a platform for building, publishing, and hosting Kubernetes system (Debian and RPM) packages. The current integration with the OpenBuildService platform assumes a lot of manual tasks and depending on osc command-line tool written in Python. At SIG Release, we're striving to automate as many tasks as possible. We want to build a library and CLI written in Go for interacting with the OpenBuildService APIs and platform that can be integrated with our existing release tooling (krel).
  • Expected Outcome: Library and CLI tool for interacting with OpenBuildService platform via their publicly available APIs. Both library and CLI tool should be properly tested via unit, integration, and end-to-end tests, and properly documented.
  • Recommended Skills: Golang, working with APIs
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: kubernetes/sig-release#2295
  • LFX URL:


Build an admission controller for Kubescape

  • Description: Kubescape is a utility that can scan a Kubernetes cluster and report on its security posture. It can also scan individual workloads (e.g. YAML files) before they are applied. By creating a Kubescape admission controller, we will be able to combine the two, denying workloads into a cluster where it would reduce the security posture.
  • Expected Outcome: The Kubescape application will be extended and packaged to operate as an admission controller inside a cluster. The controller will be well documented, safe to install, and instrumented with logging and telemetry data to be able to diagnose problems.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Go
    • Experience using Kubernetes and understanding of its concepts
  • Mentors:
    • Craig Box (@craigbox, craigb AT
    • Ben Hirschberg (@slashben, ben AT
  • Upstream Issue: kubescape/kubescape#1301
  • LFX URL:

Upgrade the documentation publishing pipeline for Kubescape controls

  • Description: Kubescape's control library includes more than 200 controls, tests that codify Kubernetes best practices derived from the most prevalent security frameworks in the industry. Metadata in the controls is used to generate documentation pages in the ARMO website. This project will update this automation to make this control documentation available on
  • Expected Outcome: A full set of documentation for Kubescape controls on Stretch goals include better README-style documentation inside the repository, and documentation pages on how the controls, frameworks and tests relate.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Python
    • Technical writing
    • Rego
  • Mentors:
    • Ben Hirschberg (@slashben, ben AT
    • Craig Box (@craigbox, craigb AT
  • Upstream Issue: kubescape/kubescape#1302
  • LFX URL:


Support auto generation of multiple languages SDK from CUE II


Pod Security Admission Integrations II

Policy Exceptions 2.0

Kyverno Kuttl Enhancements


Improve litmusctl UX and codebase and add new functionalities to litmusctl

  • Description: LitmusChaos is an open-source chaos engineering platform for Kubernetes, enabling users to test and improve the resilience of their cloud-native applications. The project focuses on improving litmusctl by enhancing its interactive mode with promptui, and refactoring code to Go interfaces for better unit testing and code quality. Additionally, it aims to replace kubectl with client-go for more efficient Kubernetes operations, resulting in a more user-friendly and reliable command-line tool for chaos engineering and workload management.
  • Expected outcome: The expected outcome of the project includes an improved litmusctl tool with a user-friendly promptui-based interactive mode, enhanced code quality through Go interfaces, and a robust test suite. The migration to client-go for Kubernetes operations will ensure better performance and reduced external dependencies, providing users with a reliable and efficient command-line utility for chaos engineering and Kubernetes management tasks.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • Kubernetes (Basic understanding of interaction with Kubernetes via kubectl)
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue (URL): litmuschaos/litmus#4101
  • LFX URL:

Improve Chaoscenter Web and Authentication Server: Add Unit Test Cases, Enhance GQL APIs, Update API Documentation

  • Description: LitmusChaos is an open-source chaos engineering platform for Kubernetes, enabling users to test and improve the resilience of their cloud-native applications. The task is add unit tests for Chaoscenter Web and test cases for the Authentication Server. The GraphQL API documentation will be updated with the latest APIs, while the GraphQL server's APIs and handler functions will be optimized to reduce code duplicacy. Additionally, comprehensive documentation and video tutorials will be created for local development setup, promoting easier onboarding and collaboration.
  • Expected outcome: The expected outcome of this issue is an improved Chaoscenter Web and Authentication Server with added unit tests, updated GraphQL API documentation, and optimized APIs and handler functions. The enhancements will result in a more reliable, efficient, and user-friendly chaos engineering platform, promoting better collaboration within the community.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • TypeScript
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue (URL): litmuschaos/litmus#4102
  • LFX URL:


Overhaul UX Design System

  • Description: Meshery is a self-service engineering platform, Meshery enables collaborative design and operation of cloud native infrastructure. The Meshery Design System is a flexible, scalable design system built on the foundations of accessibility, beautiful design, and consistent user experience.
  • Expected outcome: Rebuild the Meshery Design System so that it provides the open source building blocks to design and implement consistent, accessible, and delightful product experiences.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Figma
    • User-centered Design
    • Visual Design
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue (URL): meshery/meshery#8347
  • LFX URL:

Package Meshery Catalog Artifacts as OCI Images

WASM-based OPA policy evaluation with Rego


Implement fan-out query observability in Thanos

  • Description: In the previous mentorship sessions we added the foundation required for query observability in Thanos's new promql-engine and hooked it up in the UI. We now have the foundation to record telemetry from our query engine as well such as time consumed per operator. This project aims to expand on this and add more metadata to the query execution, both on the promql-engine operator tree level and Thanos Query Select() calls for fan-out query observability. Once we have this metadata, we would like to visualize it in the Query UI.
  • Expected Outcome: The end goal is to have a query execution tree decorated with the metadata, collected during execution (ideally even visualized in the Thanos UI). This will help users to understand the performance implications of their PromQL queries and the bottlenecks in their Thanos Query setups.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • React.js with TypeScript
    • Git + GitHub
    • Any Prometheus/PromQL/Thanos understanding is a plus
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: thanos-io/thanos#6517, thanos-io/promql-engine#106
  • LFX URL:

Release the distributed query engine in Thanos

  • Description: The Thanos engine is capable of executing queries in a distributed manner, by pushing down aggregations to other querier nodes. This querying mode is not yet integrated well in the UI and is not exposed to users. The goal of this project is to add the needed integrations to the Thanos UI and officially release the feature to end users.
  • Expected Outcome: The expected outcome of the project is to have a fully integrated distributed querying capability through the Thanos UI.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • Golang
    • React.js with TypeScript
    • Git + GitHub
    • Any Prometheus/PromQL/Thanos understanding is a plus
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: thanos-io/thanos#6124
  • LFX URL:


Continue the migration to React and enhance existing frontend UI

  • Description: Vitess uses arewefastyet to automatically benchmark its codebase and ensure no performance regression is introduced. The mentee will have the responsibility of continuing the UI that was previously created using React/Vite.

  • Expected Outcome: The expected outcome is to continue working on the Frontend UI that was developed during the 2023-summer term, that includes adding an admin UI, adding a feature to ensure the consistency of the results, improving the overall UX of the website, and add new pages to improve the scope of arewefastyet. The full list of expected work can be found in the issue linked below.

  • Recommended Skills: React +++, Docker ++, Vite +, REST API +++, Golang ++

  • Mentor(s):

  • Upstream Issue (URL): vitessio/arewefastyet#415

  • LFX URL:


Integrate Openkruise workload with ArgoCD and Helm

  • Description: ArgoCD and Helm are popular tools to delivery k8s workload, yet currently only the k8s built-in workload are supported out-of-box for ArgoCD and Helm. OpenKruise provide advanced worklood that resemble with the built-in workload, users can use OpenKruise workload with ArgoCD and Helm, yet they cannot tell ArgoCD and Helm whether Openkruise workload is ready or not.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Improve ArgoCD integration by writing custom lua script to tell whether OpenKruise workload is healthy. The lua script can be submited to the Argo-CD repository.
    • Improve Helm intergration by building a job container that can check whether OpenKruise workload is healthy during helm install/upgrade process.
  • Recommended Skills: Lua ,Docker, Kubernetes
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: openkruise/kruise#1345
  • LFX URL:


Support NPU accelerator scheduling in Volcano

Build a new elastic resource quota mechinism in Volcano

Add user guidance for jobflow

Fix bugs for jobflow to enhance its stability

  • Description: As a built-in orchestration engine for Volcano, jobflow acts as an improtant role for users and it's still new-born. Many issues related to its stability are reported recently. Please help make full test for job-flow on the classical scenarios and reslove bugs reported in issues.
  • Expected Outcome: Make full test for jobflow and output the test report, fix bugs reported in recent issues.
  • Recommended Skills: Volcano, jobflow, Golang, UT, E2E
  • Mentor(s): Thor Wu (@Thor-wl,
  • Upstream Issue: volcano-sh/volcano#3014
  • LFX URL:


Add matrix operations for OpenCVMini-Wasm-Plugin

  • Description: WasmEdge is a WebAssembly runtime that supports both interpreter and ahead-of-time modes. To expand its capabilities, WasmEdge provides a plugin system that helps people attach more existing software. OpenCVMini is one of them, intended to help users get a limited OpenCV interface. With this feature, AI inference will have more flexible helper functions for pre-processing and post-processing. In this mentorship, we aim to add more OpenCV capabilities to the WasmEdge environment.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Define the new interfaces for the OpenCVMini plugin, which supports those functions listed in the upstream issue.
    • Use the above interface and generate related APIs.
    • Implement the functions of the plugin with OpenCV 4.x.
    • Design unit tests and examples for verifying the above functions.
    • Enable the building, testing, and packaging on the upstream CI.
    • Write documents about how to build and use this plugin.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • C++
    • Basic understanding of the Wasm spec
    • Basic understanding of using OpenCV
    • Basic understanding of writing Rust programs
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: WasmEdge/WasmEdge#2680
  • LFX URL:

Support AOT mode in proxy-wasm

  • Description: WasmEdge is a WebAssembly runtime that supports both interpreter and ahead-of-time modes. For proxy-wasm support, WasmEdge only provides the interpreter mode currently. Such as the other runtimes, WasmEdge should be able to support the AOT mode for better performance. In this mentorship, the mentees will help the WasmEdge project to complete the AOT mode in proxy-wasm proposal and write the docs for examples of running with proxy-wasm.
  • Expected Outcome:
    • Modify the Bazel file to include the LLVM dependency.
    • Modify the code to support running WASM in AOT mode.
    • Add the documentation of proxy-wasm in the WasmEdge docs repo.
  • Recommended Skills:
    • C++
    • Basic understanding of bazel
  • Mentor(s):
  • Upstream Issue: WasmEdge/WasmEdge#2686
  • LFX URL:

Create a Rust crate for YOLO model

  • Description: With WASI-NN plugins, WasmEdge is well-suited for running AI applications. However, AI applications are more than just the model. The application must pre-process data (such as images, audio and video) into TFLite / PyTorch formats, and convert the inference results back into application data in post-processing. Here are some examples:

    In this project, we would like to build a Rust SDK to support applications on the YOLO models.

  • Expected Outcome:

    • A Rust SDK that implements the pre-processing and post-processing functions required for the YOLO models. Those functions are implemented in OpenCV and Python in the official YOLO release.
    • Both image and video inputs should be supported.
    • Examples and documentation should be provided.
  • Recommended Skills:

    • OpenCV
    • Rust
    • Tensorflow / Pytorch
    • WebAssembly
  • Mentor(s):

  • Upstream Issue: WasmEdge/WasmEdge#2690

  • LFX URL:

Create a ffmpeg plugin

  • Description: The mediapipe-rs project provides a Rust SDK to support mediapipe AI models. The SDK provides utility functions to pre-process application data (such as images, audio and video) into TFLite / PyTorch formats, and convert the inference results back into application data. In order to accomplish this, the mediapipe-rs project has made extensive use of the ffmpeg library. It compiles ffmpeg to Wasm and then builds it together with the application binary.

    However, the issue with this approach is that those Wasm-compiled ffmpeg functions are slow. We believe a better approach is to create a ffmpeg plugin for WasmEdge, and allow Wasm applications to call native ffmpeg functions as host functions.

  • Expected Outcome:

    • The deliverables will be
      • A WasmEdge plugin for ffmpeg that is similar to the WasmEdge OpenCV-mini plugin. That is to re-export ffmpeg functions in C style as plugin functions as covered in the plugin developer guide.
      • A Rust SDK for Wasm programs to access ffmpeg functions in the plugin. Similar to the WasmEdge OpenCV-mini SDK
      • Refactor the mediapipe-rs project to use the ffmpeg plugin instead of compiling ffmpeg to Wasm.
    • We expect the deliverable will cover at least 80% of all ffmpeg functions, and have complete unit test and documentation coverage.
  • Recommended Skills:

    • C/C++
    • ffmpeg
    • Rust
    • WebAssembly
  • Mentor(s):

  • Upstream Issue: WasmEdge/WasmEdge#2689

  • LFX URL: