© David Pablo Cohn - (david.cohn@gmail) DRAFT 2020-05-31
Perhaps the second most crucial task that a data acquisition system must accomplish (after reliably storing incoming data records) is to be able to parse those records into meaningful values that can be displayed and manipulated to provide insight. The RecordParser class in (logger/utils/record_parser.py and its associated transform in logger/transforms/parse_transform.py provide a tool for accomplishing this.
(Note that there is also an earlier and now-deprecated module, the NMEAParser, whose functionality has mostly been superceded by the RecordParser. A section at the end of this document describes its use.)
The RecordParser class takes text records and parses them into structured data with named fields and timestamps.
seap 2014-08-01T00:00:00.814000Z $GPZDA,000000.70,01,08,2014,,*6F
seap 2014-08-01T00:00:00.814000Z $GPGGA,000000.70,2200.112071,S,01756.360200,W,1,10,0.9,1.04,M,,M,,*41
seap 2014-08-01T00:00:00.931000Z $GPVTG,213.66,T,,M,9.4,N,,K,A*1E
{'data_id': 'seap',
'fields': {'SeapGPSDay': 1,
'SeapGPSMonth': 8,
'SeapGPSTime': 0.7,
'SeapGPSYear': 2014},
'timestamp': 1406851200.814},
{'data_id': 'seap',
'fields': {'SeapAntennaHeight': 1.04,
'SeapEorW': 'W',
'SeapFixQuality': 1,
'SeapGPSTime': 0.7,
'SeapHDOP': 0.9,
'SeapLatitude': 2200.112071,
'SeapLongitude': 1756.3602,
'SeapNorS': 'S',
'SeapNumSats': 10},
'timestamp': 1406851200.814},
{'data_id': 'seap',
'fields': {'SeapCourseTrue': 213.66, 'SeapMode': 'A', 'SeapSpeedKt': 9.4},
'timestamp': 1406851200.931}]
The basic operation of the parser is as follows
>>> parser = RecordParser(
record_format='{data_id:w} {timestamp:ti} {field_string}',
'{:d}:{GravityValue:d} {GravityError:d}']
>>> parser.parse_record('grv1 2017-11-10T01:00:06.572Z 01:024557 00')
'data_id': grv1
'timestamp': 1510275606.572,
'GravityValue': 24557,
'GravityError': 0
If successful, parse_record() will return a dictionary of the
components defined in the record_format
definition (the one
provided here is the default record format that will be used if
omitted from the method call).
If the record_format
includes a field_string
parse_record() will attempt to parse it, either using the
provided or, if omitted, definitions read from a
definition path (described further below).
Below is an example where a RecordParser is constructed using only default values:
>>> parser = RecordParser()
>>> record = 'knud 2014-08-01T00:00:00.814000Z 3.5kHz,5139.94,0,,,,1500,-39.587550,-37.472355'
>>> parser.parse_record(record)
'data_id': 'knud',
'timestamp': 1406851200.814,
'fields':{'KnudHFDepth': None,
'KnudHFInUse': None,
'KnudHFValidFlag': None,
'KnudLFDepth': 5139.94,
'KnudLFInUse': '3.5kHz',
'KnudLFValidFlag': 0,
'KnudLatitude': -39.58755,
'KnudLongitude': -37.472355,
'KnudSoundVelocity': 1500.0},
'metadata': {}
Going from the timestamped text to the the structured record requires a few steps and definitions.
We expect the raw text records we receive to arrive in a predefined
format, by default beginning with a data_id identifying the physical
or virtual sensor that created the record and an ISO 8601-compliant
timestamp followed by the body of the message (This default is defined
logger/utils/record_parser.py and
can be overridden during creation of the RecordParser instance).
After stripping the data_id and timestamp off, we are left with the field string itself. To parse that, we need to look up information about the device that produced it, in this case, 'knud'.
The record parser is encapulated for logger use within the thin wrapper of the ParseTransform and takes the same optional arguments as the bare RecordParser:
transform = ParseTransform()
output = transform.transform(record)
It can be invoked from the command line listen.py
script as well:
logger/listener/listen.py \
--port 6224 \
--transform_parse \
--write_file -
When called from listen.py, the optional RecordParser initialization
parameters may be specified with additional command line arguments
(which, in the spirit of the listen.py script, must appear on the
command line before --transform_parse
logger/listener/listen.py \
--udp 6224 \
--parse_definition_path "local/devices/*.yaml,/opt/openrvdas/local/devices/*.yaml" \
--parse_to_json \
--transform_parse \
--write_file -
The RecordParser works with the abstraction of "device types" and "devices." A device type might be something like a SeaPath 330 GPS, or a Bell Aerospace BGM-3 Gravimeter. A device would be a specific instance of some device type, like the SeaPath 330 GPS with serial number #S330-415-AX019G installed on the bridge of the N. B. Palmer.
Every device we wish to parse data from must have an associated device type definition. The device type definition encodes what type of messages that device is capable of emitting. A device may put out more than one type of message, but we expect that any SeaPath 330 or Bell Aerospace BGM-3 will put out the same types of messages as any other.
In the case of the gravimeter, we capture this by defining a message format along with metadata describing what each of the fields in that format represent (in YAML, below):
description: "Bell Aerospace BGM-3"
format: "{CounterUnits:d}:{GravityValue:d} {GravityError:d}"
description: "apparently a constant 01"
units: "Flit Count"
description: "mgal = flit count x 4.994072552 + bias"
description: "unknown semantics"
Some sensors can output many different types of messages. To accommodate this, the definition may specify a list of formats to try matching. The The parser will use the first one that matches the whole line.
Each element in the list may be either a single format string or a dict, where the dict key is the message type of the corresponding value. As indicated below, the value may either be a single string (matching that message type) or a list of strings that match that message type:
# If device type can output multiple formats, include them as a
# list. Parser will use the first one that matches the whole line.
# GGA message has several formats
- "$GPGGA,{GPSTime:f},{Latitude:f},{NorS:w},{Longitude:f},{EorW:w},{FixQuality:d},{NumSats:d},{HDOP:of},{AntennaHeight:of},M,{GeoidHeight:of},M,{LastDGPSUpdate:of},{DGPSStationID:od}*{CheckSum:x}"
- "$INGGA,{GPSTime:f},{Latitude:f},{NorS:w},{Longitude:f},{EorW:w},{FixQuality:d},{NumSats:d},{HDOP:of},{AntennaHeight:of},M,{GeoidHeight:of},M,{LastDGPSUpdate:of},{DGPSStationID:od}*{CheckSum:x}"
# For illustration, HDT message has only single format
HDT: "$INHDT,{HeadingTrue:f},T*{CheckSum:x}"
# For illustration, INVTG and INZDA are given no message type
- "$INVTG,{CourseTrue:of},T,{CourseMag:of},M,{SpeedKt:of},N,{SpeedKm:of},K,{Mode:w}*{CheckSum:x}"
- "$INZDA,{GPSTime:f},{GPSDay:d},{GPSMonth:d},{GPSYear:d},{LocalHours:od},{L
When handed a message that it believes to come from a SeaPath 330, the parser will try the formats in the order listed and apply the first one that matches.
In addition to device type definitions, we need to be able to specify which physical devices we have in our system map to which device types. We do this with device definitions, as in the YAML definition for a device with id 's330' on the N.B. Palmer:
device_type: "Seapath330"
serial_number: "unknown"
description: "Just another device description."
# Map from device_type field names to names specific for this
# specific device.
GPSTime: "S330GPSTime"
FixQuality: "S330FixQuality"
NumSats: "S330NumSats"
AntennaHeight: "S330AntennaHeight"
GeoidHeight: "S330GeoidHeight"
LastDGPSUpdate: "S330LastDGPSUpdate"
The definition tells us what this device's device type is and gives us a mapping from the device type's generic field names ('SpeedKt') to the field name we will want this datum to have in our system ('S330SpeedKt').
The location of device and device type definitions a RecordParser is to use may be specified when it is instantiated, using a string containing a comma-separated list of paths:
Definitions should be encoded in a YAML file:
# Device definitions for the Nathaniel B. Palmer
# See README.md in this directory
- local/usap/nbp/devices/HydroDasNBP.yaml
- local/usap/devices/MastWx.yaml
- local/devices/*.yaml
device_type: "Seapath330"
device_type: "Gravimeter_BGM3"
A top-level "devices" key contains a dictionary of device definitions. A top-level "device_types" key contains a dictionary of device type definitions. An optional "includes" key may contain a list of other files from which device and device type definitions should be loaded.
Note that an older, now deprecated (but still accepted) file format did not require segregating device and device_type definitions by keys, and allowed listing them all together at the top level. To distinguish device definitions from device_type definitions, each definition was required to contain a "category" key specifying its type:
category: "device"
device_type: "Gravimeter_BGM3"
category: "device_type"
To load one or more definition files, use the definition_path
argument when instantiating a RecordParser:
# nbp_devices.yaml includes other, generic definition files
parser = RecordParser(definition_path='local/usap/nbp/devices/nbp_devices.yaml')
# Manually including an assortment of definition files
parser = RecordParser(definition_path='local/devices/*.yaml,/opt/openrvdas/local/devices/*.yaml')
If no definition_path
is specified, the RecordParser will look for
, defined as
By default, a RecordParser will output a dict with three top-level fields:
{'data_id': 'seap',
'timestamp': 1406851200.814
'fields': { ... },
If metadata about the fields are provided (either in the metadata argument or in the device definitions) and the metadata_interval argument is non-zero, it will be attached to records at intervals of that many seconds.
If invoked with return_das_record=True
it will return DASRecord
objects, and if invoked with
it will return the dict in JSON-encoded format.
The format RecordParser relies on the PyPi parse module. In brief, the format consists of literal text that is to be matched in a string along with interspersed "{VariableName:VariableFormat}" definitions. The variable formats understood roughly correspond to those in Python 3's 'print' statement:
- d: digits
- w: letters, numbers and underscores
- f: fixed point numbers
- g: general numbers
and more elaborate formats:
- ti: ISO8601 datetime
- ts: Linux format timestamp
Please consult the documentation at https://pypi.org/project/parse/ for the full list.
For all the power encoded into PyPi's parse module, the available formats have a few limitations. Most notably, it is difficult to cope with missing fields in a record. For example, a SeaPath 330's GPVTG message in theory provides both true and magnetic headings, and speed in both knots and km/hour:
In practice, some of those fields may be empty:
seap 2014-08-01T00:00:00.931000Z $GPVTG,213.66,T,,M,9.4,N,,K,A*1E
But the 'f' format does not recognize empty numbers, so the above record will not match our format.
To cope with this, we have created a few "extra" formats, defined in logger/utils/record_parser_formats.py:
od = optional integer
of = optional generalized float
og = optional generalized number - will parse '#VALUE!' as None
ow = optional sequence of letters, numbers, underscores
nc = any ASCII text that is not a comma
nlat = NMEA-formatted latitude or longitude, converted to decimal degrees
nlat_dir = NMEA-formatted latitude or longitude, along with hemisphere (N/E/W/S) converted to signed decimal degrees. South and West are considered negative, North and East positive.
Using these, the extended format string
gracefully parses the received record, parsing and converting fields where they are found, and ignoring those that are missing.
See 'Custom Type Conversions' in https://pypi.org/project/parse/ for a discussion of how format types work.