Create sequence diagram & publish it in GitHub.
Add usage scenarios for different types of users.
(i) Security Analyst working on a specific OSS project (i.e. doing RT/BT for a specific OSS project).
(ii) BeSLab Manager (i.e. using oah-bes-vm to spin up a BeSlab in a box). oah-bes-vm helps BeSLab Manager & Security Analyst to analyse and do RT & BT activities of open-source projects. For example, BeSLab Manager is analysing multiple open-source projects using multiple static analysis tools (like SonarQube, Codeql, SBOM etc). After primary analysis Security Analyst will use oah-bes-vm to do RT & BT activities. It will be used to setup an isolated RT/BT env for an assigned open-source project.
Publish contributor guide for maintainers of oah-bes-vm, oah-bes-vm installer, oah-installer & oah-shell.
Do release all Ansible roles used in oah-bes-vm.
Publish the list of Ansible roles used in oah-bes-vm along with their release date / version number as a markdown on GitHub for a table review.
Share the size of base box along with OS version number / Vagrant & Virtual Box release numbers.
- Change Vagrant image to upgrade ubuntu version from 18.04 to 20.04/22.04 inside oah-bes-vm.
- Need to check if all the ansible roles are working well on a current ubuntu LTS version.
- Publish the size of the boxes as well , before and after installation of the roles in GBs.
- Publish the Use case diagram. In the Use case diagram call out the different use case scenarios ie. for Security Analyst & BeSLab Manager for an Organization. List all actors. Use this review checklist for reviews after doing the diagram. Name the files based on the role & scenario, i.e. SecurityAnalyst-< UseCaseName >.puml BeSlabmanager-< UseCaseName >.puml
- Add Deployment diagram.
- Use .puml format to create diagrams. Create a design forder under docs & move the .puml inside it.