dotnet: The Microsoft .NET framework. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/dotnet/what-is-dotnet. A collection of tools, librarys, tools and platforms to build applications. Primarily, written in the programming language C#, which this app uses.
C# (C Sharp): A programming language based on C++ and C. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/. C# is a general purpose language with many applications.
IDE: Integrated development environment. A program or software that serves as a text editor and tooling to create, build and run code. Some popular dotnet IDEs are:
- Visual Studio (Microsoft)
- Rider (Jetbrains)
- Visual Studio Code (Microsoft)
My personal recommendation for a newcomer would be Visual Studio 2022 as it can automate much of the technical side, and offers a user-friendly interface to build .net code.
API: Application Programming Interface. Though a more generalised term, in the context of this application, and the web an API is a protocol to provide a "contract" or agreement to allow computers to communicate with this application.
Stack: A development term that refers to the full "stack" of an application. Think of each layer. Database -> Server -> Client.
Git: Version control software to keep track of code changes. https://git-scm.com/. Git is an essential modern tool to track changes, roll back buggy code, and backups.
GitHub: A website that is powered by git to host git repositories.
ORM: Object Relation Mapping. A library or middle-ware to map code objects to database entities. Often also handles connections and queries.
EF: Entity Framework. An ORM built by Microsoft for C# to map C# classes to Database entities.
Docker: A tool to create docker containers, VMs that are preloaded with libraries and tools to run application in a contained, replicable environment. https://www.docker.com/get-started/
Blazor: A front-end framework for the empowerment of creating client-side html-based websites with the use of .NET and c# capabilities.